Crapre 2

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08 Apr 2016

On a more serious note I can't work with anything that has a randomness element such as the hiss or whatever, I never considered this or the first one as a real purchase because it's bloody bullcrap but I did trial it to see those nice shiny colours in my rack :)

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08 Apr 2016

TritoneAddiction wrote:I think there's a fine line between listening to customers opinions/suggestions and staying true to the developers vision for a product.
I am not really sure that the line is that thin in this case. Virtually every other function on this RE can either be turned up/down or simply turned off/on. There is not really a reasonable reason that one would not be able to turn up/down/off the "buzzy crap." Developer "vision" or not, it is a simple function that customers have requested, and ultimately the lack of that function leads this RE to be completely inflexible. If a developer won't consider a common suggestion to add true functionality to their product, they truly kill the connection between themselves and their customers. Almost any other developer I have seen would consider such changes; I've seen this from devs like Jiggery-Pokery, Turn2on, That Music Company, Synapse, Skrock, GVXT, and the list goes on and on. It's lack of desire/laziness, not "vision," that keeps this much needed change to this RE.
You might be right and personally I wouldn't mind if they decided to make the option for hiss or not.

But in the end we're talking about a joke RE for 9 bucks with dolphins on it that's made to sound like shit. It's a joke, just relax and have some fun with it. Besides a little extra dirt and hiss is good for you :)

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08 Apr 2016

Jagwah wrote:On a more serious note I can't work with anything that has a randomness element such as the hiss or whatever, I never considered this or the first one as a real purchase because it's bloody bullcrap but I did trial it to see those nice shiny colours in my rack :)
A fix for the randomness problem, why don't you just bounce a few takes to track and then it won't be random anymore. Delete to parts you don't like, bounce to track again and replace those parts with other random parts that you do like. It's a lot of work, but it removes the problem with not being able to work with randomness. I kind of suffer from the same affliction of not wanting to work with too much randomness. I don't like how it will cut out one channel occasionally, so I have been fixing that issue by manually editing the track as mentioned above.

As for the hiss, it seems like one could run this thing thru a filter to remove some of that hiss. I haven't tried this, but it seems doable, although you will lose a lot of other stuff along with the hiss. At the end of the day, the hiss is part of the sound of this device. And, yeah, it was a cheap $9 joke RE released on April Fool's Day. I love it!
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09 Apr 2016

No offence guys, but you are all full of crap.

Seriously though, I have LONG awaited being able to finally buy this Re (I missed out on the first one). I am probably one of Crapre's biggest fans. I love it. I want more Re's like this. I would categorize this as a boutique effect Re because it has so much character, almost too much. My only complaints are as others have mentioned, the lack of control over parameters, and for me.....I actually get tired of the backdrop quickly and just want something easier on the eyes and less busy.

People seem to be dismissive somewhat about this Re as a throwaway or onetime use/disposable, but I think for $9 it is one of the best Re's dollar value-wise. I want Re's that do really weird but specific things, like this one. I would like more varied tape emulations of the most popular vintage tape used in studios, along with idiosyncrasies of the playback device itself, etc. I would love to see more $9 Re's that add instant and heavy character, easily to your track. In other words, more Audiomatic type Res.

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12 Apr 2016

TheGodOfRainbows wrote:No offence guys, but you are all full of crap.
People seem to be dismissive somewhat about this Re as a throwaway or onetime use/disposable, but I think for $9 it is one of the best Re's dollar value-wise. I want Re's that do really weird but specific things, like this one. I would like more varied tape emulations of the most popular vintage tape used in studios, along with idiosyncrasies of the playback device itself, etc. I would love to see more $9 Re's that add instant and heavy character, easily to your track. In other words, more Audiomatic type Res.
I would love the mcdsp as an RE it has 11 compressors in one, you just select which one you want just like the automatic.

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12 Apr 2016

$9-20 is impulse zone for me. I saw all the good reviews in here and bought.

It sounds like crap to me, no pun. Not sure I can use it

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12 Apr 2016

dustmoses wrote:$9-20 is impulse zone for me. I saw all the good reviews in here and bought.

It sounds like crap to me, no pun. Not sure I can use it
I'm not sure why you didn't try it before you bought it... and....
I'm not sure why you are surprised that a device called Crapre sounds like crap.
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13 Apr 2016

What's great about this device is that if you pass bland tracks through it you can actually get something quite richly textured.

