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03 Sep 2021

joeyluck wrote:
03 Sep 2021
AttenuationHz wrote:
03 Sep 2021
Your okay compromise is the lose of ability to save effects chains?? :thumbup:
Thanks for pointing that out, there shouldn't have been any compromise.
We don't lose anything in that regard. Whatever fx chains that existed before, that were saved in an insert, were combinator patches. Combinators now load inside insert containers. If you want to load an fx chain, or any number of them, you load any number of Combinators now (as opposed to only being able to load one combi patch before into an insert programmer). What he is suggesting is being able to save an fx chain of multiple combis, which would be something new.
It is completely besides the point, I don't mind that any saved patches will be loaded inside the Mix Channel with a combinator automatically inserted. I do mind not having the buttons and knobs on the Mixer. full stop.

Put it this way in gaining the features of the new combinator we've lost the ability to have multiple fx patches saved as a combi patch when you can't nest the combinator's (being the Mix Channel and the updated Combinator), you can't save what is inside the Mix Channel so you can't load it in another project. I've suggesting that not the OP. With a nested combinator such as I suggested you do get to save multiple combinator's inside the Mix Channel.
It is not too much of an ask for people or things to be the best version of itself!

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03 Sep 2021

AttenuationHz wrote:
03 Sep 2021
QVprod wrote:
03 Sep 2021

I think your solution would actually cause more confusion. 2 different combinator where 1 can be used in a mix channel and the other not is just complicated. One device is just a cleaner way to handle it. As far as combinators in the mix channels, you barely had control over much to begin with. Anything in depth had to be done from the rack anyway, so no real loss there aside from those who relied on remote mappings (which are said to be returning in some form with choice of parameters). You don’t have to search for the combinator in the rack, there’s a button in the mixer now that takes you directly there.

While yes, you could still use insert fx outside of the insert fx slot I’m not complaining about the tidiness of things be able to be in a designated collapsible spot. Without being able to place combis inside of each other I think changing the mix channel so that it’s no longer a combi was an ok compromise though the one thing I’d wish was possible is being able to save and load and fx chain that contains combinators. Otherwise most of the old functionality is still there and there’s far more flexibility.
There's an or between those options. Your okay compromise is the lose of ability to save effects chains?? :thumbup:
Thanks for pointing that out, there shouldn't have been any compromise.

Removal of functionality is what is confusing here. Maybe they should just remove the EQ and Dynamics sections from the Mixer and just leave Aux and Mixer Fader then if that is the case as those are devices, they can be gotten to by clicking the button on the mixer. While they're at it they can just remove the Fader and Mute/Solo/Pan on the Mix Channel on the Rack as well. That is on the Mixer, how would that sit with users.

When you're mixing you should not be going to the rack to change something that is what the programmable knobs and buttons on the Mix Channel was for. You then have to go back to the mixer and possible interchange between rack and mixer while mixing, worst possible scenario. Anything in depth had to be done from the sequencer but that is completely irrelevant.

I'm really not not sure how you think you barely had any control over the combinator on a Mix Channel, they are the exact same device the only difference with the new combinator is that you can program more buttons. There was the same control and functionality to what you were able to program with a combinator. Not now though, as I already pointed out removal of the Mix Channel with a built in combinator which does or does not have the ability to swap the 4 buttons for knobs and vice versa should have been the only solution considered as you would have nested control to give you even more in depth functions.

How is it tidy, it is a complete mess. Adding any device will force any sane user to place it either inside a mix channel or into a combinator. As I already pointed out all devices don't need to be inside either one. The most tidy thing to do would have been for devices outside to be seamless and devices inside to have the current view they have. If my eye's could vomit they would.
You misunderstand. We didn’t lose the ability to save insert fx chains. It was a combinator patch…so you just add the same combinator patch in the mix channel insert. Basically the same thing. What I said was it would be nice to save fx chains that included multiple combinators or a combinator plus other devices. Also, when I say barely had much control, I mean of the rack devices within the mix channel inserts. Sure you could assign 4 knobs and 4 buttons, but that doesn’t give much control over a chain of devices, hence the reason for a new combinator in the first place. If you’re using both EQs or Compressors in the inserts let along with anything else (saturation, gain, exciters, pitch correction …etc…) 4 knobs on the mixer view aren’t going to cover all of the parameters you’d need to tweak for that. So the average person is still going to the rack during the mix process regardless. Reason (for better or for worse) operates similar to a real hardware studio, in which case you would definitely be going to a rack to tweak your insert fx.

