Chord Humanizer (Delta MIDI Computer)

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18 Dec 2022

This is a patch I made for Delta to humanize chords from player such as RS Chord Sequencer. It humanizes both the timing and velocity of the notes in a chord to sound more natural, like a human instead of a MIDI player. It's not overly complicated, but I thought I would share it here nonetheless.
Delta Humanize
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18 Dec 2022

awesome...thank you for sharing this ! ... d-playlist
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18 Dec 2022

Nice one dude! Delta is a magical box!

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18 Dec 2022


@challism: thank you very much for the patch
it makes me feel like being in a jazz bar


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18 Dec 2022

Going to try this patch

I'm curious have you added delays to the notes via inside to out or outside to in?

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19 Dec 2022

I'm glad you guys like it. It's simple, but very effective. I just hate how blocky Chord Sequencer and Scales&Chords sound when they play chords.. so robotic. This Delta patch really helps solve that problem and help the chord sound more human.
Billy+ wrote:
18 Dec 2022
Going to try this patch

I'm curious have you added delays to the notes via inside to out or outside to in?
Delta seems to feeds the bass note into the top slot of the switch, so that one is just going straight into the velocity randomizer (no delay). The other notes are being fed into delays 10ms apart from each other. You can route them as you wish. In the above patch I've got the 2nd lowest note going to a 30ms delay. The 3rd lowest note going to a 60ms delay. The fourth lowest note going to 70ms. All are set with dry event turned off and delay count of only 1 tap. You can adjust the times as you see fit.

You could make this more complicated by adding a chance switch to each output of the seq switch. Each chance switch then feeds into a different delay node (set to whatever flavor you wish). In this patch I have the first delay set to 30ms, the second to 45ms, the third to 60ms, and the fourth to 75ms.
Patch here:
Delta Humanize Chord-more
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* And you can also put a Note Humanizer between the chord player and Delta for even more humanizing.
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24 Dec 2022

Thanks. Might try adding chance switch just see.

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