Future of the SDK
I can't completely agree with this. Scripting allows you to set flexibility and variability, randomization.. Scripting helps to make fine control. But yes, it is limited if compare to c++ free play.
You must start to think about how to realize what you need. Ideas and only after - realisation.
I know many things that are limited with GE, but in years of work, GE has big fixes and improvements, which helps to have today bigger possibilities. And yes.. it's Beta!
Some devs, that talk about GE with skepticism, talking about public dev beta. They do not have the last versions and just can't talk about it in actual view with a full understanding it.
I don't really like skepticism about GE, and joy about C2, when the combinator is really limited
You must start to think about how to realize what you need. Ideas and only after - realisation.
I know many things that are limited with GE, but in years of work, GE has big fixes and improvements, which helps to have today bigger possibilities. And yes.. it's Beta!
Some devs, that talk about GE with skepticism, talking about public dev beta. They do not have the last versions and just can't talk about it in actual view with a full understanding it.
I don't really like skepticism about GE, and joy about C2, when the combinator is really limited
Last edited by turn2on on 14 Sep 2021, edited 1 time in total.
That said, there are STILL so many things the RE SDK won’t let you do, let alone GE and C2!drno wrote: ↑10 Sep 2021Yes Selig, what you say is very interesting too and there is a great field of research in it, and the best thing is when you start to compare analog equipment and you see the existing non-linearities in the equipment as the parameters change and how it affects the signal frequencies. Implementing that kind of thing is a lot of fun too.selig wrote: ↑09 Sep 2021...For me the fun part is the overall routing, especially if it concerns logic and difficult issues to solve. There are many things I do that would never work with Gorillia Engine, such as developing the continuous slope, asymmetric EQ curves, or harmonic control in ColoringEQ, the logic for how Leveler works, the Pan laws in Gain, or most of the DeEsser (and certainly a good bit of my new RE)...
That is why I say that GE / IDT does not allow you such fine control as directly interacting with the SDK, at least until now.
Selig Audio, LLC
- Enlightenspeed
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Thank you so much for adding all thisturn2on wrote: ↑10 Sep 2021Hi, GE is coming from the IDT. IDT was been a sample-based engine.
When gorilla coming to first steps, I'm ws been one of the first who come in it.
And many thing that today already in GE, is also few developers wish lists, for
a) their personal projects
b) content and powerful of GE
GE is more about scripting. Its a main idea. Its not just set of FX modules and sample-utilities.
The core - is script files.
About half year or near to year at the beta, we have a long talks about start to using GE as FX creator. And yes. Our devices was been first in this way.
Some FXs coming when few devs (me too) to have... not only for current projects, but also for have them to make basic music theory tricks.
GE not limited by new and new new FXs, routings, scripting updates, core updates...
Scripting and modules tricks of very low basic functionals, helps to create really powerful ideas.
First problem when we ask about FX-processing builds, without sample-based instruments building, was been "few FXs that can be used by developers = the same effects". But the ago after that - this concept as been broken, because adding something more to engine, adds new possibilities to work with FXs at fundamental level.. so many of the FXs, used today as utilities for something new.
Scripting changes also adds new and new possibilities.
So, I can understand only Reason SDK devs, that GE not flexible for some needs.. But can't understand users and devs, that touch GE "as is as"...
GE include basic modules. Big part of this modules was been created by UJAM from the developers ideas, needs and toughs about their own upcoming projects and future of the engine..
So, I'm loving GE as it changed and how UJAM work with beta users, but it still on the beta and NDA.
I'm waiting as many of other devs, the main public release. Its going to the real boom!
Combinator 2.0 - very cool project. But it is very very limited in possibilities. And some very basic moments not possible with C2. So, C2 is more constructor for users.
GE - is a constructor based on the scripting. And for creating GE projects as RE, you also need to work with Reason SDK too.
C2 - is a easy way to build some fundamental things with possibilities of Reason rack.
GE - is more like for a start developers.
I also have friends who build their first projects years ago, and they nothing to know about Reason SDK, IDT..
But if interest is deeper, you of course can try to make something own.
