Parsec 2 is in the shop!

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09 Oct 2016

joeyluck wrote:
woozy wrote:
joeyluck wrote:
woozy wrote:
jfrichards wrote:
woozy wrote:Some my old patches are totally messed up and sounds very different this is really bad, because i put a lot work to make them sound good, some are really silent, prop should make update for compatibility mode for old version, because it's like pay 39euro to mess up your sounds what a shame hope they will do something about it.I'm really stressed about it and disappointed. :(
Can you zip one that is messed up and attach it here so we can see what is happening?
i could but what's the point if i can't compare it to original because already upgraded to v2. I only know how it should sound in my head, i'll sent some patches to props i think.
Do you have any computers you have worked on where you sync'd your REs previously. I have my REs on every work computer at every theatre in which I work, so I know they all aren't up to date. You could check there without syncing Parsec again.

Or I'm sure if you want to post a few patches in question here within a song or with MIDI file any of us still with version 1 can export and share with you so you can compare.
I only have 1 computer with all my RE so i'm stuck with V2. I've made quick comparison that includes: Rns for windows and midi and patches for Mac osx also Bounced Audio how it sound On Parsec V2, i'm using Reason 8.3 i don't know is there difference with R9.
:thumbs_up: Downloading now

[EDIT] Here is audio from Parsec 1

Here is a file that compares the two. Each patch from V1 followed by the audio you provided from V2

Certainly a difference between V1 and V2.
Have you heard anything from Propellerhead?
Not yet I've link them same sounds that you compared just today, hope they fix it, just listened your version, that exactly how they should sound, i'm miss a lot of these sounds, trying to fix it instead of making new patches, that's frustrating. Thanks for comparing.

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09 Oct 2016

@ Stratatonic:
So the interesting take away for me is that Reason has produced THREE major updates in the same time Logic has only released one. Of COURSE you would pay more for three major updates than one IMO.

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09 Oct 2016

woozy wrote:
joeyluck wrote:
:thumbs_up: Downloading now

[EDIT] Here is audio from Parsec 1

Here is a file that compares the two. Each patch from V1 followed by the audio you provided from V2

Certainly a difference between V1 and V2.
Have you heard anything from Propellerhead?
Not yet I've link them same sounds that you compared just today, hope they fix it, just listened your version, that exactly how they should sound, i'm miss a lot of these sounds, trying to fix it instead of making new patches, that's frustrating. Thanks for comparing.
I hope it's an easy fix for them that doesn't break anything else. Or maybe a switch needs to be added? If anything is broken by them making a change, I would say it should be the new patches... as it should be easier for them to make the adjustments needed to those rather than suggesting users make adjustments to their own patches. Or maybe Parsec 2 needs to be a separate product after all? Have you pinpointed any quick fixes? Those patches were indeed very different. Let us know what you hear back :puf_smile:

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09 Oct 2016

I'm pretty unhappy with parsec, and forty extra dollars earns an emphatic pass and middle finger from me. Tired of them money grubbing tbh. I wish I could sell mine for forty dollars. Bastards

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09 Oct 2016

GRIFTY wrote:I'm pretty unhappy with parsec, and forty extra dollars earns an emphatic pass and middle finger from me. Tired of them money grubbing tbh. I wish I could sell mine for forty dollars. Bastards
Fair enough, it's not for you.
But I'll bite - how is charging for their work "Money Grubbing"?
And why (if you COULD sell it) would you sell for that low a price?

I've purchased a LOT of software over the past 30 years, and while I've certainly not worked with every DAW and plugin out there I've found the Props to be the MOST generous of all the companies I've purchase from. In fact, VERY few of the products I've used over the years have ever offered free updates (minor or major) at any time, let alone multiple times (in my experience).

One of my FIRST experiences with Reason was that shortly after purchasing v2, there was a v2.5 release which included the RV7000, BV512, Sream4, the Spiders, and UN-16 Unison. And it was free.
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09 Oct 2016

GRIFTY wrote:I'm pretty unhappy with parsec, and forty extra dollars earns an emphatic pass and middle finger from me. Tired of them money grubbing tbh. I wish I could sell mine for forty dollars. Bastards
Why is it anyone's fault but your own if you are unhappy with the purchase? Like me, it sounds like you bought it pretty much out of the gate. Both of us could have waited a few days to see how other people were reacting to it, musically and functionally. But we chose to take a chance. It worked out OK for me; for you, no.

