Reason 8.2 Update is Available!

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03 Apr 2015

Tincture wrote:I saw the mention of "Revert" for the browser and thought "hurray, hurray, hurray!". But now I think I have read somewhere that it "reloads" the patch used before browsing, rather than actually just going back to its previous state. Can anyone confirm/deny please?

The reason it matters to me is that I quite often tweak patches quite a bit after loading them and so "reloading" the patch wouldn't take me back to where I was before browsing :/
I reverts to the state before browsing started, keeping your tweaks.


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03 Apr 2015

I don't really understand this "revert" people are talking about. I've always just used cancel or undo (depending on how I was doing the browsing) if I wanted to go back to the (edited) patch I was using before browsing. Never really been a problem.

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03 Apr 2015

prndrsn wrote:I don't really understand this "revert" people are talking about. I've always just used cancel or undo (depending on how I was doing the browsing) if I wanted to go back to the (edited) patch I was using before browsing. Never really been a problem.
Sure, this wasn't a problem on pre-8.0, but as of 8.0/8.1 the old fashioned modal browser disappeared, and there was no "cancel" button.  In 8.0/8.1, you had to use "undo" to reverse any changes or patches you've browsed, but if you browsed through 30 patches... you'd have to hit "undo" 30 times!   :frown:

8.2/Revert fixes that.
Win 10 | Ableton Live 11 Suite |  Reason 12 | i7 3770k @ 3.5 Ghz | 16 GB RAM | RME Babyface Pro | Akai MPC Live 2 & Akai Force | Roland System 8, MX1, TB3 | Dreadbox Typhon | Korg Minilogue XD

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03 Apr 2015

Tincture wrote:I saw the mention of "Revert" for the browser and thought "hurray, hurray, hurray!". But now I think I have read somewhere that it "reloads" the patch used before browsing, rather than actually just going back to its previous state. Can anyone confirm/deny please?

The reason it matters to me is that I quite often tweak patches quite a bit after loading them and so "reloading" the patch wouldn't take me back to where I was before browsing :/
Fredrik wrote:
I reverts to the state before browsing started, keeping your tweaks.

Thanks :) I can't tell you how happy this makes me :D I still might not buy 8.2 but at least I now know I can buy the next version!

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03 Apr 2015

Last Alternative wrote:Does anyone think we're moving toward an online only & monthly pay membership? I love this 8.2 update but things are starting to feel strange.
I don't think so !! They don't have the same market as Adobe and Protools !! It would be risky ! They probably do a lot of money with REs, also don't forget that there is a probably a lot of new user since Discover which use Take and Figure and finally could buy Reason. 

A friend of mine has always been exposed to Ableton Live have recently put Take and Figure on his iPhone... and he really love the straight forward workflow to make sketches. But he also told that, he tried several time to finish a track with Live and always finish with unfinished track, the  workflow break his ideas. He told me that he think he would like to make the jump with Reason for the workflow, he a musician not a tech savvy and Live is too much technical for him. Im pretty sure that there is a lot of people like this out there... and there is much more of them which have never exposed to DAW world and which will be using Take, Figure. 

So, nope I really don't think that we are moving toward this monthly membership !! This could happen, but there is nothing right now which tell us this. 

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03 Apr 2015

Oh yeah, I wanted to add something more about software as a service.

It's important to realize that SaaS is more than just a different way of charging for the same thing. SaaS is very much a response to how we consume software nowadays and what we as consumers expect, which is continuous updates and maintenance. Typically SaaS means that development methods are different from what has been traditional software engineering. "Release early, release often" is something you'll often hear nowadays. Another is faster response to changing needs and demands of end users.