To equate that with removing any other part of the mixer doesn’t match up as you have full access to all of the necessary pieces there unlike an insert section that can contain any combination of devices be it a saved combinator or not. And how is it not tidy to have insert fx inside a slot literally designed for insert fx? That’s it’s intended function.

Now don’t get me wrong, If they decide to put it back and have it configurable, that’s great! But if not, I think I it’s a very minor issue imho, and for what’s seems to be most, a non issue completely.

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03 Sep 2021

AttenuationHz wrote:
03 Sep 2021
joeyluck wrote:
03 Sep 2021

We don't lose anything in that regard. Whatever fx chains that existed before, that were saved in an insert, were combinator patches. Combinators now load inside insert containers. If you want to load an fx chain, or any number of them, you load any number of Combinators now (as opposed to only being able to load one combi patch before into an insert programmer). What he is suggesting is being able to save an fx chain of multiple combis, which would be something new.
Put it this way in gaining the features of the new combinator we've lost the ability to have multiple fx patches saved as a combi patch when you can't nest the combinator's (being the Mix Channel and the updated Combinator), you can't save what is inside the Mix Channel so you can't load it in another project. I've suggesting that not the OP. With a nested combinator such as I suggested you do get to save multiple combinator's inside the Mix Channel.
I'm sorry I'm confused. We never had that. What we had before was you could load a single Combinator patch into an insert programmer. If you wanted to load other Combinators into that, you had to gut them (moving the devices from their Combinator into the insert). What you did before is still technically the same now in that regard. The insert before acted as a single Combinator. If you want to add fx (either individual or other Combinators) into a single Combinator now, you can still do that the same way and save that Combinator. And sure it would be nice to save multiple Combinators together, but we didn't have that before and the functionality is the same now.

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03 Sep 2021

joeyluck wrote:
03 Sep 2021
AttenuationHz wrote:
03 Sep 2021

Put it this way in gaining the features of the new combinator we've lost the ability to have multiple fx patches saved as a combi patch when you can't nest the combinator's (being the Mix Channel and the updated Combinator), you can't save what is inside the Mix Channel so you can't load it in another project. I've suggesting that not the OP. With a nested combinator such as I suggested you do get to save multiple combinator's inside the Mix Channel.
I'm sorry I'm confused. We never had that. What we had before was you could load a single Combinator patch into an insert programmer. If you wanted to load other Combinators into that, you had to gut them (moving the devices from their Combinator into the insert). What you did before is still technically the same now in that regard. The insert before acted as a single Combinator. If you want to add fx (either individual or other Combinators) into a single Combinator now, you can still do that the same way and save that Combinator. And sure it would be nice to save multiple Combinators together, but we didn't have that before and the functionality is the same now.
Not only was it a single combinator you was limited to buttons and knobs, now you can just throw another control in the mix without any hassle, it sounds like attenuation is really just after a lazy boy save / load button for the whole chain rather than loading each combinator as and when required.

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03 Sep 2021

QVprod wrote:
03 Sep 2021
AttenuationHz wrote:
03 Sep 2021

There's an or between those options. Your okay compromise is the lose of ability to save effects chains?? :thumbup:
Thanks for pointing that out, there shouldn't have been any compromise.

Removal of functionality is what is confusing here. Maybe they should just remove the EQ and Dynamics sections from the Mixer and just leave Aux and Mixer Fader then if that is the case as those are devices, they can be gotten to by clicking the button on the mixer. While they're at it they can just remove the Fader and Mute/Solo/Pan on the Mix Channel on the Rack as well. That is on the Mixer, how would that sit with users.

