I'm tincture from the props forums. It feels like there's an opportunity for a new start here so I thought I'd share some of my old reason files if you fancy remixing or improving them. All I ask is that you send me a link to any remixes you come up with so that I can have a listen

https://drive.google.com/folderview?id= ... sp=sharing
Hopefully that links to a folder on my googledrive with the reason files in.
The files are old .rsn files and I chose these as there won't be any Rack Extension compatibility issues

They will need converting to the new mixer though (or not, depending how you want to work) and will probably have some sound issues as they were made before I had monitors. But hopefully they have some musical worth that you can transform and mutate

I hope they are all self-contained and don't need any refills but if they do just let me know and I'll sort that out. I do have a large collection of refills that I can maybe help people with (if they were free).
I never wanted to say much about my Reason past on the props site because I don't feel good about using Reason for free for many years. The thing is I would have never got into any computer music making if it wasn't for my long "trial period" of Reason and would never have bought so many Rack Extensions etc. I feel like a paid up member now and want to say I have loved Reason since R1.01 back in Dec of 2001!
I'd love to get more involved musically with this community so hopefully this will be a nice way to restart. I have a bit of a drink problem which means I have sometimes made ill advised posts at the weekend on the Props forum. I'll do my best to behave here. I am a nice guy most of the time