I repeat, now possible to use GE as FX devices, and Helpers at output - is my initiative to include this on GE. And this was been not just idea. We have very long talks about this, discussions, RE developments and tasks to realise this or that...
What I try to say, UJAM create beautiful engine, because they really listen ideas of developers (what devs really need to have in GE). Try to find something the same..
Theory of 35-fx as limit of GE, really not work. GE fxs is a real set of basic fundamental devices and you can use all of them as utilities to build new. Routings, and at the 1st place - scripting.
With scripting you can cool ideas and solutions. Its really flexible.
But about C2... its a very fast solution to build GUI. Create backdrop and add from library knobs.. cool. Fast!
If RS trying to add this visual editor as part of Reason SDK with possibilities to use custom graphical elements for all SDK widgets, its can be really incredible. Because time for SDK 2D GUI vs C2 editor is two different things.
I think that many of devs are happy to find visual editor as part of SDK...
But not think that is possible at near future.
So, as users, C2 - brilliant. I really loving C2 for one thing (MIDI OUT DEVICE + C2 interface = hardware controllers). Its already NEW level for the Reason at all. Use you CC/NRPN gear and control it from Reason rack! Dreams from early Reason versions!
So, GE - main idea also is build sample-based devices. But for me its something like a scripting with Reaktor. You just trying to create what you need!
I not find real parallels between C2 and GE/RE. Because C2 is a express-generator of UI and devices routings, with widgets limitation and very simple matrix editor.
As example - I can't make with C2 fine work by controlling many parameters with various ranges.. its working on the half.. Not thing this is a bug, this is more about limitations.. fr one results you need place this matrix line upper, for another results, at the bottom.. and you have with this various results.. SO.. C2 cool, but really not flexible and work in the way of starting a-la "devs itself" into reason rack.
Hard to say negative about anything... perfect time:
- GE
- C2!!!! new additional way of Reason devices.
And cool if many of the devs start to create RE with steps of the C2. Additional degree of the device possibilities look.

Indulge me, though, if you don't mind.
Let's, as an example, say I'm making a RE filter in GE.
If I pull code from a DSP library somewhere on the web, then I can modify the code to add saturation to either feed-forward or feed-back models of any order, simply by adding a few random maxed samples to any batch, and taking the necessary precautions not to actually cause wraparound the integer etc.
Can I do the same thing in GE, in other words can I access the DSP buffer directly, either within one of these macro functions, or even just outside of it? Or is it much more "blocky" than that where it is entirely black-box and I don't even get control of the DSP buffers?
I have interesting answer, but sorry its under NDA.
Just write to them and try to ask about all this. But they can answer to wait public release, because beta testers is very limited and under nda.
Public forum for Reason SDK is good place to talk, but not think that RT is good place to talk about GE with not the same license as Reason SDK. As minimum - old dev forum, where you can ask some questions about GE.
Just write to them and try to ask about all this. But they can answer to wait public release, because beta testers is very limited and under nda.
Public forum for Reason SDK is good place to talk, but not think that RT is good place to talk about GE with not the same license as Reason SDK. As minimum - old dev forum, where you can ask some questions about GE.
Last edited by turn2on on 15 Sep 2021, edited 2 times in total.
No, not even nearly. A RE filter with GE is literally like taking the ECF-42 and using the scripting to add front panel controls - That's it.Enlightenspeed wrote: ↑13 Sep 2021
Let's, as an example, say I'm making a RE filter in GE.
If I pull code from a DSP library somewhere on the web, then I can modify the code to add saturation to either feed-forward or feed-back models of any order, simply by adding a few random maxed samples to any batch, and taking the necessary precautions not to actually cause wraparound the integer etc.
Can I do the same thing in GE, in other words can I access the DSP buffer directly, either within one of these macro functions, or even just outside of it? Or is it much more "blocky" than that where it is entirely black-box and I don't even get control of the DSP buffers?
The only way to change the sound in any way is by doing things like adding EQ's and saturation before and/or after the filter - You are simply using modules creatively in exactly the same way as you would do inside a Combinator.