When you're mixing you should not be going to the rack to change something that is what the programmable knobs and buttons on the Mix Channel was for. You then have to go back to the mixer and possible interchange between rack and mixer while mixing, worst possible scenario. Anything in depth had to be done from the sequencer but that is completely irrelevant.

I'm really not not sure how you think you barely had any control over the combinator on a Mix Channel, they are the exact same device the only difference with the new combinator is that you can program more buttons. There was the same control and functionality to what you were able to program with a combinator. Not now though, as I already pointed out removal of the Mix Channel with a built in combinator which does or does not have the ability to swap the 4 buttons for knobs and vice versa should have been the only solution considered as you would have nested control to give you even more in depth functions.

How is it tidy, it is a complete mess. Adding any device will force any sane user to place it either inside a mix channel or into a combinator. As I already pointed out all devices don't need to be inside either one. The most tidy thing to do would have been for devices outside to be seamless and devices inside to have the current view they have. If my eye's could vomit they would.
You misunderstand. We didn’t lose the ability to save insert fx chains. It was a combinator patch…so you just add the same combinator patch in the mix channel insert. Basically the same thing. What I said was it would be nice to save fx chains that included multiple combinators or a combinator plus other devices. Also, when I say barely had much control, I mean of the rack devices within the mix channel inserts. Sure you could assign 4 knobs and 4 buttons, but that doesn’t give much control over a chain of devices, hence the reason for a new combinator in the first place. If you’re using both EQs or Compressors in the inserts let along with anything else (saturation, gain, exciters, pitch correction …etc…) 4 knobs on the mixer view aren’t going to cover all of the parameters you’d need to tweak for that. So the average person is still going to the rack during the mix process regardless. Reason (for better or for worse) operates similar to a real hardware studio, in which case you would definitely be going to a rack to tweak your insert fx.

To equate that with removing any other part of the mixer doesn’t match up as you have full access to all of the necessary pieces there unlike an insert section that can contain any combination of devices be it a saved combinator or not. And how is it not tidy to have insert fx inside a slot literally designed for insert fx? That’s it’s intended function.

Now don’t get me wrong, If they decide to put it back and have it configurable, that’s great! But if not, I think I it’s a very minor issue imho, and for what’s seems to be most, a non issue completely.
Lets go back a bit. Lets say you have insert effects inside a Mix Channel. Now lets say you don't put these into a combinator. How exactly are you to save these? That's right you can't you have to put them inside a combinator inside a Mix Channel. So no you are not correct at all we did lose, in a big way. There was absolutely no need to put insert fx inside a combinator or in fact even use one after the Mix Channel got the built in combinator.

Putting them into a combinator just to have the ability to save the fx chain is not gaining features at all. What I have suggested with leaving the Mix Channel alone is gaining features, you have a combinator inside of a combinator therefor you have the ability to save multiple combinators inside of the one that is inside the Mix Channel. That was my suggestion by default of keeping the Mix Channels combinator.

4 Knobs and 4 buttons gave lots of control, those 4 knobs and 4 buttons could be mapped to multiple things. The whole reason why a new combinator was requested in the first place was to add more knobs and buttons. They did an amazing job with it and it has way more functionality than what was originally requested. But because we've lost the ability to save the Mix Channels it take away form it.

It completely equates to removing other parts of the mixer because that is what has happened with the Mix Channel the only difference is they not only removed the combinator from the Mix Channel but the Mixer as well. The combinator is still a device as are the Dynamics and EQ channels a device in the rack. The moot point here is if they did remove the parts that make up the mixer it would be the same thing as what they have done with the Mix Channel.

But if not what? It doesn't effect you so you think it is a minor issue... Guess what it is not a minor issue to be losing functionality. You have your opinion and that is fine don't be trying to muscle the discussion and play it down as being a non-issue. If it was a non-issue I wouldn't have brought it up. I didn't bring up the fact that any old patches saved with a Mix Channel will be loaded in a combinator patch inside the Mix Channel because that is a non-issue, i.e. it doesn't break old patches, if it did it would be an issue.