Goes really well with synthwave too.

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13 Apr 2016

Damnit, I didn't pay attention to this device, but I got it on trial and it is simply fantastic. Not sure if I could use it in my final cuts but i just so great to have fun with.

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13 Apr 2016

avasopht wrote: Goes really well with synthwave too.
Just bought it for that very purpose :D
Cosmopolis, out now: :! Check out the first single, "City Lights:

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13 Apr 2016

wow, add "deadmau5 approved" to the long list of Crapre's hilarious and bizarre credentials

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13 Apr 2016

I love the "1984" demo song on Crapre's page. I actually listened to it a second time a few days later, because I liked it. :) I love how there's 2 or 3 times in the song where all audio levels randomly drop to near 0, and stay that way for a few seconds. It TOTALLY reminded me of my old Sony Walkman...

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14 Apr 2016

joeyluck wrote:
Eagleizer wrote:
joeyluck wrote:I was very excited to see this in the shop today :)

Yes, there was mention of the other Crapre potentially receiving updates, but there was no mention if those would be paid updates. And if it was a paid update, $9 would be the cheapest allowed.

I can't speak for the developers, but at the time, I thought the mention of 'support and updates' was simply to set users at ease about it's planned removal from the shop—letting users know that support and bug fixes would still be possible.

I'm sure there are some users here who can appreciate the new version with the new GUI that doesn't replace their kittens and sprinkle pooping unicorns.
There are some guessing that you present as facts in your post. ;)


The Crapre Cassette Recorder Audio Processor Rack Extension is very boutiquey so quantities are limited to the supply on hand. Our stock of reclaimed coffee stained wood panels, lead spray paint cans, and unicorn stickers will run out by May 1, 2014! Those with full Crapre licenses will continue to receive support and updates through their user accounts. After May Day, you’re crap out of luck….all units will be gone! Don’t be the fool that misses this one-time opportunity!!!"

Don`t see anything about "potentially" getting updates. It clearly states that there will be.
Since the updates were to continue being received through user accounts, I would say
it states that it would be free too...

Cheers :)
Sorry if what I said was coming across as 'fact.' I was only conveying how I had interpreted it. My perception was that folks seemed to be concerned with, "But what happens to my Rack Extension if it's removed from the shop?" I felt this addressed that specifically.
Maybe it could've been worded differently.

If I subscribe to your blog and get an email saying that I will continue to receive notifications about your blog's activity...and then I get no notifications because you don't post anything to your blog... it doesn't mean I won't "continue to receive notifications about your blog."
Again, just different ways we interpret it I guess.
Nope, because it`s marketing, and that is controlled by Swedish consumer laws.
Your analogy is not. ;)

False marketing in any form is illegal in most European countries, intentional or
not. If an ad can be interpreted in several ways, it goes in the favor of the customer.
Easy as that. Crapre2 is the update all of us who have Capre have been waiting for.
It have the features that was asked for in the Crapre-thread in the PUF forum and
what all was expecting for an update. So Peff took all the great advices from his
customers, that they wanted for an update, made Crapre2 and kind of said screw you..

Essential text from the Swedish consumer law :

"Lagen tar även hänsyn till om marknadsföringen påverkar mottagarens förmåga att fatta ett välgrundat beslut."
The law also takes into account whether the marketing influences the recipient's ability to make an informed decision.
(well grounded decision)

So, from the marketing, I certainly expected Crapre to be updated, and bought
it for that very reason. Remember that it was also only for sale for a limited time,
so it was all about trusting the Peff that the device would get better. That have
not happened...

This just for your information.

Cheers ;)

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15 Apr 2016

Hey. Magnus here. I made Crapre 1 & 2 together with Kurt, Thomas and Wolfgang. Glad to see that so many of you are enjoying our shit. Really, that's what makes it worthwhile (and that is about the only thing that makes it worthwhile :) ). Now to those of you who are wondering why this wasn't a free upgrade, I want to step in with a few clarifications.

1) Kurt could perhaps have been a bit clearer about what he meant with "updates" when we released Crapre #1. We certainly never intended to offer upgrades with loads of new features for years to come. We only wanted to state that even if the Rack Extension disappeared from the shop, it would not disappear from Propellerhead's systems. You wouldn't be left out in the cold with bug-fixes etc.

