Reason High Resolution Graphics: Join the Testing Team!

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16 Apr 2021

ryanharlin wrote:
16 Apr 2021
Just to set some expectations here, guys... today's video isn't announcing Reason 12. It's just talking about high resolution graphics and opening up a public testing effort for that. You'll see when you see the video. :)
So the HD update will be coming as Reason 11.5 then? This would fit into the previous series of .5 updates that introduced larger rewrites.

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16 Apr 2021

jam-s wrote:
16 Apr 2021
ryanharlin wrote:
16 Apr 2021
Just to set some expectations here, guys... today's video isn't announcing Reason 12. It's just talking about high resolution graphics and opening up a public testing effort for that. You'll see when you see the video. :)
This is my best guess, if we're keeping a book.

So the HD update will be coming as Reason 11.5 then? This would fit into the previous series of .5 updates that introduced larger rewrites.

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16 Apr 2021

sdst wrote:
16 Apr 2021
can some Beta tester say something about if the REs are also high?
The beta testers are not allowed to talk about details, so please do not ask. Thanks for your understanding.
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16 Apr 2021

Kilsane wrote:
16 Apr 2021
vertibration wrote:
16 Apr 2021

There is nothing about any way to access a download from that link. You can write tickets, but there aren't any explanation or direction on how to download the beta
It is well indicated on the site of the beta how to download and install, there is also a forume on the site of the beta which will be more adapted to your request
Actually, there seems to be a glitch when clicking the link indicated in the beta forum. I get this message

You're not authorized to access this page"
Last edited by vertibration on 16 Apr 2021, edited 1 time in total.

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16 Apr 2021

I also got a Reason 11 Beta license number attached to my account as well, but I keep getting an error when clicking the link to access the beta download page

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16 Apr 2021

vertibration wrote:
16 Apr 2021
Kilsane wrote:
16 Apr 2021

It is well indicated on the site of the beta how to download and install, there is also a forume on the site of the beta which will be more adapted to your request
Actually, there seems to be a glitch when clicking the link indicated in the beta forum. I get this message

You're not authorized to access this page"

I did get the invite
You really shouldn't be posting on public forums - contact support, you agree to abide with an NDA during signup....

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16 Apr 2021

I'm not upgrading from R10 to R11 just for hi-res.

So I hope full-blown R12 - with MASSIVE Logic Pro-level enhancements and new features - comes out soon because I am actually looking forward to it.
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16 Apr 2021

Billy+ wrote:
16 Apr 2021
vertibration wrote:
16 Apr 2021

Actually, there seems to be a glitch when clicking the link indicated in the beta forum. I get this message

You're not authorized to access this page"

I did get the invite

You really shouldn't be posting on public forums - contact support, you agree to abide with an NDA during signup....
I never signed any NDA. Im not in any private beta programs for Reason. What are you even talking about with an NDA?
Last edited by vertibration on 16 Apr 2021, edited 1 time in total.

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16 Apr 2021

vertibration wrote:
16 Apr 2021
Billy+ wrote:
16 Apr 2021

You really shouldn't be posting on public forums - contact support, you agree to abide with an NDA during signup....
I never signed any NDA. Im not in any private beta programs for Reason. What are you even talking about with an NDA?

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16 Apr 2021

So, I've been on the Beta programme for quite a while. I downloaded the latest update and there is no change to graphics., just a couple of minor bug fixes. Am I missing something?

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16 Apr 2021

DaveyG wrote:
16 Apr 2021
So, I've been on the Beta programme for quite a while. I downloaded the latest update and there is no change to graphics., just a couple of minor bug fixes. Am I missing something?
Yes, you are either missing the right download or you are not in the beta for "hires" version.
Reason13, Win10

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16 Apr 2021

DaveyG wrote:
16 Apr 2021
So, I've been on the Beta programme for quite a while. I downloaded the latest update and there is no change to graphics., just a couple of minor bug fixes. Am I missing something?
you won't get any help on here pal, I emailed support, I suggest doing the same

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16 Apr 2021

vertibration wrote:
16 Apr 2021
I never signed any NDA. Im not in any private beta programs for Reason. What are you even talking about with an NDA?
You signed an NDA to be able to participate on the beta program. Its not possible to participate i the beta without signing an NDA. You better re-read the contract you have signed.
Reason13, Win10