It is not what has been gained it is what has been lost when it should have been gained. Seems you are all completely blinded by how good the new combinator is that you can't see how bad losing the Mix Channel functioning as combinator is.
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03 Sep 2021

joeyluck wrote:
03 Sep 2021
AttenuationHz wrote:
03 Sep 2021

Put it this way in gaining the features of the new combinator we've lost the ability to have multiple fx patches saved as a combi patch when you can't nest the combinator's (being the Mix Channel and the updated Combinator), you can't save what is inside the Mix Channel so you can't load it in another project. I've suggesting that not the OP. With a nested combinator such as I suggested you do get to save multiple combinator's inside the Mix Channel.
I'm sorry I'm confused. We never had that. What we had before was you could load a single Combinator patch into an insert programmer. If you wanted to load other Combinators into that, you had to gut them (moving the devices from their Combinator into the insert). What you did before is still technically the same now in that regard. The insert before acted as a single Combinator. If you want to add fx (either individual or other Combinators) into a single Combinator now, you can still do that the same way and save that Combinator. And sure it would be nice to save multiple Combinators together, but we didn't have that before and the functionality is the same now.
Am I in different universe than you lot. I didn't say we had that ability. What I said is we gained a great device that should have been made better by being able to save it inside a Mix Channel i.e. leaving the combinator on the Mix Channel and the controls on the Mixer.
Last edited by AttenuationHz on 03 Sep 2021, edited 2 times in total.
It is not too much of an ask for people or things to be the best version of itself!

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03 Sep 2021

Billy+ wrote:
03 Sep 2021
guitfnky wrote:
03 Sep 2021

oh there’s plenty to complain about. would you like me to start us off? :lol:
Are you running version 12 now?

I finally upgraded the laptop I'm testing subscription on to windows 10 and installed version 12 yesterday and actually it's working quite well.
don’t need to. I know how bereft of useful workflow features it is. I’ve seen the many other bug threads.

so…clearly plenty to complain about.
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03 Sep 2021

So i‘m little bit confused, all still works pretty fine, but to load new Instruments or effects in the rack still lacks at the first browser row before a combinator, behind the combinator it works normal.

The changes at the sequencer are subtle but well sophisticated.

The only real problem i got. now is, the rack extension authorizer still crashed after syncing per reason hp, so still stopped and hangs up, someone had several crashes?
SE2200t,X1T,U47,Sm7b,Nt2a,C1mk2,Se1a > VASmicpre´s/MindprintDI/ZoomH6/Audient/RME > HD660pro,Dt880,EveSC205

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03 Sep 2021

AttenuationHz wrote:
03 Sep 2021
QVprod wrote:
03 Sep 2021

You misunderstand. We didn’t lose the ability to save insert fx chains. It was a combinator patch…so you just add the same combinator patch in the mix channel insert. Basically the same thing. What I said was it would be nice to save fx chains that included multiple combinators or a combinator plus other devices. Also, when I say barely had much control, I mean of the rack devices within the mix channel inserts. Sure you could assign 4 knobs and 4 buttons, but that doesn’t give much control over a chain of devices, hence the reason for a new combinator in the first place. If you’re using both EQs or Compressors in the inserts let along with anything else (saturation, gain, exciters, pitch correction …etc…) 4 knobs on the mixer view aren’t going to cover all of the parameters you’d need to tweak for that. So the average person is still going to the rack during the mix process regardless. Reason (for better or for worse) operates similar to a real hardware studio, in which case you would definitely be going to a rack to tweak your insert fx.

To equate that with removing any other part of the mixer doesn’t match up as you have full access to all of the necessary pieces there unlike an insert section that can contain any combination of devices be it a saved combinator or not. And how is it not tidy to have insert fx inside a slot literally designed for insert fx? That’s it’s intended function.

