NI Komplete Kontrol Mk2 - Remote maps

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13 Aug 2020

Hi all,

I purchased a Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S61Mk2 keyboard last year. It's a lovely device, and the NKS integration is a lot of fun. Being a long-time Reason user I quickly got frustrated with the lack of out-of-the-box support for the S61 Mk2 inside Reason. Sure I could do Remote Overrides when needed, but I thought there had to be a better default experience. So I did some digging around and discovered the whole Remote mapping universe and how Reason's controller integration works under the covers (I'm a computer programmer by day, so don't mind getting into the coding details!).

I'd like to share what I've done - ... te-kontrol

These are Reason Remote mapping and codec files for the NI Komplete Kontrol Mk2 keyboards. I only own the S61, but I believe these should work with all Mk2 keyboards. I also work on Windows 10, so that's all I've been able to test on - it's possible (likely even) these also work on MacOS but unfortunately I have no idea about how Remote works in that environment.

There are two sets of files: one for basic MCU support (i.e. controlling the Reason transport); one for the Mk2 keyboard

The MCU mapping is fairly obvious (transport play maps to play button etc.). The Mk2 keyboard mapping is arbitrary. When a Reason device contains more buttons/knobs than the hardware keyboard offers I've gone for a selection of what I think are the most commonly used controls.

Finally, everything is 2-way mapped so tweaking controls in Reason or on the hardware will update both (handy to avoid jumps in control values when switching devices!).

It's not perfect, but hopefully it's a nice default starting point for others who own these keyboards! Enjoy :)

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08 Sep 2021

Great you share this !

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10 Sep 2021

Just installed and works perfectly on my MK2 61.

You made my day, thank you very much! :)
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25 Oct 2023

Hey! Unfortunately it seems these remote maps for KK stopped working in Reason 12. Or is it just me? Reason now not showing them up in the menu.. It worked well before. Anyone can help? Thank you in advance

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25 Oct 2023

Their last update was buggy... still waiting for a new version to drop, from NI :exclamation:
Today a massive x upgrade, but not the recent Komplete Kontrol bug fix..... yet :shock: ... d-playlist
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