Reason 12 Wishlist

Have any feature requests? No promise they'll get to Reason Studios, but you can still discuss them here.
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31 Aug 2021

Nonlin wrote:
31 Aug 2021
Dumpable and Restorable Combinators!

See video I made about the subject:

The idea is that when you have overloaded the CPU with too many proses. You press one button that bounces that combinator and dump out all the devices in that combinator using up CPU power and Memory. But what was in the combinator would be remembered so you could press another button latter on that would restore that combinator so you could do more work on that track. It would allow you to do projects that would normally be to complicated and to demining for your computer handle.

So, for my wish for your wish list is for what I call Dumpable and Restorable Smart Combinators. I though the word smart to make it catchy for the developers, and to give Reason Studio an idea of how the could market it.
Reason 6? later builds should be better.. right? Did R6 even have VST support? Its been a while lol.
Workflow suggestion are always welcomed.
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02 Sep 2021

Neo wrote:
31 Aug 2021
Nonlin wrote:
31 Aug 2021
Dumpable and Restorable Combinators!

See video I made about the subject:

The idea is that when you have overloaded the CPU with too many proses. You press one button that bounces that combinator and dump out all the devices in that combinator using up CPU power and Memory. But what was in the combinator would be remembered so you could press another button latter on that would restore that combinator so you could do more work on that track. It would allow you to do projects that would normally be to complicated and to demining for your computer handle.

So, for my wish for your wish list is for what I call Dumpable and Restorable Smart Combinators. I though the word smart to make it catchy for the developers, and to give Reason Studio an idea of how the could market it.
Reason 6? later builds should be better.. right? Did R6 even have VST support? Its been a while lol.
Workflow suggestion are always welcomed.
I used several version of Reason in my video, not just 6. but I used Reason Essentials for most of it since it just happened to be the one system I had that was best suited for the video work. But I talk about all versions of Reason and all daws for that matter since this is problem that keeps coming up again and again no matter what software and what version of it I use, Like I say in the video "Eventually you will have a project that will hit the CPU brick wall".

Also I do some times use older version of programs (and even OSs) because they were either simpler, less buggy, had fetcher that were taken out of the new version (IE been downgraded), or plain were not worth upgrading to. Procoder 2 can do Divx files, Verson 3 Can't. The Line 6 Guitar Pod was inclined in Reason Up to about version 7 (I still have it in my copy of version 6) then Line 6 forced PropellerHead to pull it and Propellerhead got Soft Tube to come up with a replacement for it. And many of my co video editor friends use to swore by Final Cut Pro, But Apple had beaten that program back to the Stone Age, and all my friends were left with 2 choices, use an old version of Final Cut on an older OS (since the newer OS refuse to run it "No Snow Leopard FOR YOU!!!") or jump ship and switch to Premier. But my point hear is if you have a Reason project or Combinater preset that happens to use one or more of Line 6's Guitar Pod, shore you can load it into the new version of Reason and Reason will do it's very best to help you replace the Pods, but there is no guarantee that it will sound the same. You want a guarantee that it will sound the same, you have to use an older version of Reason. You have no choice in this matter.
The composer for the movie Moulin rouge uses an old sequencer and a pair of Akai samplers, and if you asked him or even the director of Moulin rouge why he uses such antiquated equipment, the reply is "Because it has the right sound". But I digress. The difference between the performance of an older version of Reason and newer version Reason will be minimal at best, Appreciated YES, very much so, whatever they can do, Yes, But as a programmer I know there are not that many tricks up ones sleeve that one can use to improve performance, And don't forget Reason has virtually no control on the performance of the plug-ins, any improvements of them has to be dun by the manufactures of those plug-ins, Reason can't do anything about that. The only thing that Reason did, that happens to have been a brilliant act on there part, was to run those plug-ins in sand boxes, so if any of those plug-in crash they won't take Reason down with them. But that help Reason with there stability not there performance, if fact they probably taking a hit in there performance because of there use of,,,, well I believe several sand boxes, one for each plug-in. But if I was given the choice of having Reason running plug-ins with out a sand box for even grater performance or what I am suggesting in my video, I would chose the video solution. I would rather have Reason have less performance then have a less reliable version of Reason and run the risk of loosing my work. And my idea in the video would make Reason look it could out preform any other Daw 100 time over. Not to bad of a trade off, wouldn't you say?

So to some other point you pointed out. Reason 6.5 is were the Rack extensions were introduced. Propellerhead was still resting the idea of having VST support, so they tried to make an SDK witch was as easy as it could be and tried to get the developers of famous VSTs to make Rack version of them as well, but most developers didn't bite. Even I haven't been able to completely lick Propellerhead SDK, it not quite as easy as they had hoped.
It think it was at the point that the head of Propellerhead got hooked on Serum, is when they gave in and added VST support. But I will tell you this, as much as I am so happy that Reason can run VSTs, because it opened hole new world of devices for me. If there was a VST and Rack extension version of the same plug-in, I would chose the Rack version over the VST any day.

Anyway I have said too much.

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25 Sep 2021

- Copy/Paste EQ settings.
- Reduce audio clip clone-by-mouse sensibility (I usually end up with a number of short clips in random places)
- Crossfade = on, by default
- Auto-crossfade between 2 audio tracks for easy switching
- Auto-set loop range when double clicking to edit a clip (audio or midi)
- Support 5.1+ surround sound (monitor+export)
- Support a simple video track for sync purposes
- Add Melodyne style DNA editing
- Compressor attack + Compressor output level knobs on channel strip
- MS matrix
- keyboard note to pan
- default fade-in/out on cut
- select vowels / select consonants
- lock consonants
- LP filter consonants
- cut around consonants
- two display support (combine Mixer+Rack)
- maximize vertical screen space sequencer tracks
- DNR filter in audio channel strip

- more real instruments, for melodic music in all genres for all ages
- a complete grand pipe organ, as an instrument with all the usual registers
- a complete flute instrument, multiple types, character adjustable (wood, steel, ...), and wind noise level

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