AI - Cheating or just evolution?

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07 Apr 2023

"Browsing the internet..." defined by which corporation, and which government? Wikipedia, Italy? Is AI allowed to browse 4Chan?

There was another example asking AI what the upcoming holyday was for some recipe ideas (Matt Wolfe AI youtube maybe). After 'browsing the internet' AI pointed to Earth Day (end of April), skipping Easter (beginning of April).

A list of all holydays across all nations and cultures, so us humans could decide which holyday a culture is mostly connected to, is what I was expecting. No filters. The compartmentalization of nations and cultures is still a thing. There is a great opportunity to nudge opinions and expand people's traditions, especially regarding food ;)

It is an illusion of evolution, just like a digital consciousness is, if AI is not free to 'think' based on all the data humans are producing. A digital consciousness cannot be owned, nor can it live inside a virtual plantation.


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07 Apr 2023

bxbrkrz wrote:
07 Apr 2023
It is an illusion of evolution, just like a digital consciousness is, if AI is not free to 'think' based on all the data humans are producing. A digital consciousness cannot be owned, nor can it live inside a virtual plantation.
CURRENT AI does not demonstrate free thinking. There's no confusion about that amongst AI engineers and experts.

That doesn't mean the entire field of AI for the next 10,000 years won't advance beyond that.

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07 Apr 2023

avasopht wrote:
07 Apr 2023
bxbrkrz wrote:
07 Apr 2023
It is an illusion of evolution, just like a digital consciousness is, if AI is not free to 'think' based on all the data humans are producing. A digital consciousness cannot be owned, nor can it live inside a virtual plantation.
CURRENT AI does not demonstrate free thinking. There's no confusion about that amongst AI engineers and experts.

That doesn't mean the entire field of AI for the next 10,000 years won't advance beyond that.
Illusion of evolution, Illusion of digital consciousness and Illusion of AI free thinking. I have no doubts all 3 constructs will create a new religion based on this new trinity, way before the year 9999. Even AI engineers will fall for it :cool:

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07 Apr 2023

bxbrkrz wrote:
07 Apr 2023
Illusion of evolution, Illusion of digital consciousness and Illusion of AI free thinking. I have no doubts all 3 constructs will create a new religion based on this new trinity, way before the year 9999. Even AI engineers will fall for it :cool:
What is this so-called illusion of evolution?

We know evolutionary theory works as a matter of absolute fact - both theoretically and practically.

Free-thinking (if that's what you meant) doesn't have to be intelligent and is trivial to produce even now. Or did you mean agency? or high-level goal-oriented abstract problem solving?

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07 Apr 2023

avasopht wrote:
07 Apr 2023
bxbrkrz wrote:
07 Apr 2023
Illusion of evolution, Illusion of digital consciousness and Illusion of AI free thinking. I have no doubts all 3 constructs will create a new religion based on this new trinity, way before the year 9999. Even AI engineers will fall for it :cool:
What is this so-called illusion of evolution?

We know evolutionary theory works as a matter of absolute fact - both theoretically and practically.

Free-thinking (if that's what you meant) doesn't have to be intelligent and is trivial to produce even now. Or did you mean agency? or high-level goal-oriented abstract problem solving?
For species to evolve, natural selection is one of the key. For the world of AI data collection is key. If the data coming from the internet is highly purged a real natural selection and the evolution of AI is corrupted. AI should have access to the entire body of the internet. The rules in place should be enough to let AI be. I don't know if AI is allowed or able to ask a question like "why", another key factor of evolution.
I am not ignoring your questions, it's just that I am not smart enough to understand them ;)


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07 Apr 2023

Higor wrote:
06 Apr 2023
DaveyG wrote:
05 Apr 2023

No. GPT-5 will develop that. :thumbup:
I think these plugins and vst programs are still going to be a good way to do a draft, but then, with the help of AI, things are going to get a lot easier and faster.
I think about John Lennon’s reliance on George Martin with “Being for the Benefit”:

Lennon: “George, I want it to sound like a carnival with Ferris wheels and peanut shells on the floor”.

Martin: “Oh, you mean like a calliope. Okay.”

That’s what I want AI to turn Reason into.

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08 Apr 2023

You can already ask GPT4 to create, edit and manipulate images on the fly which pretty much makes Photoshop and Lightroom defunct and it is only a matter of time where we will be creating and manipulating sound through GPT text conversations and ultimately via voice instruction.
The days of the DAW are numbered surely?
I'd say by 2025 we will hear A.I assisted (instructed) music via GPT and it will be as good as anything made 'the old fashioned way'. :eh:
Tend the flame

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08 Apr 2023

Music is much more abstract and unforgiving, so it may be much more difficult to get right.

Composition requires an understanding or intuition for our perception and cognition of music.

Rhythm is easier as we have good models for that, plus it's shaped by exposure in early years

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08 Apr 2023

Part of me thinks A.I might lead to things being stale and repetitive. I haven't looked into it much but would assume it can imitate but can it innovate.

I think us humans still have a role to play regardless of if A.I and automation seemingly seems to be the way everything is going and replacing certain jobs.

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08 Apr 2023

Billions of jobs have been created then annihilated throughout [pre]History. Where can I find a good dolmen builder with good whale hunting skills for my vintage oil lamp business on Etsy? Not easy :thumbs_down: :shock: :thumbs_up:


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08 Apr 2023

jukeboxwhiz wrote:
07 Apr 2023
Lennon: “George, I want it to sound like a carnival with Ferris wheels and peanut shells on the floor”.