If Propellerheads are indeed going towards SaaS, I predict that there won't be any more big releases with numerous new features like we are used to, launched with months or years between them. Maybe there will be a Reason 9, that probably will be called something else, to mark the beginning of the paradigm shift. Instead there will likely be continuous small updates -- both features and bugfixes -- pushed out as they are finished, whether it's days, weeks, or months ince the last update. And when I say small I don't mean that anything new will just be small adjustments, but that they will be small in that every update might only contain one or a few new features which might themselves be individually significant.
For example, let's say that Reason 7 was developed in this way. As it stands, it introduced 8 new devices in one release, one year after Reason 6.5. With a modern, more SaaS-oriented development model, it would have been more along the lines of pushing out a new device every three weeks or so, on average, as they finished them. I think most of us would have been quite pleased with that.
SaaS can be implemented in many ways, and not every user will like every implementation, and as with everything, some implementations turn out to be failures. SaaS in general, however, is a response to what consumers actually want today: software that is always up to date and always maintained, and that adapts rapidly to new technology. No one wants to hear "Yeah, we're implementing this and that feature and fixing such and such bugs in the next release, which comes out in ten months. Also you have to shell out half of what you originally paid at a single time if you want to upgrade. Oh yeah and that new killer feature that just introduced and everyone wants? Not on the roadmap for this release, we'll probably have it in two or three years when the version after the next comes out. Maybe."
A modern development model allows for a much faster response to such a demand. I suspect that Reason 8 was so lackluster to many owners of Reason 7 is because more stuff was done under the hood to accommodate for a change in development, deployment and maintenance.
In general, I see a potential move towards an SaaS model as something that is fundamentally a good idea. The could still fuck up the way they charge for the product, I'm not saying it's automatically or guaranteed going to be a good thing. Ideally you will buy it once and receive updates of the core functionality and features for free for the rest of the life of the application, and Propellerheads will make money from rack extensions and optional subscriptions to attractive add-on services, such as cloud sync, collaborative tools and rack extension discounts or monthly/weekly deals (compare with Steam), to name some I could come up with off the top of my head. Updates will probably be more focused on features, while new instruments and effects will be sold as rack extensions, alone or in bundles. Some will for sure be free.

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03 Apr 2015

prndrsn wrote:I don't really understand this "revert" people are talking about. I've always just used cancel or undo (depending on how I was doing the browsing) if I wanted to go back to the (edited) patch I was using before browsing. Never really been a problem.
EnochLight wrote:
Sure, this wasn't a problem on pre-8.0, but as of 8.0/8.1 the old fashioned modal browser disappeared, and there was no "cancel" button.  In 8.0/8.1, you had to use "undo" to reverse any changes or patches you've browsed, but if you browsed through 30 patches...
EnochLight wrote:you'd have to hit "undo" 30 times!
EnochLight wrote:
EnochLight wrote:  :frown:

8.2/Revert fixes that.
Weird. A couple of months ago I bought Reason 8 to replace my, um.... totallly legit copy of Reason 5, yeah, and somehow I haven't even given it any thought. Maybe I've just been too busy taking in the massive amount of new stuff in not only Reason but a Bass Station II (my first hardware synth), Zaquencer and a Panorama P4, that I simply never thought about it. I've been so overwhelmed lately. Maybe I've actually never gone back from browsing to a patch I started to edit in Reason 8 yet.

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03 Apr 2015

Tincture wrote:I saw the mention of "Revert" for the browser and thought "hurray, hurray, hurray!". But now I think I have read somewhere that it "reloads" the patch used before browsing, rather than actually just going back to its previous state. Can anyone confirm/deny please?

The reason it matters to me is that I quite often tweak patches quite a bit after loading them and so "reloading" the patch wouldn't take me back to where I was before browsing :/
It can work exactly as you describe if you understand HOW it works and you approach it like the "old" version.

If you browse and tweak WHILE browsing (not possible to do in previous versions), it will not work as expected, which is logical IMO because the idea of Revert is to take you back to the "pre-browsing" state.

But if you browse, then leave browse mode to tweak a patch, then when you begin browsing again, revert will return you to your tweaked patch (not the stored "preset" you started with).

This is exactly what you want, you just have to "tell" it when you want to keep the patch by ending your browse session. This worked automatically in the old version, fwiw because you had was no other option!

Reverting, BTW, takes you OUT of browse mode, so you'll have to "browse" again to re-activate the feature. Again this is how it used to work, except the browser is not now "modal" which causes the confusion IMO. But it was pretty easy to learn the new workflow for me.