Now don’t get me wrong, If they decide to put it back and have it configurable, that’s great! But if not, I think I it’s a very minor issue imho, and for what’s seems to be most, a non issue completely.
Lets go back a bit. Lets say you have insert effects inside a Mix Channel. Now lets say you don't put these into a combinator. How exactly are you to save these? That's right you can't you have to put them inside a combinator inside a Mix Channel. So no you are not correct at all we did lose, in a big way. There was absolutely no need to put insert fx inside a combinator or in fact even use one after the Mix Channel got the built in combinator.
Dude… putting the devices in the mix channel was putting in a combinator. When you saved it, it was a combinator patch. Wanna do an fx chain of (non combi) devices now in R12? Right click and select combine. Job done. It’s not like there’s a new convoluted process. In fact, if I’m not mistaken, it may even do this for you by default when you drag an effect into the insert. No extra work at all. This is why I say minimal issue. Again, I sympathize with those who relied on the remote functionality that’s coming back, but aside from that, compared to what we had before there ain’t much loss. I’m fully aware of how customizable even the old combinator was, but there’s limits to how effective mapping the same knob to multiple parameters can be for a task such as mixing, but I won’t try to debate your templates. But I have to disagree that there’s a major inconvenience in pressing one button to switch windows considering all other functionality is the same with the added bonus of loading multiple combinators.

I’ll say at least that I can see the value in having access to macros of sorts a la Studio One as icing on the cake. So I don’t disagree with you there.

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03 Sep 2021

QVprod wrote:
03 Sep 2021
AttenuationHz wrote:
03 Sep 2021

Lets go back a bit. Lets say you have insert effects inside a Mix Channel. Now lets say you don't put these into a combinator. How exactly are you to save these? That's right you can't you have to put them inside a combinator inside a Mix Channel. So no you are not correct at all we did lose, in a big way. There was absolutely no need to put insert fx inside a combinator or in fact even use one after the Mix Channel got the built in combinator.
Dude… putting the devices in the mix channel was putting in a combinator. When you saved it, it was a combinator patch. Wanna do an fx chain of (non combi) devices now in R12? Right click and select combine. Job done. It’s not like there’s a new convoluted process. In fact, if I’m not mistaken, it may even do this for you by default when you drag an effect into the insert. No extra work at all. This is why I say minimal issue. Again, I sympathize with those who relied on the remote functionality that’s coming back, but aside from that, compared to what we had before there ain’t much loss. I’m fully aware of how customizable even the old combinator was, but there’s limits to how effective mapping the same knob to multiple parameters can be for a task such as mixing, but I won’t try to debate your templates. But I have to disagree that there’s a major inconvenience in pressing one button to switch windows considering all other functionality is the same with the added bonus of loading multiple combinators.

I’ll say at least that I can see the value in having access to macros of sorts a la Studio One as icing on the cake. So I don’t disagree with you there.
What part of anything I said mentioned putting devices in a mix channel was not putting it in combinator. What part said it wasn't a combinator patch. What part mentioned extra work involved? What part claims that it is a convoluted way to do things? None of what I said mentions any of these things. Don't be gaslighting, I have an opinion that I have aired and you seem to have some sort of problem with that opinion. Why is that?
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03 Sep 2021

AttenuationHz wrote:
03 Sep 2021

What part of anything I said mentioned putting devices in a mix channel was not putting it in combinator. What part said it wasn't a combinator patch. What part mentioned extra work involved? What part claims that it is a convoluted way to do things? None of what I said mentions any of these things. Don't be gaslighting, I have an opinion that I have aired and you seem to have some sort of problem with that opinion. Why is that?
There’s no gaslighting. I responded to your points. Your post seems to insinuate that there was extra work involved by stating
There was absolutely no need to put insert fx inside a combinator or in fact even use one after the Mix Channel got the built in combinator.
And please don’t take me disagreeing with you personally. It’s a forum. It happens.

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03 Sep 2021

QVprod wrote:
03 Sep 2021
AttenuationHz wrote:
03 Sep 2021

What part of anything I said mentioned putting devices in a mix channel was not putting it in combinator. What part said it wasn't a combinator patch. What part mentioned extra work involved? What part claims that it is a convoluted way to do things? None of what I said mentions any of these things. Don't be gaslighting, I have an opinion that I have aired and you seem to have some sort of problem with that opinion. Why is that?
There’s no gaslighting. I responded to your points. Your post seems to insinuate that there was extra work involved by stating
There was absolutely no need to put insert fx inside a combinator or in fact even use one after the Mix Channel got the built in combinator.
And please don’t take me disagreeing with you personally. It’s a forum. It happens.
Again with the gaslighting, the thing is I haven't made any of the above points. I stated a simple fact, you didn't have to put insert effects inside a combinator when the Mix Channel was added to Reason you didn't even have to use a combinator, how is that insinuating any of the above. Your taking a part of what was said and missing the rest while making up some imaginary things you think I said while at the same time making me question if I said them or not. Which is gaslighting.
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03 Sep 2021