Nick Baxter
SKP Sound Design
SKP Sound Design
For public release of GE, that available to approved RE devs, possible to use additionally scripting tricks to limit range, scaling, steps changes, modulations and functions to change character. But.. can't said more on public forum.
Really, not understand talks here about GE, that under NDA.
True that all this talks have something outdated base and for concrete talks RT not the right place (many questions with answers that under NDA).
Really, not understand talks here about GE, that under NDA.
True that all this talks have something outdated base and for concrete talks RT not the right place (many questions with answers that under NDA).
Last edited by turn2on on 15 Sep 2021, edited 4 times in total.
- Creativemind
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What about scrollable panels or switchable panels as part of the SDK?joeyluck wrote: ↑08 Sep 2021I think it comes down to features that they can add that make sense for the format. My wish for RE is this idea of having a pop-out window for advanced editors, alternate UI, etc. that is not confined by the rack width. So a dev could then have a tidy and concise UI in the rack and then a more advanced UI in a pop-out window, or it could just be used as a means to zoom just one RE at a time.
Scrollable as in say a device had a section at the bottom that could scroll right to left - 1 containing a mod matrix, 1 containing fx.

Reason Studio's 11.3 / Cockos Reaper 6.82 / Cakewalk By Bandlab / Orion 8.6
http://soundcloud.com/creativemind75/iv ... soul-mix-3
Switchable panels are already possible. And scrolling, at least on a custom display is also possible.Creativemind wrote: ↑13 Sep 2021What about scrollable panels or switchable panels as part of the SDK?joeyluck wrote: ↑08 Sep 2021I think it comes down to features that they can add that make sense for the format. My wish for RE is this idea of having a pop-out window for advanced editors, alternate UI, etc. that is not confined by the rack width. So a dev could then have a tidy and concise UI in the rack and then a more advanced UI in a pop-out window, or it could just be used as a means to zoom just one RE at a time.
Scrollable as in say a device had a section at the bottom that could scroll right to left - 1 containing a mod matrix, 1 containing fx.
Yes, custom_displays, or faders, and static widgets are already included in SDK for this and used in some REs.
Part of widgets supports visibility switchcing. SDK have very nice documentation
Part of widgets supports visibility switchcing. SDK have very nice documentation
- Enlightenspeed
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- Posts: 1120
- Joined: 03 Jan 2019
I kind of thought as muchnickb523 wrote: ↑13 Sep 2021No, not even nearly. A RE filter with GE is literally like taking the ECF-42 and using the scripting to add front panel controls - That's it.Enlightenspeed wrote: ↑13 Sep 2021
Let's, as an example, say I'm making a RE filter in GE.
If I pull code from a DSP library somewhere on the web, then I can modify the code to add saturation to either feed-forward or feed-back models of any order, simply by adding a few random maxed samples to any batch, and taking the necessary precautions not to actually cause wraparound the integer etc.
Can I do the same thing in GE, in other words can I access the DSP buffer directly, either within one of these macro functions, or even just outside of it? Or is it much more "blocky" than that where it is entirely black-box and I don't even get control of the DSP buffers?
The only way to change the sound in any way is by doing things like adding EQ's and saturation before and/or after the filter - You are simply using modules creatively in exactly the same way as you would do inside a Combinator.

Cheers anyway,
- EnochLight
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nickb523 wrote: ↑09 Sep 2021Ryan Harlin said this on one of the Combinator creation threads the other day. Nail > Head.
It's only starting to just sink in for me that Combinator 2 means everyone can become proxy plugin creators without needing to create the DSP. How many plugin developers spend their time making waveform, LFO, and filter DSP algorithms? We get to skip all all that do the fun part – the UX design and sound design.
I know this is an old post from last week, but I think the point Ryan was making is that - you don't have to spend all that time creating that classic filter in this case. Imagine if you will - instead of spending an entire year of part-time research and many hours of testing - you instead spent that entire year releasing new products ready to go because all you had to do was design the UX and sound design?
But yeah, I agree using various black-box code from the web would certainly shave some time off (not that this is an option with GE).