Remember that Revert takes you back to the state of the instrument when you ENTERED browse mode, not the preset stored on disk - sometimes these are the same thing, like if you created a device loaded with a factory patch, then loaded a second patch, then hit revert you would be returned to the factory patch. But not because it's the one on disk but because it was the one LOADED into the device when you began browsing. 

I probably could have stated this more clearly - hope this helps!
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03 Apr 2015

prndrsn wrote:Maybe I've actually never gone back from browsing to a patch I started to edit in Reason 8 yet.
I'm guessing this is more than likely the case, because believe me - if you relied on cancelling a browsing session regularly in order to revert back to a device's original state, then that would be one of the first things you noticed about Reason 8's new browser.

Congrats on the Bass Station II!  
Win 10 | Ableton Live 11 Suite |  Reason 12 | i7 3770k @ 3.5 Ghz | 16 GB RAM | RME Babyface Pro | Akai MPC Live 2 & Akai Force | Roland System 8, MX1, TB3 | Dreadbox Typhon | Korg Minilogue XD

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03 Apr 2015

flightONE wrote:I'm not usually a troll but  for f***s sake... the last  32bit only processor is about 8 years old, there is NO reason in 2015 for software to be  32 bit only, so people complaining about 32 bit support, I'm afraid to be the one to tell you; It's time to upgrade your computer...
Reason 8 out september/october 2014 .. support 32 bits/64bits
mars 2015 big discount Reason 8.1 support 32bits/64 bits

and now for a fix bug , an 0.2 uptdate > no support 32 bits

Many user and company  still using 32bits to keep all the workflow can running Reason and others third programs :)

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03 Apr 2015

Tincture wrote:I saw the mention of "Revert" for the browser and thought "hurray, hurray, hurray!". But now I think I have read somewhere that it "reloads" the patch used before browsing, rather than actually just going back to its previous state. Can anyone confirm/deny please?

The reason it matters to me is that I quite often tweak patches quite a bit after loading them and so "reloading" the patch wouldn't take me back to where I was before browsing :/
selig wrote:
It can work exactly as you describe if you understand HOW it works and you approach it like the "old" version.

If you browse and tweak WHILE browsing (not possible to do in previous versions), it will not work as expected, which is logical IMO because the idea of Revert is to take you back to the "pre-browsing" state.

But if you browse, then leave browse mode to tweak a patch, then when you begin browsing again, revert will return you to your tweaked patch (not the stored "preset" you started with).

This is exactly what you want, you just have to "tell" it when you want to keep the patch by ending your browse session. This worked automatically in the old version, fwiw because you had was no other option!

Reverting, BTW, takes you OUT of browse mode, so you'll have to "browse" again to re-activate the feature. Again this is how it used to work, except the browser is not now "modal" which causes the confusion IMO. But it was pretty easy to learn the new workflow for me.

Remember that Revert takes you back to the state of the instrument when you ENTERED browse mode, not the preset stored on disk - sometimes these are the same thing, like if you created a device loaded with a factory patch, then loaded a second patch, then hit revert you would be returned to the factory patch. But not because it's the one on disk but because it was the one LOADED into the device when you began browsing. 

I probably could have stated this more clearly - hope this helps!
Thanks Giles, that fully reassures me that me and Reason will continue to get along just fine in the future :)

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03 Apr 2015

jfrichards wrote: Reason 8.2 / Reason Essentials 8.2 Release Notes

  • Updated Drop to Propellerhead icon.

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03 Apr 2015

stratatonic wrote:...
  • Updated Drop to Propellerhead icon...
Vera is happy

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03 Apr 2015

I get an installation problem
Either I copy the sound banks to Reason folder or not (then Reason downloads it) -anyway.. When starting Reason I get the error message "write problem"
Tried to run the program as admin but then error message is "unknow exception"
For time being.. skipping the upgrade

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03 Apr 2015

gak wrote:@32 bit: 

I can totally understand someone being disappointed by this but even my moms computer is x64 and it's 5 years old. 