I've bought REs I regretted buying, too, but ... life goes on. I'm the one who clicked the Purchase button. No one else.
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09 Oct 2016

joeyluck wrote:
woozy wrote:
joeyluck wrote:
:thumbs_up: Downloading now

[EDIT] Here is audio from Parsec 1

Here is a file that compares the two. Each patch from V1 followed by the audio you provided from V2

Certainly a difference between V1 and V2.
Have you heard anything from Propellerhead?
Not yet I've link them same sounds that you compared just today, hope they fix it, just listened your version, that exactly how they should sound, i'm miss a lot of these sounds, trying to fix it instead of making new patches, that's frustrating. Thanks for comparing.
I hope it's an easy fix for them that doesn't break anything else. Or maybe a switch needs to be added? If anything is broken by them making a change, I would say it should be the new patches... as it should be easier for them to make the adjustments needed to those rather than suggesting users make adjustments to their own patches. Or maybe Parsec 2 needs to be a separate product after all? Have you pinpointed any quick fixes? Those patches were indeed very different. Let us know what you hear back :puf_smile:
I've suggested them to make some kind of compatibility mode for old version, or just release old version if they can't fix it, the problem is comb+ filter all my patches are affected with it. Hope they just make comb+ filter exactly like it was in old version, that's probably best way to fix it. There is no way that users or in this case i can fix it 100% like it was original, i have tried and i can only make sound closer to original, but that won't satisfy me because it lacks clarity and sounds muddy, in some patches i can't get even close, it sounds different like in "compare" example . I'll post in this thread if i get some answers from them.

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09 Oct 2016

woozy wrote:I've suggested them to make some kind of compatibility mode for old version, or just release old version if they can't fix it, the problem is comb+ filter all my patches are affected with it. Hope they just make comb+ filter exactly like it was in old version, that's probably best way to fix it. There is no way that users or in this case i can fix it 100% like it was original, i have tried and i can only make sound closer to original, but that won't satisfy me because it lacks clarity and sounds muddy, in some patches i can't get even close, it sounds different like in "compare" example . I'll post in this thread if i get some answers from them.
Something like the "Compatble EQ" switch on the back side of the 14:2 mixer would help here.

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09 Oct 2016

They've established a culture of nickel and diming their customers that's unattractive to me. For an update? Ten, fifteen bucks is reasonable. Forty is offensive.

They repeatedly show immense kindness to brand new users, while spiting their established customers. It's frustrating.

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10 Oct 2016

I think we've all spent a LOT of money on Re's so that's why some people are rubbed the wrong way paying for an update for Parsec previously purchased.

I get that, and in some ways it does feel like a money grab BUT I truly believe that Propellerhead products are so good that they are worth every penny.

I'd love to get P2 for free and think it would have been a very nice gesture to the very loyal costumers, but that's the way it is.

I think Props know their products are so good that people will pay for them.
I certainly jumped on Parsec 2. It feels like a brand new synth in a lot of ways.

Only thing I don't like is the GUI, I much prefer the old look.

Money spent on music and being creative is always a good thing.
I spent $20 on gas today and $20 on new coolant for the car's engine. $40 gone.. I get to drive around a little more. Yay

But hey, Parsec 2 will be with me for life for the $40. Actually $50 after conversion! damn Canada ;)

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10 Oct 2016

My problem is not the upgrade price on its own, I will probably get it. However, I am confused as all guitarists have been upgraded to version 2 for free, although they had new features and sounds too. So it is a bit like a raffle with PH whether an upgrade is free or paid, which is not a good thing IMHO.
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10 Oct 2016

I'll bet they're making more money than ever right now too, which is frustrating in itself. They don't comply with user requests that are bad for business, ie vst, and selling extensions. Then they roll out feature-light point upgrades for $129, which is frustrating. These transgressions are sufferable however. They give incredible package deals for new users, and with increasing infrequency give out loyalty bonuses. This is annoying but I grit and bare because I do love the software. Then they charge an insulting amount for this update to a $120 synth I don't even like that much, but bought because I am a sucker.

