Beat map: creat custom Beat map from midi grooves

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Joined: 05 Jan 2024

05 Jan 2024

Hey i have No Idea If this is possible bit IT would bei awesome If i could creat a custom beatmap from a bunch of midi drum grooves.
I Love beatmap but that Feature would make IT so much more flexible. For example i got a bunch of Genre specific djent Metal midi drumgrooves IT would awesome If i could make a custom Beat map Out of them. Resulting in a Genre spefic new beatmap i could brows through.
I would Love to hear what you think about that or If there maybe ist this Feature already? (I couldnt find anything Like that so far)

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05 Jan 2024

oh? thanks for the reminder that this player exists, i should try it out more
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05 Jan 2024

This would make it somewhat useful to me. As it is, it’s like it’s full of somebody else’s ideas that don’t correlate with my own at all.

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