Midi Clock with Reason General opps

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Location: DDR WEST

12 Jul 2022

But seriously with the midi sheet shit, today my Akai Rhythm Wolf arrived, and i looked the whole evening to get everything works in sync, last i read at sequencer.de
https://www.sequencer.de/synthesizer/th ... ig.145303/

The thing with usb stuff / interfaces and timing, daw internal clock and tools like loopBe or loopMidi and Usb nothing works well, theres no way
to get a tight timing from a computer to hardware my experience, at the other side back in the god old days of pci cards there wasn´t such a shame with midi sync.

Therefore syncing the Akai drumbox is maybe not the coolest and best analog device but it still works better than everything before these days i must say,
only over 130bpm slowly the clock of this cheap drumcomputer becomes more and more inaccurate and i i realize how
horrible this sync thing must be with cheap usb interfaces or midi stuff who is not from RME, ESI or MOTU^^

So now the crazy thing i realized when i checked the incoming midi clock from wolf with midiOX and the standalone Spark2.5 plugin in slave mode,
was that when i use MidiPatchbay software to merge the incoming midi signal on midiport 1 of my babyface, directed via loopMidi to reason, midi ox or spark2 the timing becomes horribile inaccurate :twisted: otherwise i merge it back to to midiout 1 of my babyface it is not as inaccurate as via loop midi but also a little bit.

For sake which way do you go to solve this problems???

We also tried to get ableton link working in a jam last sunday via a router, but it doesn´t worked with my ipad and ispark....
Reason12.5, Yamaha EG112, Ibanez PF10, RhythmWolf, Miniak, Ipad+SparkLE
SE2200t :arrow: VAS micpre MOTO:better repair-mod well made stuff than buy the next crap

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