# Miserable Degenerate | Win 10 | Ableton Live 11 Suite | Reason 13+ | i7 3770k @ 3.5 Ghz | 16 GB RAM | RME Babyface Pro | Akai MPC Live 2 & Akai Force | Roland System 8, MX1, TB3 | Dreadbox Typhon | Korg Minilogue XD
All my REs are built with Gorilla. I think Nick severely undervalues GE in his posts here!
What I love with Gorilla is that I don't need to invest hundreds of hours into learning DSP – someone else has already done the work and is offering all the necessary building blocks for me to freely use and combine into new instruments and effects. Sure, the basic building blocks are the same - that's no problem, because depending on how you set it up, how you customize the bits and pieces, script the functionality, and route the signals it can have vastly different behavior and sound.
If you deconstruct any synth or effect they consist of the same basic building blocks; oscillators, filters, envelopes, delays etc... It's the way those building blocks are combined, how it's routed and calibrated that makes it a good product or not. And those building blocks in GE aren't static, they're very much customizable! And there isn't just one filter to chose from. So describing it like " taking the ECF-42 and using the scripting to add front panel controls" simply isn't true. GE is way more powerful than that. A lot of the stuff I do with GE just isn't possible with a combinator.
Then there's the GUI, which can be totally customized in an RE – even the backside of it!
I don't see C2 as a RE-killer. I see it as an improved combinator, new possibilities and a way for more people to create fun devices for Reason.
What I love with Gorilla is that I don't need to invest hundreds of hours into learning DSP – someone else has already done the work and is offering all the necessary building blocks for me to freely use and combine into new instruments and effects. Sure, the basic building blocks are the same - that's no problem, because depending on how you set it up, how you customize the bits and pieces, script the functionality, and route the signals it can have vastly different behavior and sound.
If you deconstruct any synth or effect they consist of the same basic building blocks; oscillators, filters, envelopes, delays etc... It's the way those building blocks are combined, how it's routed and calibrated that makes it a good product or not. And those building blocks in GE aren't static, they're very much customizable! And there isn't just one filter to chose from. So describing it like " taking the ECF-42 and using the scripting to add front panel controls" simply isn't true. GE is way more powerful than that. A lot of the stuff I do with GE just isn't possible with a combinator.
Then there's the GUI, which can be totally customized in an RE – even the backside of it!
I don't see C2 as a RE-killer. I see it as an improved combinator, new possibilities and a way for more people to create fun devices for Reason.
Totally agree with Ekss! All right.
Combinations, routings, scripting, functions helps to have absolutely various results from the same modules.
Chains of modules, make un-static routings modulations - no points to talk about the same results at the end.
GE is very flexible, if you dive in it. And much deeper than its own (very good) documentation. You have variants for many tasks to realise.
Its not the same as "php+css" and skins. Combinator 2 - is a combinator + backdrop + set of controls.. Very limited matrix. When GE have a huge modulations in deep levels with customisation.
Topic name "Future of SDK" open talk to Combinator 2.0 today and not touch real Reason SDK talks.
But really no points of crossline between C2 and SDK
For users and devs - C2 is a perfect addition to present RE in basic and additional possibilities look. Really, now devs can stop to think.. add some functions or not to the device, because after the main idea of the device, all this moments (that under question) can be used in C2 patches.
Combinations, routings, scripting, functions helps to have absolutely various results from the same modules.
Chains of modules, make un-static routings modulations - no points to talk about the same results at the end.
GE is very flexible, if you dive in it. And much deeper than its own (very good) documentation. You have variants for many tasks to realise.
Its not the same as "php+css" and skins. Combinator 2 - is a combinator + backdrop + set of controls.. Very limited matrix. When GE have a huge modulations in deep levels with customisation.
Topic name "Future of SDK" open talk to Combinator 2.0 today and not touch real Reason SDK talks.
But really no points of crossline between C2 and SDK
For users and devs - C2 is a perfect addition to present RE in basic and additional possibilities look. Really, now devs can stop to think.. add some functions or not to the device, because after the main idea of the device, all this moments (that under question) can be used in C2 patches.
Last edited by turn2on on 15 Sep 2021, edited 1 time in total.
