The Blurb:
Reason 13, like most DAWs, has lots of features, what really sets it apart from other DAWs is that workflow. Reason is less like a spreadsheet and more like a classic hardware studio - only all in software so it can be saved & recalled (a few decades later). This is Part 1, each part will be released on Monday (Oz time) for 10 weeks.
I saw a few people asking for Reason overview videos. Then I get asked to make such a series of videos for a course site. I get halfway in, and then the guy raises things that change expectations - info I asked for before committing. I was not cool with that, esp seeing there was no (up-front) money in this game. So it was for the bin or carry on? Waste not want not I decided not to make it a paid thing - just something else on my YouTube, so here it goes.
I will post each chapter in this thread to keep it together.