misunderstanding is not the same thing as gaslighting. I get what you're saying and agree that there wasn't a huge need for a standalone combi a lot of the time because of the mix channels. that said, the point you're making isn't easy to describe verbally/textually. reading these other comments seems pretty clear that the idea just isn't translating well for everyone. I doubt there's any malice in it.
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04 Sep 2021

I know that it is great to load multiple Combinators to Mix Channel, but they f**cked up big with design of rack and removal of knobs and buttons of Insert section from Mixer view. Current design is not consistent.
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04 Sep 2021

Seems like there are not any major improvements in the DAW area. Is Reason a rack only-thing now?

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04 Sep 2021

Overall I'm disappointed with the polish of the release. I still paid for the update from R11 together with Algoritm to signal that I prefer the DAW & license model over plugin & subscription. Now I expect them to update the licensed version to finish things. I'm happy to finally have the HD graphics, but they didn't even bother updating the transport and other main icons and they frankly look like shit when zoomed. They could have spent a few more weeks fixing those important details. I was in the beta and I didn't even bother reporting those icons as I assumed it was obvious they would have to be fixed before the release.

Next I expect them announcing and improving the actual DAW. If not then this was unfortunately my last purchase as a loyal customer, ~€1.5k on Reason not even counting third party rack extensions.

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04 Sep 2021

U-he vst doesn't work well in reason 12.
I've got a few crashes and must terminated all reason processes to continue.
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04 Sep 2021

alipi wrote:
04 Sep 2021
Overall I'm disappointed with the polish of the release. I still paid for the update from R11 together with Algoritm to signal that I prefer the DAW & license model over plugin & subscription. Now I expect them to update the licensed version to finish things. I'm happy to finally have the HD graphics, but they didn't even bother updating the transport and other main icons and they frankly look like shit when zoomed. They could have spent a few more weeks fixing those important details. I was in the beta and I didn't even bother reporting those icons as I assumed it was obvious they would have to be fixed before the release.

Next I expect them announcing and improving the actual DAW. If not then this was unfortunately my last purchase as a loyal customer, ~€1.5k on Reason not even counting third party rack extensions.
RRP is not a subscription-only thing at all. It's relevant to people who have full licenses no less than those who subscribe.

The transport will be updated, they clearly just went over time and decided to stick to their release date and patch it. Hopefully it'll be a small patch rather than having to download another 6GB.

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04 Sep 2021

guitfnky wrote:
03 Sep 2021
misunderstanding is not the same thing as gaslighting. I get what you're saying and agree that there wasn't a huge need for a standalone combi a lot of the time because of the mix channels. that said, the point you're making isn't easy to describe verbally/textually. reading these other comments seems pretty clear that the idea just isn't translating well for everyone. I doubt there's any malice in it.
Yeah, from what I gathered, it sounds like attenuation Hz just wishes they had kept the functionality of the mix channel insert with the extra benefit of having multiple combinators inside. Which is a non issue in my opinion. Do you need 3 combinators worth of effects in the chain? You can build it with the new combinator and save it as a single monster patch 😂

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04 Sep 2021

PhillipOrdonez wrote:
04 Sep 2021
guitfnky wrote:
03 Sep 2021
misunderstanding is not the same thing as gaslighting. I get what you're saying and agree that there wasn't a huge need for a standalone combi a lot of the time because of the mix channels. that said, the point you're making isn't easy to describe verbally/textually. reading these other comments seems pretty clear that the idea just isn't translating well for everyone. I doubt there's any malice in it.
Yeah, from what I gathered, it sounds like attenuation Hz just wishes they had kept the functionality of the mix channel insert with the extra benefit of having multiple combinators inside. Which is a non issue in my opinion. Do you need 3 combinators worth of effects in the chain? You can build it with the new combinator and save it as a single monster patch 😂
yeah, I’ve built a few crazy combis but never needed to nest them. I do like the way the mix channels work as combis in 11 and earlier, but can’t comment on whether I prefer the old or new way since I don’t know that much about the new combinator yet.
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04 Sep 2021