2) The Crapre #2 intro offer of $9 is what we consider the "friendly upgrade price" for existing customers. If the Propellerhead's systems had let us set different prices for existing Crapre #1 users vs new customers we would have done that. Unfortunately their system's aren't extremely flexible. Flexibility just isn't Propellerhead's thing I think. :D

3) Crapre #2 couldn't really have been an update to #1 either since it is not strictly backwards-compatible regarding patches and automation (I took the liberty of redesigning some DSP logic for the new controls to work). Plus as said, we thought Crapre #1 users would appreciate not losing their kittens forever.

4) The $9 price is really *only* about covering the development costs and from the look of things we won't even make that modest goal. I bet most of you would be surprised (and maybe, hmmm, complain a bit less?) if you heard how little we actually make on Crapre. *Of course* we did it for the fun factor and not the riches, but you know, we're three companies, splitting on 70% of $9 and we've got bills to pay, mouths to feed, iPads to fill with Toca Boca games so that we can work while being home with sick kids. (Ok, the last one was mostly about me. Today.)

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15 Apr 2016

Some people will always make more of a stink than others but really Number 2 is far more solid than Number 1.

I find it much easier now to dump a sack of cack from the Rack to a track.

This RE is truly the full backside's worth and I'm certainly going to get behind it when I'm flush. I'll submit a demo too if I can squeeze one out

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15 Apr 2016

Ostermilk wrote:Some people will always make more of a stink than others but really Number 2 is far more solid than Number 1.

I find it much easier now to dump a sack of cack from the Rack to a track.

This RE is truly the full backside's worth and I'm certainly going to get behind it when I'm flush. I'll submit a demo too if I can squeeze one out
Close, lock and sticky the thread. You won. The end. Period.

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15 Apr 2016

dustmoses wrote:$9-20 is impulse zone for me. I saw all the good reviews in here and bought.

It sounds like crap to me, no pun. Not sure I can use it
" pun." ?

Ah crap!

(not a pun either, just typical usage as an informal way to express displeasure at a situation, such as this.)

You can use it. The question is, do you want to use it. Either way, the answer to both questions is, yes, give Crapre a chance. Try using it very sparingly to add some subtle barely audible texture to a track

Btw one thing I don't understand with insert effects or any effects, is the phasing that can occur. Why is this not automatically corrected for?

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17 Apr 2016

I'm starting to like this Crapre thing even more. I love the distortion, especially on drums.
Together with the wobble effect and the fact that this device acts pretty random you can easily get different "takes". The downside is you have to render the song a couple of times and cut together the best takes, but you end up with a much more lively sounding drum sound or whatever you use it on.

It's just so dirty sounding. Love it.

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19 Apr 2016

I like the fact that there's a new device out now, and the first one remains in tact. The 2 Crapres each have their own different characters. What I think is an improvement in the second one is that you can control how much you want the noise to be in the mix. The first Crapre produced noise on the background no matter what, which made it a bit difficult to control sometimes.

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03 Dec 2016

Getting an annoying and weird whining sound that kind of comes in and out when using the CRAPRE2. Sort of a saw wave with it's base frequency at about 700 hertz. Have it set to battery mode, with the noise reduction on. Adjusting the bias and wobble knobs have no effect. There's also some light hiss which I find totally acceptable for something that's supposed to emulate tape, but the tone is very grating, and don't remember my tape player ever exhibiting that behavior.

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03 Dec 2016

Its produces this always, so bypass it if you dont want it.
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03 Dec 2016

manisnotabird wrote:Getting an annoying and weird whining sound that kind of comes in and out when using the CRAPRE2. Sort of a saw wave with it's base frequency at about 700 hertz. Have it set to battery mode, with the noise reduction on. Adjusting the bias and wobble knobs have no effect. There's also some light hiss which I find totally acceptable for something that's supposed to emulate tape, but the tone is very grating, and don't remember my tape player ever exhibiting that behavior.
You're missing the concept, man

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03 Dec 2016

I don't mind this hiss, or the wobbliness or the volume drops... all those are what I expect from something emulating crappy cassette playback. But I've never had a cassette player I remember always making a tone at 700 hertz.

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