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16 Apr 2021

Loque wrote:
16 Apr 2021
vertibration wrote:
16 Apr 2021
I never signed any NDA. Im not in any private beta programs for Reason. What are you even talking about with an NDA?
You signed an NDA to be able to participate on the beta program. Its not possible to participate i the beta without signing an NDA. You better re-read the contract you have signed.
I didn't sign anything, I guess I am not in the beta then

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16 Apr 2021

Loque wrote:
16 Apr 2021
vertibration wrote:
16 Apr 2021
I never signed any NDA. Im not in any private beta programs for Reason. What are you even talking about with an NDA?
You signed an NDA to be able to participate on the beta program. Its not possible to participate i the beta without signing an NDA. You better re-read the contract you have signed.
I think they was covering their ass...... ;)

Or the fact that no actual signing was done - but you definitely agreed to one.
Last edited by Billy+ on 16 Apr 2021, edited 1 time in total.

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16 Apr 2021

vertibration wrote:
16 Apr 2021
Loque wrote:
16 Apr 2021

You signed an NDA to be able to participate on the beta program. Its not possible to participate i the beta without signing an NDA. You better re-read the contract you have signed.
I didn't sign anything, I guess I am not in the beta then
Yes, probably. But feel free to ask support or ask in the official beta forum.
Reason13, Win10

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16 Apr 2021

Billy+ wrote:
16 Apr 2021
Loque wrote:
16 Apr 2021

You signed an NDA to be able to participate on the beta program. Its not possible to participate i the beta without signing an NDA. You better re-read the contract you have signed.
I think they was covering their ass...... ;)
Its nothing special to ask for and sign an NDA for a beta.
Reason13, Win10

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16 Apr 2021

Fact is, I never signed any NDA. As far as I was concerned, Reason Studios does temporary betas that anyone can sign up for. They also changed their policy regarding NDA's with developers, I don't know if that has also changed somewhat for the public. Regardless, I haven't broken any rules about anything.

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16 Apr 2021

Loque wrote:
16 Apr 2021
sdst wrote:
16 Apr 2021
The beta testers are not allowed to talk about details, so please do not ask. Thanks for your understanding.
ok I changed the word,

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16 Apr 2021

Hopefully we get that zoomed in/full screen look of the rack, as shown in the video.

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16 Apr 2021

vertibration wrote:
16 Apr 2021
Fact is, I never signed any NDA. As far as I was concerned, Reason Studios does temporary betas that anyone can sign up for. They also changed their policy regarding NDA's with developers, I don't know if that has also changed somewhat for the public. Regardless, I haven't broken any rules about anything.
You know, when you agreed to enter the beta program, you "signed" an NDA that forbids you discussing beta matters.

I do think it is safe to ask whether somebody has gotten access to it or not. Is this not allowed?

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16 Apr 2021


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16 Apr 2021

To everyone: don't care if you signed an NDA or not. Please keep all beta information, screen shots, and discussions in the RS beta forum that you are granted access to. Thanks.
Win 10 | Ableton Live 11 Suite |  Reason 12 | i7 3770k @ 3.5 Ghz | 16 GB RAM | RME Babyface Pro | Akai MPC Live 2 & Akai Force | Roland System 8, MX1, TB3 | Dreadbox Typhon | Korg Minilogue XD

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16 Apr 2021

EnochLight wrote:
16 Apr 2021
To everyone: don't care if you signed an NDA or not. Please keep all beta information, screen shots, and discussions in the RS beta forum that you are granted access to. Thanks.

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16 Apr 2021

guitfnky wrote:
16 Apr 2021
sonicbyte wrote:
16 Apr 2021
I wonder how much stress this HD graphics will impact on our systems. Do will need a powerful graphics card to run this smooth as we do right now ? Or the render will be do by the software ?

Anyone knows ?
going from memory here, so take it with a grain of salt...I want to say they’ve said Reason’s UI will run off the GPU, if you have one. I could be mistaken, but I don’t think that’s currently the case.

as for how that will impact performance, it’s hard to say. I tried going back to using Digital Performer last year, and it actually ran worse (both audio and graphics) for me when it was rendering using the graphics card. I hope that won’t be the case with Reason, but I’ll have to wait and see.
Yeah that’s a scary prospect.
The hi res issue has never bothered me so it would be a kind of deal breaker at this point if it proves to be a performance drain. Don’t have the money for a new rig just to run mandatory new hi res in order to access other potential features.
Perpetual Reason 12 Beta Tester :reason:

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