I use 32 bit on my desktop, because my midi controller has no 64 bit support. Now those clowns are forcing me to dump it and get another one. Oh well, I'm staying on Reason 7 anyway.

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03 Apr 2015

phasys wrote:
gak wrote:@32 bit: 

I can totally understand someone being disappointed by this but even my moms computer is x64 and it's 5 years old. 
phasys wrote:

I use 32 bit on my desktop, because my midi controller has no 64 bit support. Now those clowns are forcing me to dump it and get another one. Oh well, I'm staying on Reason 7 anyway.
One could also interpret it this way: My MIDI controller does not support 64 Bit, these conservatives are forcing me to stay in the past. Won't bother though, it is the best MIDI controller in the universe, so no need to upgrade.

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03 Apr 2015

the main issue with 32-bit is that a lot of people are going to be still using vender OEM installed 32-bit Windows 7, even if their CPU supports 64bit (it almost certainly will).  that's a kicker because you only get both versions with the retail version and who wants to upgrade a machine reachign teh end of its life?

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03 Apr 2015


Yeah, as I was saying, I wasn't at a spot where I could get the ahk_class.  If you use the Windows Spy tool AHK comes with (right click the running AHK script in you task bar/notification area; you will see Windows Spy as an option) .

Anyway, you will see that the ahk_class is "IglooDocumentWindow".  I've tested and it works.  So use:

; Swap f3 and f4 for Reason
#IfWinActive ahk_class IglooDocumentWindow


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03 Apr 2015

Looks like the template folder has moved on OS X. It's now located at "~/Music/Reason/Template Songs" (old location was "~/Application Support/Propellerhead Software/Reason/Template Songs").

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03 Apr 2015

Took awhile to d/l ISP was borked earlier so who knows... :?

As for the 32 bit dropping it is a little premature to say the least but we are still working on XP Pro at my office... so who knows what premature means nowadays. :roll:
....and a whack of hardware synths and who knows what...

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04 Apr 2015

Since almost all my gripes with Reason 8 were fixed in this update (especially Revert!) I finally bit the bullet and bought the upgrade today.

Nice with the improved track pad scrolling. In the next update, please add track pad zooming in the sequencer as well! (Horizontal only). It would be nice to finally be able to remove my left hand from G and H. :-)

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04 Apr 2015

buddard wrote:Since almost all my gripes with Reason 8 were fixed in this update (especially Revert!) I finally bit the bullet and bought the upgrade today.

Nice with the improved track pad scrolling. In the next update, please add track pad zooming in the sequencer as well! (Horizontal only). It would be nice to finally be able to remove my left hand from G and H. :-)
With a mouswheel you can zoom by holding cmd and shift+command. Maybe it works with two finger scrolling as well (assuming you're using apple's magic trackpad thing).

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04 Apr 2015

buddard wrote:Since almost all my gripes with Reason 8 were fixed in this update (especially Revert!) I finally bit the bullet and bought the upgrade today. Nice with the improved track pad scrolling. In the next update, please add track pad zooming in the sequencer as well! (Horizontal only). It would be nice to finally be able to remove my left hand from G and H. :-)
Gaja wrote: With a mouswheel you can zoom by holding cmd and shift+command. Maybe it works with two finger scrolling as well (assuming you're using apple's magic trackpad thing).
Yup, works with trackpads too, and has for quite some time now IIRC.
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04 Apr 2015

Yes, i know, but it still requires both hands, so I end up using G/H instead. Support for pinch-to-zoom would be a huge workflow improvement, in my opinion. I find myself trying to do it subconsciously all the time since so many other apps (Pages, Photoshop, etc) support it...

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04 Apr 2015

buddard wrote:Yes, i know, but it still requires both hands, so I end up using G/H instead. Support for pinch-to-zoom would be a huge workflow improvement, in my opinion. I find myself trying to do it subconsciously all the time since so many other apps (Pages, Photoshop, etc) support it...
It would be both horizontal AND vertical in that case, but I see your point about a one vs two hand approach. :)
Selig Audio, LLC

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