More control over the browser window

Have any feature requests? No promise they'll get to Reason Studios, but you can still discuss them here.
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Joined: 26 Nov 2022

05 Jan 2023

Nice feature but it's in the tradition of reason's "This is our way of doing it and that's how it's going to be" of design philosophy.


1) To be placed where it is convenient for me. On the left side covering the master inserts and effects is not convenient. Right side, where I rarely place rack extensions, is more convenient. It should be my choice. Let me drag it left or right. Or toggle it in preferences.

2) To be able to be resized. That bottom window with the tiny text? I only know it's there because it gets in the way. Let me drag it down to a smaller size.

3) To give me the ability to move / remove / put in folders all the stock selections that you determine that I must have in front of me all the time. I don't need to see "showcase", "song samples" "this pc" AND "desktop" (one or the other is more than enough). Plus if I want a link to one of them, I can make it myself. And it's made worse by #2, since I can't expand the window vertically any more and run out of space for MY favorites that are actually useful to me.

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06 Jan 2023

1. I'd really like the option to rearrange all of the elements. I'd like to have the mixer on the bottom or right side.

2. You can fold the Info and Details sections. Just click the little folding arrow. If you prefer this to be folded, be sure to save it with your default template.

3. I agree about the locations like the home folder and desktop, except song samples probably needs to stay.

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