More freebie giveaways, equivocate, digital synsations, & 6 Black Rooster Audio plugs!

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Post 20 Jul 2024

Edit, I decided to include the list now and just know that Giles has first pick of any one of them if he'd like one. Please understand he deserves it, as does everyone of course, but he's really helped me out so I owe him. So anyway, the list of black rooster audio plugins is as follows:
VPre-73, Black Ash compressor, Blue Ash compressor, Magnetite tape emulator, VA FET 1176 compressor, VLA-3A limiter which is an LA3A emulator!

These plugins are THE tits, pardon my Francais, however I do genuinely feel that that Tapefunk RE is better than Magnetite, but it's also a lot more of a plugin in the style you want to push, hard, where as Magnetite is a subtle "put on every track at typical -18dbv gain staging level inputs" type of plugin, so they do complement one another I guess.

Blue and Black ash compressors are SO good, they are THE underrated unsung heroes of the compressor plugin world, they are simple but deceptively incredible and have been a secret weapon of mine for years. The VPre 73 is a really nice saturation emulation of a Neve 73 Pre, and the VLA FET is a nice 1176 emulation with highpass sidechain and parallel compression, and the VLA3a is a gorgeous plugin version of the MUCH less commonly emulated LA3A, of which there are only 2 other plugin emulations of (Waves and UA)!

All must haves, which is why they are the ones I chose out of the entire line when I originally bought them, plus I paid $99 a piece back then, so couldn't just go crazy and buy all of them LOL. But that's what's on offer.

Check out

Please enjoy in good health, make some kickass music, and accept these gifts knowing I wish only to help others out if I can, there are no ulterior motives here. All I ever ask is that it's someone who will use them and not instantly resell a gift, which I think is a reasonable initial request. After some time has passed, I'll put names in a hat for each plugin choice and pick a recipient for each. For the BRA stuff, I am limiting it to one per person to be entirely fair so my idea is to choose your 1st choice and 2nd choice, so everyone will get TWO chances even though it will be one plugin per person for the giveaway. Again, this is only so everyone gets a chance.

BRA plugins work GREAT with Reason btw, have fully resizable true high DPI GUIs, and the VST3 free update is almost here, it's being released in Autumn. VST2 works much better in R12 and R13 right now anyway.

Back to the Original post:

Hi all,

Firstly, I am genuinely surprised that no one asked me for the UVI Digital Synsations bundle from previous topic, as I just installed it and played through every preset over a few hours, and it's fantastic. I just don't get it. Is it the ilok? You don't need a usb dongle. I have had both vol. 1 and 2 for years and love them, and I have now installed all my UVI stuff and their products have to be amongst my favourite romplers of all time, whether hardware OR plugins. Some amazing libraries and I only have about a quarter of them from a purchase maybe a decade back.
Anyway, if anyone changes their mind, there is a totally free digital synsations volume 1 for anyone who wants it.

Also, there will be a newfangled audio equivocate in about 10 minutes when I check out from boutique, free to anyone who wants it, also ilok but gives you upgrade paths to the full mastering bundle at eventide, and it's a great graphic EQ.

Finally, the one the topic heading is mainly about and the ones I know everyone will want, BLACK ROOSTER! I am buying their entire bundle for $99 on the current sale and they don't have an upgrade path so I will have a dual license of 6 of the plugins. I would like to offer the first pick to GILES of Selig Audio if he reads this, since he also helped me out recently and is a very kind man, which will leave 3, hence why I will list them after Giles replies to a PM to say whether interested or not, he can pick any of the 6, then I'll list the remaining ones. BTW, they are *really* good ones, all being either dynamics or saturation plugins.

The support have already told me that I can sell or give them away, they are currently only $19 a piece on a crazy summer sale, cheapest they have ever been, but I am not going to sell 6 plugins at a likely price of 10 bucks a piece when I can help a few people who have a real use for them.
I don't think they even officially allow license transfers but she is just being so helpful and easy going about it and understands the duplicate situation.

But for those, I think there will be a lot of interest so I'll do a random picker system. I do hope the 6 overall plugins including the 3 or possibly 4 BRA plugins (available within 24 hours), the equivocate (actually available now as I just checked out from plugin boutique, can just give you the serial) and digital synsations (available right now too, just also give you the registration serial and you're done) go to good homes that will enjoy them. I presume the BRA will be manual transfers so I am just finalising with them so I can just fire off emails as they are done and let them know.

Let me know if interested, and I'll check in later again!

Mac Studio M2 Ultra/64Gb/Apollo T-Bolt 3/OS 14.6.1/PT 2024.6/R13.02/Logic 11.01
MSI GT77/13980HX/RTX 4090m/64GB/Arturia Minifuse 2/PT 2024.6/R13.02/Low DPC latency tuned

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Post 20 Jul 2024

Ok so the lovely Laura at BRA replied, she said that the new user will need an account there, then all I have to do is give her the black rooster account holder's email that he/she uses in said account. Simple as that. The other 2 products I can give you the unused registration codes directly and you register them at each respective developer's website.

