We're developing a new wind controller. I have only found one voice setting that has breath control or aftertouch. Can someone tell me how to modify other Reason Sounds to make them respond to breath command.
Thank you,
Wind Voices
I think user: mcatalao would be a great person to answer your question.mcatalao wrote: wind instrument guy
Hi Frank.
There are several ways to do this in reason, some easier than others, but one form or the other it simply comes down to route the breath cc to a set of relevant parameters on a reason device. Some of the forms are :
1 - device (to) routings.
Some devices allow routing in the front panel. A good example of that is bow pressure curve in friktion, you can see a selector where one of the settings is breath and aftertouch. So, a pretty direct way to do it and quite easy.
2 - mod matrix
Almost every synth in reason has a mod matrix and breath is one of its sources. So, take thor for example, you can route breath to amp volume and filter resonance for nice effects.
3- CV
This is a fun one because it allows you to tweak further, and the special benefit is that you're not bound to synths or instruments. So if you want you can create a combi with several instruments and modulate the amount of dirt or wobble ratio in a pulverizer. Or route breath to a vst parameter via cc input. Or the speed of a dual lfo. To do so, you can use tge combinator to route breath to cv, and then route cv to whatever you need.
Yet a better way for cv is to use exp-1, wich converts breath, aftertouch, and mod wheel cc to cv, and allows you to tweak the expression curve. Pretty neat device. https://www.reasonstudios.com/shop/brow ... +Processor
Hope it helps, and if you need help testing the device count me in! You'd have to ship it to Portugal, though...

Last edited by mcatalao on 11 Dec 2022, edited 1 time in total.
Thanks for the referral!!! Feeks nice to be recognized!!!
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