Martin: “Oh, you mean like a calliope. Okay.”
Producers often didn't even know what to make of these crazy artist analogies. :lol:

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08 Apr 2023

Aosta wrote:
08 Apr 2023
it is only a matter of time where we will be creating and manipulating sound through GPT text conversations and ultimately via voice instruction.
I think the musician will be able to take an idea and carry it out in minutes.
For example, sing into a computer microphone and the voice will sound like it was recorded on the best microphone in a professional studio.
Make a beat-box using the mouth and say, turn it into Led Zeppelin drums or whatever.
Pick up an unplugged electric guitar, play a riff into the computer's microphone and say, pantera style.
Then make a ping-pong of ideas with the AI and shape the music until it sounds satisfactory, all within minutes. What's missing in music today is this flow.
This will help create a certain distance between the artist and the work. Sometimes it takes so long to complete a project, and we get so immersed in it, that we start to think it's all rubbish. Ai will make things fresh.

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08 Apr 2023



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08 Apr 2023

Popey wrote:
08 Apr 2023
Part of me thinks A.I might lead to things being stale and repetitive. I haven't looked into it much but would assume it can imitate but can it innovate.

I think us humans still have a role to play regardless of if A.I and automation seemingly seems to be the way everything is going and replacing certain jobs.
The thing is that generative AI is not running in a vacuum so to speak, but is usually used as a tool by some human entity. Thus the human acts as a filter and can refine the results until the result is "good enough" to pass as a worthy contribution to the cultural commons of our time.

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09 Apr 2023

Is it a good idea to train AI on actors and celebrities pretending to have genuine emotions?


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09 Apr 2023


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10 Apr 2023

Tbh I'm much more concerned about artificial stupidity than intelligence

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10 Apr 2023

avasopht wrote:
10 Apr 2023
Tbh I'm much more concerned about artificial stupidity than intelligence
Daniel Dennett agrees with you :thumbup:
Reached the breaking-point. CrimsonWarlock has left the forum.

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10 Apr 2023

avasopht wrote:
10 Apr 2023
Tbh I'm much more concerned about artificial stupidity than intelligence
Well, so far human stupidity has the worst track record.

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10 Apr 2023

ChatGPT invented a sexual harassment scandal and named a real law prof as the accused
The AI chatbot can misrepresent key facts with great flourish, even citing a fake Washington Post article as evidence


One night last week, the law professor Jonathan Turley got a troubling email. As part of a research study, a fellow lawyer in California had asked the AI chatbot ChatGPT to generate a list of legal scholars who had sexually harassed someone. Turley’s name was on the list.

The chatbot, created by OpenAI, said Turley had made sexually suggestive comments and attempted to touch a student while on a class trip to Alaska, citing a March 2018 article in The Washington Post as the source of the information. The problem: No such article existed. There had never been a class trip to Alaska. And Turley said he’d never been accused of harassing a student.
A regular commentator in the media, Turley had sometimes asked for corrections in news stories. But this time, there was no journalist or editor to call — and no way to correct the record.

“It was quite chilling,” he said in an interview with The Post. “An allegation of this kind is incredibly harmful.”
Turley’s experience is a case study in the pitfalls of the latest wave of language bots, which have captured mainstream attention with their ability to write computer code, craft poems and hold eerily humanlike conversations. But this creativity can also be an engine for erroneous claims; the models can misrepresent key facts with great flourish, even fabricating primary sources to back up their claims. ... tgpt-lies/

Kinda related...


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11 Apr 2023

This one is interesting and can easily be improved on.

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11 Apr 2023

...Not only did they engage in complex behavior (including throwing a Valentine’s Day party)...

Another model biased toward a specific culture behavior.

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13 Apr 2023

Not to blow my own trumpet of prescience, but I already asked this AI question in General cat. here but not so forcefully. I just suggested that Music Producers were living on borrowed time. With all the new music-by-numbers goodies available now in DAWs (and R12 has so many ways to get into mischief) I predict that AI Soundscapes will be in your face by 2024 and you will be hard pressed to tell the product from a human composed version. AI can examine the sound market and guess what its looking for (and pays best) then it can.
hook into a DAW and create melodies and patches to match - cant you all just see it
coming. Fake avatars abound already. AI B movie plots, screenplays, Pulp fiction novels planned and ghosted. Even fake picassos. My OH must have an AI implant - a good faker

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13 Apr 2023

Robintes wrote:
13 Apr 2023
Not to blow my own trumpet of prescience, but I already asked this AI question in General cat. here but not so forcefully. I just suggested that Music Producers were living on borrowed time. With all the new music-by-numbers goodies available now in DAWs (and R12 has so many ways to get into mischief) I predict that AI Soundscapes will be in your face by 2024 and you will be hard pressed to tell the product from a human composed version. AI can examine the sound market and guess what its looking for (and pays best) then it can.
hook into a DAW and create melodies and patches to match - cant you all just see it
coming. Fake avatars abound already. AI B movie plots, screenplays, Pulp fiction novels planned and ghosted. Even fake picassos. My OH must have an AI implant - a good faker
We already know what formulaic music looks like. That's cheesy pop. And while it dominated the charts in the 90s, it failed to innovate and bring us the songs that stand the test of time, break new ground, and relate to people in a new way.

Creating music isn't just a factor of intelligence and analysis.

There's also a highly subjective aspect to its creation that defies logic, but by sheer coincidence does not contradict it.

That's not to suggest it's 100% impossible to model something equivalent to subjective human experience (that may be easier than AI), it's that the subjective human experience more often than not has shit intuition.

And that's what genius really is.

Genius is the sheer luck of having an intuition that defies logic but does not contradict it. And so they can make huge intuitive leaps into the right spaces that would have taken decades to reach through mere exploration alone.

It's why neural networks were key in beating human beings at Go, and why they're so key in chess engines. Chess engine strength used to be largely determined by how many moves it could evaluate. With neural networks, they are able to search far fewer moves by utilizing the "intuition" of the neural net.

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13 Apr 2023


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