What has changed?
If you have multiple devices in an insert you now need to combine first before you can save. So one extra click is added to the process.
BUT, now you CAN put multiple Combinators in the insert.
What has not changed:
You still cannot save inserts that use multiple Combinators (but now the additional Combinators don’t have to live OUTSIDE the insert).

What else needs to be added here?
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04 Sep 2021

This time I'm choosing to explore Reason 12 on my own before reading any posts, or seeing any youtube stuff, or anything else.
I didn't download the beta, either.

I therefore have no idea about how other dear friends on here are reacting to R12 - I'll catch up later on.

But I did just want to come here and say that the hi-res graphics make my heart sing.


The overall look, and the subtle little details all look absolutely fantastic and bring a little joy to this long-time Reason user's heart.
It does feel to me that the people who poured over these devices and made them look so great really love them - and know - them too. That fills me with additional hope.

Brilliant stuff.
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04 Sep 2021

Just installed R12 and played for a few hours. Here's my thoughts:

I'm running two monitors at 1280x800, that's as high as my monitors go :). So the graphics update doesn't really matter for me much. But I can see how it's really important to others

There are two things that I've been loving though:
1) The Combinator2. WOW! I've only ever used Combinator as a way to "save my favorite patches", sometimes with a few effects chained. This alone was WONDERFUL. But I never got into mapping the knobs on the front, because it felt annoying to have some unused knobs on the front, and/or not have enough knobs.
Combinator2 exceeds my dreams!!
a) I can create as many knobs as I want? Check!
b) I can make my own layout, and even pick between different style knobs?! Check!
c) I can create a "template" combinator for each of my favorite instruments, with just the knobs I want for tweaking? Check!
d) The community will probably create some really cool looking panels, that we can all reuse. Check!

Combinator2 makes me feel like the day when VST was first announced: It's MAGICAL

2) The second thing I love is the GPU rendering. Because I run at 1280x800, there was always this annoying bug where the text in *some* VSTs was hard to read when I scaled-down the VST to fit on the screen.
Great example is Avenger: I have to scale to 70% for it to fit on my low-resolution screen, but then the text is absolutely unreadable. From some quick searches, it looks like it may be a known issue on my video card? Not sure

...But Reason12 seems to do rendering differently, and whatever it's doing now seems to fix that issue! Woohoo! I'm probably the only person that cards about this, but what a difference!

Given that the new graphics updated is meaningless for me, you may think that I'm unhappy with just getting Combinator2 only as an update.
...Actually, I'm THRILLED with this update. I absolutely feel like Combinator is so magical, that I'm glad they focused on it and made it amazing. Net-net, I'd MUCH rather have each update have 1 or 2 magical features that are perfect end-to-end, rather than a bunch of small unfinished features.

Hats off to you Mathias!! I love Reason12!!!!!

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04 Sep 2021

groggy1 wrote:
04 Sep 2021
Given that the new graphics updated is meaningless for me, you may think that I'm unhappy with just getting Combinator2 only as an update.
...Actually, I'm THRILLED with this update. I absolutely feel like Combinator is so magical, that I'm glad they focused on it and made it amazing. Net-net, I'd MUCH rather have each update have 1 or 2 magical features that are perfect end-to-end, rather than a bunch of small unfinished features.

Hats off to you Mathias!! I love Reason12!!!!!
Don't you also get Mimic?

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04 Sep 2021

avasopht wrote:
04 Sep 2021
RRP is not a subscription-only thing at all. It's relevant to people who have full licenses no less than those who subscribe.
The current pricing either suggests the DAW is worthless or that the plugin license is overpriced, having to purchase a separate DAW.

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