as concerns me and my work with reason, i hope they will repair two major bugs (i have not reported this yet to them):
1. from when was introduced Reason's Polar RE... at real-time-play/export at 192khz... the polar/s is/are producing some glitches! ... I have noticed it is connected to LFO's rate.
2. from when was introduced Reason's Drum Sequencer RE... almost always... this player does not play 1st "note/block" in 1st (lowest) line, if i say so. It moves whole lane of notes to right for 4 blocks. ... In practice this means when, lets say, i have assigned a drum kick to that 1st lane in drum seqnencer, the 1st block is played with a 4 blocks delay - so 1st block is not played when it should have to be played. So when the song starts ... all REs are starting to play, also drum sequencer, ofcourse, but drum kick is delayed for 4 blocks. so when the song ends, thre is a solo drum kick at the end.
Okey? Reason.
why is my reaction so? becasue these two REs are quite good, you know? especially drum sequencer. it rocks. but(t)... since there is always a butt... a warm FFS repair this request !!!!!!!!!
PS: i can not believe this bug is with me so long. what? am i the only one with this problem in reason daw? if so, it would be just unbelievable.
PS2: from when were these two REs introduced... i have changed my computer, my OS version, my drivers for my sound card... reason daw version... and this bug is still bugging. as said, ffs.
otherwise... i still love reason daw as at first day i was starting to use it.
+1 to

from me