So all the plugins in the list are now free and ready to give, so to finalise a simple list

1) UVI Digital synsations Vol.1, digital retro hardware rompler library
2) NewFangled Audio Equivocate Graphic EQ
3) Black Rooster Audio V73 Pre - saturation plugin
4) Black Rooster Audio VLA-FET - compressor
5) Black Rooster Audio VLA-3A - compressor/limiter
6) Black Rooster Audio Magnetite - tape emulation
7) Black Rooster Audio BlueAsh compressor
8) Black Rooster Audio BlackAsh compressor

So just write in a reply your first and second choice, and let's say in a week from now, I'll use a random online picker for the plugins where we have enough people, and if there's only one person for any particular plugin, then that will go to whomever asked for it. Simple. Enjoy and good luck!
Mac Studio M2 Ultra/64Gb/Apollo T-Bolt 3/OS 14.6.1/PT 2024.6/R13.02/Logic 11.01
MSI GT77/13980HX/RTX 4090m/64GB/Arturia Minifuse 2/PT 2024.6/R13.02/Low DPC latency tuned

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Post 21 Jul 2024

Thanks for taking the time to create yet another generous thread. I got a nice plugin from you not long ago, so I planned to not participate this time around. However, since no one else has replied, I feel it's time to bump the thread.

I already have Digital Synsations and EQuivocate, but I haven't even tried a Black Rooster plugin. They all seem interesting so picking two is difficult. After some thinking, I pick number 6 (Magnetite) as my first choice and number 3 (VPRE-73) as my second one.

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Post 22 Jul 2024

sycon wrote:
21 Jul 2024
Thanks for taking the time to create yet another generous thread. I got a nice plugin from you not long ago, so I planned to not participate this time around. However, since no one else has replied, I feel it's time to bump the thread.

I already have Digital Synsations and EQuivocate, but I haven't even tried a Black Rooster plugin. They all seem interesting so picking two is difficult. After some thinking, I pick number 6 (Magnetite) as my first choice and number 3 (VPRE-73) as my second one.
I am really surprised about this also. Maybe it's me. Sorry if I have offended anyone somehow with my strong anti Reason 13 comments or anything else I might have done. Really there is nothing weird going on with this giveaway, it's just because I'd rather give them away then sell them (maybe that would have gone over better at KVR or something lol).

BTW Sycon, you can have the one you chose as first, no problem, and I'll keep the other 5 BRA stuff in this topic for a while still:). I will let Laura know, just PM me you BRA account's email and I'll get her to transfer Magnetite to you.

Also, Giles hasn't replied nor even read my most recent messages, nor replied to two he HAS read days ago, as we were supposed to collab on some music, so I guess he is pissed off at me too. I guess I must have annoyed multiple people:(

Again, sorry about that:(

I am really trying to be the best version of myself I can currently be, although I am not perfect and never will be. I really hope no one here still sees me as I behaved years back. Sure I am still passionate and opinionated, but in a different way. I can't help being emotional, that's just part of my entire makeup as a person. But whomever I have upset, again, sorry.

I can not edit out the previous post with the list, so just know Magnetite is gone and I'll update here if anything else is taken. Cheers.
Mac Studio M2 Ultra/64Gb/Apollo T-Bolt 3/OS 14.6.1/PT 2024.6/R13.02/Logic 11.01
MSI GT77/13980HX/RTX 4090m/64GB/Arturia Minifuse 2/PT 2024.6/R13.02/Low DPC latency tuned

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Post 23 Jul 2024

Thank you once again, Theo. I really appreciate your effort to do something good for the community. I will use the plugin, for sure!

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Post 24 Jul 2024

sycon wrote:
23 Jul 2024
Thank you once again, Theo. I really appreciate your effort to do something good for the community. I will use the plugin, for sure!
Any time, sorry for the delay, I sent a text explaining how the lovely lady at BRA confused emails and almost transferred the license to ME, lol, the same email it is registered to.

Giles replied, he asked for my opinions so I have suggested he take the blueash compressor and the v73 pre for some nice saturation, so tentatively those are gone until he replies.

Mac Studio M2 Ultra/64Gb/Apollo T-Bolt 3/OS 14.6.1/PT 2024.6/R13.02/Logic 11.01
MSI GT77/13980HX/RTX 4090m/64GB/Arturia Minifuse 2/PT 2024.6/R13.02/Low DPC latency tuned

Posts: 65
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Post 24 Jul 2024

Theo.M wrote:
24 Jul 2024
Any time, sorry for the delay, I sent a text explaining how the lovely lady at BRA confused emails and almost transferred the license to ME, lol, the same email it is registered to.
It's in my account now! Thanks for sorting things out, and of course for arranging this giveaway.

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