Legacy EQ Convertors

This forum is for sharing patches created with the updated Combinator, as well as backdrops and any backdrop assets.
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This forum is for sharing patches created with the updated Combinator, as well as backdrops and any backdrop assets. If you would like to share a patch here as an attachment, you must zip it first. Otherwise you can host your patches elsewhere and share the links here.
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01 Mar 2023

These are a selection of Combinators for replacing the older Reason 14:2 Mixer EQ, Scream EQ and PEQ-1 devices with more up-to-date devices where you can see Frequency and db Gain values.

1. Insert the Combi after the device you want to replace. Put it into Bypass mode.
2. Use the Combinator controls to match the device settings. You'll need to open the Combinator to see the device values as the values do not match the Combinator controls (eg. Combi control goes from 0-127 but the PEQ shows ±64). Note that in some patches the controls are capped, as the Channel EQ doesn't have the same Frequency or Q range that the PEQ-1 does. The Synapse GQ-7 is often a better match for the PEQ-1.
3. Once the controls are set, Bypass the original device and activate the Combinator. The sound will be exactly the same.
4. Delete your original device.
5. Now click the Compare button. This switches out the original device for the new device eg. Synapse GQ-7 EQ. The sound should more or less be correct.
6. Uncombine the devices in the Combinator. You can now delete everything but the replacement device.

Patches included:
• Reason 14-2 EQ Improved > Channel EQ.cmb
• Scream > Synapse GQ-7.cmb
• Reason PEQ > Channel EQ.cmb
• Reason PEQ > MClass.cmb
• Reason PEQ > Synapse GQ-7.cmb

NOTE: These patches also include a Rob Papen RP Spec device. This is a free RE that shows the frequency spectrum. It doesn't actually do anything other than act as a visual display though, so you could delete it and the patches will still work.
https://www.reasonstudios.com/shop/rack ... ec-effect/
EQ Replacements.jpg
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01 Mar 2023

Checking these out - your first Combinator (14:2 mixer) only has left channel connected to 14:2 mixer input, BTW. And the low response is quite a bit off as well, mainly owing to the limit of the low frequency selector on the SSL EQ (Use GQ7 instead, then double the bands to get the desired cut amount).
Many of these curves come close but could easily come closer.
For that, I suggest you use the amazing Bertom EQ Curve Analyzer:


The main feature here is the ability to superimpose two curves on top of each other to allow quick and precise curve matching between two EQs. I covered this in my last live stream (Feb 2023) if you’re interested, it’s VST3 which is why I’m just now able to use it in Reason.
Selig Audio, LLC

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01 Mar 2023

Ah well spotted. I really just put these together for myself and thought they my be useful to others. They are just done by ear really and the aim was to get in the general ballpark.

Here is the updated file with the corrected patch. Thanks for the link to the EQ tool also, I'm going to download this and try it out. It looks very useful. Does it play well with Reason?
EQ Convertors 1.1.zip
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01 Mar 2023

Yes, plays very well with Reason because you can route it freely. So you put one as the source, feeding the Combinator (EQ), and split it into both EQs at the same time (just for the comparison feature), then connect another to the output of each. On the second "output" device set it to "Underlay" group 2 and you'll see both EQs at the same time (but with different colors). Then all you do is line 'em up!
So valuable a tool for stuff like this - and it can also show the phase response as well as frequency response. Pro tip: When the EQ curve is the same, the phase is the same. Dispels a few myths, such as one EQ having more or less phase shift than another (assuming neither one is linear phase). Also shows how boosting has the same amount of phase shift as cutting - folks used to claim cutting had less phase shift, but myth busted!
Anyway, I digress - definitely check out the low EQ difference on the 14:2 Combinator, it's super easy to get it lined up with the GQ7 instead of the SSL (which doesn't quite go low enough to match).
Happy to answer more specific questions, I love this sort of crap!!!
Selig Audio, LLC

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01 Mar 2023

[EDIT - never-mind, I see you already built the GQ7 version but check it out, you did the same thing limiting the PEQ Gain range in this case instead of extending the GQ7 range…so my concept still applies in both Combinators]
One more discrepancy: with the PEQ Combinator the Q of the MClass EQ can't match the Q of the PEQ - so I see you limited the PEQ range to solve which means the Q knob behaves differently on the Combinator than on the PEQ. Again, the GQ7 could achieve this perfectly and you're already using it on other Combinators - all you need to do is double up on bands on the GQ7 since it's gain range is limited to ±15 dB (never understood why). But it allows you to match the replacement EQ with the original EQ instead of editing the original EQs ranges in any way.
Selig Audio, LLC

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01 Mar 2023

Well I have today off work so I just went ahead and bought the plugin. I think it is a really useful tool.

I've used this to update the patches. So these should be better than the previous versions, although they really should be thought of as helpers rather than convertors. Where it's possible to double up an EQ to match the PEQ's gain range I haven't done so – this can be done manually. I'm assuming here that the old EQ is being replaced to make changes to the sounds or make adjustments to the EQ and these are intended to make sure you don't lose any of the original flavour before you make further adjustments.

I've also included a couple of extras here. They aren't particularly good though and should be thought of as only getting you part of the way there. So the whole list is:

Reason 14-2 EQ Compatible > Channel EQ.cmb
Reason 14-2 EQ Compatible > Synapse GQ-7.cmb
Reason 14-2 EQ Improved > Channel EQ.cmb
Reason 14-2 EQ Improved > Synapse GQ-7.cmb
Reason PEQ > Channel EQ.cmb
Reason PEQ > MClass.cmb
Reason PEQ > Synapse GQ-7.cmb
Scream > Synapse GQ-7.cmb
EQ Convertors 1.2.zip
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Last edited by dioxide on 01 Mar 2023, edited 1 time in total.

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01 Mar 2023

Thanks for the recommendation for the plugin also. I think this is going to help me a lot. I'm not sure if I'll do any more work on these Combi patches for now but if I do end up fine tuning them I will post the updates here.

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01 Mar 2023

dioxide wrote:
01 Mar 2023
Well I have today off work so I just went ahead and bought the plugin. I think it is a really useful tool.

I've used this to update the patches. So these should be better than the previous versions, although they really should be thought of as helpers rather than convertors. Where it's possible to double up an EQ to match the PEQ's gain range I haven't done so – this can be done manually. I'm assuming here that the old EQ is being replaced to make changes to the sounds or make adjustments to the EQ.

I've also included a couple of extras here. They aren't particularly good though and should be thought of as only getting you part of the way there. So the whole list is:

Reason 14-2 EQ Compatible > Channel EQ.cmb
Reason 14-2 EQ Compatible > Synapse GQ-7.cmb
Reason 14-2 EQ Improved > Channel EQ.cmb
Reason 14-2 EQ Improved > Synapse GQ-7.cmb
Reason PEQ > Channel EQ.cmb
Reason PEQ > MClass.cmb
Reason PEQ > Synapse GQ-7.cmb
Scream > Synapse GQ-7.cmb

EQ Convertors 1.2.zip
I get that this is a personal project, so my comments should be taken with a grain of salt since I obviously ignored that part!
I'm glad you found the plugin useful, for anyone else considering it you can try it for free and pay what you want if you find it useful (just enter $0.00 and be prepared to share your email).
Selig Audio, LLC

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