Quantize grid & note lanes

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07 Jan 2024


I have been a "lurker" on this board for a few years and have found it to be a great resource. I'm a long time user and this might be an embarrassingly rookie question, but I can't seem to find a way to apply different quantize settings to separate midi note lanes. I can apply different amounts of "groove" with the groove mixer, but not hard quantize.

Here's an explanation of my approach and apologies if I don't do an adequate job explaining this...

I program my drum patterns by playing them on pads with redrum, and then I explode the notes to their own respective lanes. Say the hats are quantized using the 1/16 setting, and the snares to 1/16 - but I'd like to program a snare roll in 1/16T - when I go to the note lane for the snare, then click into the grid and select the 1/16T and attempt to quantize the selected notes that make up the snare roll, it will just quantize them based on the "global" setting that is selected for the song. It might just be that what I'm attempting to do isn't an option, but it would seem like this should be do-able...

Any input or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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07 Jan 2024

create another note lane to program the snare and make sure to apply the groove to that lane
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07 Jan 2024

Bes wrote:
07 Jan 2024
create another note lane to program the snare and make sure to apply the groove to that lane
The snare is already on a dedicated lane. If I were to create another lane just for the snare roll, is there a way to simply quantize the notes on just that lane to 1/16T?

I don't see a quick option to do this via the regroove mixer, but maybe I'm missing something?

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08 Jan 2024

huh, this is from the manual
"When you assign a ReGroove channel to a note lane, this will only affect how the notes play back. The notes will still be shown with their original, ungrooved positions if you open the note clip."

so quantising will line onsets up with the grid and like the above says, it just plays back groovy if you assign a groove channel to redrum
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08 Jan 2024

set the snap of the sequencer grid to 16T for programming and then switch it back when you are done?
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08 Jan 2024

Op, use the tool window, there you can apply any quantisation you desire on the selected notes.

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08 Jan 2024

PhillipOrdonez wrote:
08 Jan 2024
Op, use the tool window, there you can apply any quantisation you desire on the selected notes.
That's it, THANK YOU!

Not sure how I missed that considering I pull up the tool Window each time I explode the midi to separate lanes...

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08 Jan 2024

😅 👏👏👏

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