Man. It feels like the last straw. Or..... Second to last straw. Point is I'm running low on straws

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10 Oct 2016

I disagree with GRIFTY. I think it would actually be bad for their business if they implemented VST. If that would happen, 3rd party developers wouldn't bother to create REs. As a consequence we would lose the ability to set up gate/CV racks - and that is the KILLER feature of Reason, the true USP. In my opinion, REs are superior to VSTs due to the fact that REs can interact directly with each other, something VSTs can't.

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10 Oct 2016

Bruh I said vst is bad for business

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10 Oct 2016

It's obviously bad for business because it removes them as the sole gatekeepers for creativity within reason. As long as they get their 10% it's fine, but they couldn't do that with vst. Therefore it's bad for their business

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10 Oct 2016

But I'll bet you vst is their number one most requested feature. Times a million. They won't do it because it won't create profit for them. It's savvy business but super annoying for the users who can see through it and just want reason to be better

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10 Oct 2016

In my opinion Reason would be worse with VST, because then the RE format would disapperar. CV/gate is the key reason I use Reason instead of another DAW.

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10 Oct 2016

Just a heads up that we're looking in to patches sounding different in Parsec 2. Of course that's not supposed to happen. Hopefully we'll have a new version that fixes this!

I've been using Parsec 2 for a while and honestly it's one of my all-time favorite sound creation tools (and I'm a Eurorack junkie). One of the best things in my opinion is that you can stumble upon great sounds by just tweaking. I think it's actually a bit of an advantage that I don't understand everything—that helps the creative process.

Side-note: been drawing SO many filter curves. :)

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10 Oct 2016

I've read this thread. My thoughts:
I was very excited to read about Parsec 2! Great stuff. It must be nice for for people like MattiasHG who likely don't have to pay for the pleasure of the update.

For me, my excitement soon turned sour when I saw the price tag. I can't keep spending money like water on this software. If you are comfortable financially then new REs and updates are exciting and desired. But I'm realising that if you aren't in the money you can feel left out and a bit bitter, for me personally.

At least with new REs I can play with them for the 30 day trial, not so here.

I don't think people should work without reward, but for the thousands of pounds I've spent on propellerheads software it would be nice to be surprised by a freebie once in a while.

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10 Oct 2016

Is the pricing that strange really? NI Kontakt update price: 99Eur. Ok, that's a full blown sampler, let's compare with Absynth. Upgrade 69 Eur. What about another supplier? Predator 2.0, upgrade 49Eur. But - that one has a grace period for free updates, that is something I really think Propellerheads should do as well.
About the UI, I much prefer the design of the old one. The new reminds me of an NI product. I hope Propellerheads won't abandon the HW lookalike design DNA, even though it is trendy to follow Apple design these days.

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10 Oct 2016

I will miss the scratched up hardware look, too, but I'm thinking those days are maybe gone, now, so I am just trying to get used to the idea and move on.
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10 Oct 2016

Kronos wrote:In my opinion Reason would be worse with VST, because then the RE format would disapperar. CV/gate is the key reason I use Reason instead of another DAW.
The reason rack is not designed for VSTs and the VSTs are not designed for the reason rack. And if they mix both it would be so chaotic. Reason with VST windows. I thank the flying spaghetti monster that it will never happen.

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10 Oct 2016

GRIFTY wrote:I'll bet they're making more money than ever right now too, which is frustrating in itself.
Why do you find that frustrating? Would you prefer that they made LESS money, thus making it less likely that Reason is still around in 10 or 15 years?

Surely it's better that the company makes great, healthy, ongoing profits, so that we can continue using our DAW of choice for the rest of our creative lifespans.

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10 Oct 2016

Kronos wrote:I disagree with GRIFTY. I think it would actually be bad for their business if they implemented VST. If that would happen, 3rd party developers wouldn't bother to create REs. As a consequence we would lose the ability to set up gate/CV racks - and that is the KILLER feature of Reason, the true USP. In my opinion, REs are superior to VSTs due to the fact that REs can interact directly with each other, something VSTs can't.
"REs are superior to VSTs due to the fact that REs can interact directly with each other"

Curious = How many other people here agree with that statement?

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10 Oct 2016

GRIFTY wrote:It's obviously bad for business because it removes them as the sole gatekeepers for creativity within reason. As long as they get their 10% it's fine, but they couldn't do that with vst. Therefore it's bad for their business
It's upwards of 30% that they take. Props take a MINIMUM of 30%, as far as I know.

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