It was a very nice hobby, modeling capacitors and OTA amplifiers. You learn a lot about how signals behave with discrete components and it gives you a new perspective on software development and fights to avoid Aliasing.EnochLight wrote: ↑14 Sep 2021I know this is an old post from last week, but I think the point Ryan was making is that - you don't have to spend all that time creating that classic filter in this case. Imagine if you will - instead of spending an entire year of part-time research and many hours of testing - you instead spent that entire year releasing new products ready to go because all you had to do was design the UX and sound design?
i am using R10.4 and windows 7
in the thread about lectric panda's upcoming RE
buddard states that 'As of August this is no longer the case: The build servers will only accept SDK 4.2.0 now, even for updates of old devices.
This is related to the high res update'
the 'even for updates of old devices' worries me while staying on R10.4
especially with the 'sync all' button for RE
will an RE update not install on R10 due to an SDK difference
or will the RE update and then not be usable in R10?
i am not a coder or programmer so my knowledge of all this is very limited next to nil
it looks like R10 owners are 'locked out' of new RE's
thanks for any input
cheers and eat well,
i am using R10.4 and windows 7
in the thread about lectric panda's upcoming RE
buddard states that 'As of August this is no longer the case: The build servers will only accept SDK 4.2.0 now, even for updates of old devices.
This is related to the high res update'
the 'even for updates of old devices' worries me while staying on R10.4
especially with the 'sync all' button for RE
will an RE update not install on R10 due to an SDK difference
or will the RE update and then not be usable in R10?
i am not a coder or programmer so my knowledge of all this is very limited next to nil
it looks like R10 owners are 'locked out' of new RE's
thanks for any input
cheers and eat well,
i7 2.8ghz / 24GB ddr3 / Quadro 4000 x 2 / ProFire 610
reason 10 / reaper / acidpro /akai mpk mini / korg padkontrol / axiom 25 / radium 49
'i get by with a lot of help from my friends'
i7 2.8ghz / 24GB ddr3 / Quadro 4000 x 2 / ProFire 610
reason 10 / reaper / acidpro /akai mpk mini / korg padkontrol / axiom 25 / radium 49
'i get by with a lot of help from my friends'
The latest SDK (4.2.0) works in Reason 10.2 or later.littlejam wrote: ↑15 Oct 2021hello,
i am using R10.4 and windows 7
in the thread about lectric panda's upcoming RE
buddard states that 'As of August this is no longer the case: The build servers will only accept SDK 4.2.0 now, even for updates of old devices.
This is related to the high res update'
the 'even for updates of old devices' worries me while staying on R10.4
especially with the 'sync all' button for RE
will an RE update not install on R10 due to an SDK difference
or will the RE update and then not be usable in R10?
thanks for the clarification
it is muchmuch appreciated
when does the new SDK take effect and / or when does SDK 4.2.0 expire?
and when the new SDK takes effect
does that mean any new RE has to use the new SDK?
(which leaves R10 users out in the cold moving forward to buy newly released RE)
(again, sorry for the noob questioins)
cheers and eat well,
thanks for the clarification
it is muchmuch appreciated
when does the new SDK take effect and / or when does SDK 4.2.0 expire?
and when the new SDK takes effect
does that mean any new RE has to use the new SDK?
(which leaves R10 users out in the cold moving forward to buy newly released RE)
(again, sorry for the noob questioins)
cheers and eat well,
i7 2.8ghz / 24GB ddr3 / Quadro 4000 x 2 / ProFire 610
reason 10 / reaper / acidpro /akai mpk mini / korg padkontrol / axiom 25 / radium 49
'i get by with a lot of help from my friends'
i7 2.8ghz / 24GB ddr3 / Quadro 4000 x 2 / ProFire 610
reason 10 / reaper / acidpro /akai mpk mini / korg padkontrol / axiom 25 / radium 49
'i get by with a lot of help from my friends'
We don't know what plans Reason Studios have for the SDK in the future, so that's anyone's guess.

