The Poetry Thread

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30 Jul 2017


There's a stranger living inside of me
A foreign power I can't see
He's been there for too long, counting 16 weeks
He hasn't seen the light, but already speaks

His language is pain
And I'm listening in vain,
to the deafening strength of his voice
But I have no choice

Time flies
Hope dies
Loud cries

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28 Aug 2017

Dark Love.

There's a darkness
living inside you
that makes the night
shine bright like a light

You and I
ride a rocket
to the sky
sit on a cloud
fathom the universe

Tender shadows
in your tender soul,
with sonorous voices
silencing the world

We float to
another place,
another sun, another space
Oh, the grace

I am the space
and I feel the pain
of every grain of sand
And the rocks in space
have a place
in my heart,
Let the love start

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28 Aug 2017

A martial artist, waves with the front of his hands.
There will be no warning, brace for impact.
Reason, FLS and Cubase NFR user.

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02 Sep 2017

There's a storm a brewin' somewhere
I think it's in my heart
'Cause the girl I was to marry
Left town with a guy named Bart
And now my tears are falling
Like rain on a big ol' cow
And the storm within my heart
Is breaking now

There's a storm a brewin' somewhere
I think it's in my spleen
'Cause the girl i was to marry
Ran off with a man named Gene
And now my tears are falling
Like a page from a big ol' tree
And this storm within my spleen
Is drowning me

(I think it's from Pinky and the Brain...)

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05 Sep 2017

Trolling at nighttime
Misspelled precious again
Clutch guitar softly

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31 May 2018


I am the illness and the cure
and I hide behind the blur
of an ineffable mystery
playing a game of serendipity

An ephemeral spark of sonder
ignites a bright ethereal sun
to reveal a world of wonder
created by the sacred One

If you believe you can create
you can create what you believe
you can create that precious trait
and get the power to deceive

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08 Jul 2018

Two slits and an eraser

We were born to split
on a race to a slit
Got erased so you
could be surfing the wave

They can shoot me up in space
on a long distance race
I'll arrive late to release
the wave you've been surfing

Don't come looking for me
you'll end up drowning in your wave
you'll be flushed up on the shore
and the magic will be no more, for sure

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09 Jul 2018

All my rhymes, drug takin'
This your brain on drugs, it be bakin'

Lil' motuscott
Who’s using the royal plural now baby? 🧂

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04 Jan 2022

Who am we and Who are I
Solve the riddle, kiss goodbye
to a world that makes no sense
watching through a human lens

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05 Jan 2022

I dreamt my jaw was made of ancient whale's bone
And it curved upward towards the moon
Perpetual Reason 12 Beta Tester :reason:

You can check out my music here.
Or here. ... 8jqUubzsQg

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05 Jan 2022

There were two ugly sisters from Fordham,
Who went for a walk one day out of boredom,
On the way back, a sex maniac,
Lept out of a bush and ignored'em.

John Cooper Clarke.

Reason Studio's 11.3 / Cockos Reaper 6.82 / Cakewalk By Bandlab / Orion 8.6 ... soul-mix-3

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05 Jan 2022

Frantically trying to Reasonunfriend you,
They don't make it easy
Who’s using the royal plural now baby? 🧂

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05 Jan 2022

There once was a guy
what hit the drum
some say smart, some say dumb
Who’s using the royal plural now baby? 🧂

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05 Jan 2022

You know I cry a lot more than I used to. Not sure if it's the pandemic, getting older, or just the general crumbling of civilization...
But Damn, This song...
Who’s using the royal plural now baby? 🧂

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06 Jan 2022

And from then on I bathed in the Poem
Of the Sea, infused with stars and lactescent,
Devouring the azure verses; where, like a pale elated
Piece of flotsam, a pensive drowned figure sometimes sinks;

Where, suddenly dyeing the blueness, delirium
And slow rhythms under the streaking of daylight,
Stronger than alcohol, vaster than our lyres,
The bitter redness of love ferments!

I know the skies bursting with lightning, and the waterspouts
And the surf and the currents; I know the evening,
And dawn as exalted as a flock of doves
And at times I have seen what man thought he saw!

From The Drunken Boat by Rimbaud
Last edited by plaamook on 06 Jan 2022, edited 1 time in total.
Perpetual Reason 12 Beta Tester :reason:

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06 Jan 2022

Their music is immense
Each note hundreds of years long
Each whole tune a moon age

So they sing to each other unending songs
As unmoving they move their immovable masses

Their eyes closed, ecstatic

From Moon Whales By Ted Hughes
Perpetual Reason 12 Beta Tester :reason:

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06 Jan 2022

Weave a circle round him thrice,
And close your eyes with holy dread
For he on honey-dew hath fed,
And drunk the milk of Paradise.

From Kubla Khan by Coldridge
Perpetual Reason 12 Beta Tester :reason:

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06 Jan 2022

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.

That's from Leonard. I know it's a song but it's would have been a great poem just the same.
Perpetual Reason 12 Beta Tester :reason:

You can check out my music here.
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06 Jan 2022

And of course...

I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams.
Perpetual Reason 12 Beta Tester :reason:

You can check out my music here.
Or here. ... 8jqUubzsQg

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06 Jan 2022

Crow's Theology

Crow realised God loved him -
Otherwise, he would have dropped dead.
So that was proved.
Crow reclined, marvelling, on his heart-beat.
And he realised that God spoke Crow - Just existing was His revelation.
But what loved the stones and spoke stone? They seemed to exist too.
And what spoke that strange silence
After his clamour of caws faded?
And what loved the shot-pellets
That dribbled from those strung-up mummifying crows? What spoke the silence of lead?
Crow realised there were two Gods —
One of them much bigger than the other Loving his enemies
And having all the weapons.
Perpetual Reason 12 Beta Tester :reason:

You can check out my music here.
Or here. ... 8jqUubzsQg

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06 Jan 2022

One more from Crow...

Examination at the Womb-Door

Who owns those scrawny little feet? Death.
Who owns this bristly scorched-looking face? Death.
Who owns these still-working lungs? Death.
Who owns this utility coat of muscles? Death.
Who owns these unspeakable guts? Death.
Who owns these questionable brains? Death.
All this messy blood? Death.
These minimum-efficiency eyes? Death.
This wicked little tongue? Death.
This occasional wakefulness? Death.

Given, stolen, or held pending trial?

Who owns the whole rainy, stony earth? Death.
Who owns all of space? Death.

Who is stronger than hope? Death.
Who is stronger than the will? Death.
Stronger than love? Death.
Stronger than life? Death.

But who is stronger than Death?
Me, evidently.
Pass, Crow.
Perpetual Reason 12 Beta Tester :reason:

You can check out my music here.
Or here. ... 8jqUubzsQg

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06 Jan 2022

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sometimes I'm pissed off
At the things "RS" do
Players are to MIDI what synthesizers are to waveforms.

ReasonTalk Rules and Guidelines

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07 Jan 2022

one roof is red
another one's black
thus passes a man's life

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07 Jan 2022

fish are jumping at the bait
they don't care about their fate
only I have failed to find
my own fucking way of life

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13 Jan 2022

Old mother Hubbard,Went to the cupboard
To fetch poor rover a bone
When she bent over, rover took over
And gave her a bone of his own

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