thanks for the input, buddard
looking forward to your next RE release
have a goodgood day
thanks for the input, buddard
looking forward to your next RE release
have a goodgood day
i7 2.8ghz / 24GB ddr3 / Quadro 4000 x 2 / ProFire 610
reason 10 / reaper / acidpro /akai mpk mini / korg padkontrol / axiom 25 / radium 49
'i get by with a lot of help from my friends'
i7 2.8ghz / 24GB ddr3 / Quadro 4000 x 2 / ProFire 610
reason 10 / reaper / acidpro /akai mpk mini / korg padkontrol / axiom 25 / radium 49
'i get by with a lot of help from my friends'
- JiggeryPokery
- RE Developer
- Posts: 1177
- Joined: 15 Jan 2015
This seems to be not true, at least to some extent on the latest SDK, 4.3buddard wrote: ↑15 Oct 2021The latest SDK (4.2.0) works in Reason 10.2 or later.littlejam wrote: ↑15 Oct 2021hello,
i am using R10.4 and windows 7
in the thread about lectric panda's upcoming RE
buddard states that 'As of August this is no longer the case: The build servers will only accept SDK 4.2.0 now, even for updates of old devices.
This is related to the high res update'
the 'even for updates of old devices' worries me while staying on R10.4
especially with the 'sync all' button for RE
will an RE update not install on R10 due to an SDK difference
or will the RE update and then not be usable in R10?
I can confirm, since the question has been asked elsewhere, that Harpe Laser II, for example, does not load in Reason 10 (on Windows at least).
To be clear, that's one example device, and these days GE+RE SDK is a bit of a hodge-podge of version numbering so it might be a specific conflict in something as simple as Reason 10's "expected version numbers" check failing.
I can't say for certain based on a single device, but two of us didn't get it to load in Reason 10. You'll have to do you own testing to see what your results are. My guess is some might, some might not, but whether I'd want to risk updating an older device to SDK4.3 is something you'd want to test on a new "dupe" device before screwing with any published, retail version.
That is very interesting! I’m assuming there’s no specific error message?JiggeryPokery wrote: ↑02 Dec 2021This seems to be not true, at least to some extent on the latest SDK, 4.3
I can confirm, since the question has been asked elsewhere, that Harpe Laser II, for example, does not load in Reason 10 (on Windows at least).
To be clear, that's one example device, and these days GE+RE SDK is a bit of a hodge-podge of version numbering so it might be a specific conflict in something as simple as Reason 10's "expected version numbers" check failing.
I can't say for certain based on a single device, but two of us didn't get it to load in Reason 10. You'll have to do you own testing to see what your results are. My guess is some might, some might not, but whether I'd want to risk updating an older device to SDK4.3 is something you'd want to test on a new "dupe" device before screwing with any published, retail version.
Did you omit the Placeholder widget on the back panel by any chance?
It’s no longer required according to the specs and Reason 12, but Reason 10 (and probably Reason 11) will still fail to load an RE without it…
Will it open in Recon 10? If it’s the same problem there you might get some useful info from the logs…
now that the new sdk is out,
another non RE developer question:
if a RE works in R10, will it always work in R10
also, i am curious if RE developers will only make RE for R12 and above now...
or is there a way to compile the programs to output for R10 and R12
i am planning on staying with R10.4, Win7, and the RE from R11 suite
cheers and eat well,
now that the new sdk is out,
another non RE developer question:
if a RE works in R10, will it always work in R10
also, i am curious if RE developers will only make RE for R12 and above now...
or is there a way to compile the programs to output for R10 and R12
i am planning on staying with R10.4, Win7, and the RE from R11 suite
cheers and eat well,
i7 2.8ghz / 24GB ddr3 / Quadro 4000 x 2 / ProFire 610
reason 10 / reaper / acidpro /akai mpk mini / korg padkontrol / axiom 25 / radium 49
'i get by with a lot of help from my friends'
i7 2.8ghz / 24GB ddr3 / Quadro 4000 x 2 / ProFire 610
reason 10 / reaper / acidpro /akai mpk mini / korg padkontrol / axiom 25 / radium 49
'i get by with a lot of help from my friends'
The developer may switch to a newer SDK version in future versions of the RE, SDK that doesn't support R10. The latest 4.3.0 still supports it though.
The SDK version completely determines which Reason versions are supported. Developers don't compile to produce the final output, it's only done by RS.
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