Does this hardware synth exist?

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25 Mar 2018

Hey all. I’ve been curious to get a hardware synth and seem lots of really cool little beasts out there, from that Behringer Moog clone to Arturia’s smaller units. However, not one of them seems to satisfy my spoiled-computer-user wishlist, although a few come close. Here’s what I’m looking for:
- simple subtractive synthesis is enough, with the standard oscillator/filter/amp design
- a keyboard is nice but not necessary (I have plenty of controllers)
- every parameter is controlled by a physical knob/button/dial (this is the biggest draw to hardware for me)
- polyphonic, or at least paraphonic
- a nice sounding filter
- stereo in some sense (unison spread, or even just stereo reverb or ping-pong delay; I just don’t want to have to have a floor-effects setup in addition, if possible)
- cheap enough to be a fun experiment, but not necessarily dirt cheap

So far, the closest contender is the Korg Minilogue, which seems awesome in most ways except it’s mono out (why put unison and delay with no stereo?!?). I haven’t heard it enough to know it sounds interesting enough, but I like a lot of its features.

Anything you think is a better contender?

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25 Mar 2018

I'd say the DeepMind 6, but you want every parameter controlled by a physical knob. Unfortunately, the DeepMinds have some menu diving.

Best bet is to go with the Minilogue and just do stereo delay/chorus in the DAW.

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25 Mar 2018

The Roland Boutique series might have what you're looking for. Most of them are four-voice, no menus (with the exception of the D-05), keyboard is optional, and they're all under $350.

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25 Mar 2018

Yea those actually sound pretty good, just keep in mind that they are all digital synths. When you said hardware I assumed you were looking for analog.

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25 Mar 2018

Notation Peak. $$$$$.
FX, Stereo, 2 ADSRs, Seq/ARP, Screen. Sound. 6 vox. No keys

Behringers Neutron . $.
Paraphonic. Nice 1-1 architecture. Patch bay.

Dreadbox's anything. But, $-$$$$. Reverb but mono.
NYX. Killer architecture. LFO/ envelopes super snappy. Paraphonic, $$.
Abyss. 4 voice. Dreamy sound. FX. Unison. Chords. $$$$.

Roland Boutiques. All knobs midi. Plus patches!! 4 voice or unison.
Chainable. Audio over MIDI. sound. Portable. $-$$. Real midi ports.

Roland System 1. Scaled up Boutique. Pitch envelope!! Full ADSRs. $$.
FK. audio over MIDI, Keys. Patches... Bass.. Matching VST, if you want.
The BASS on the System-1 kills the Miniloque, IMO.
There are some other Roland synths as well, but they seem dated.

For my first synth, I'd want a proper synth, with a layout I can get used to.
No use getting substandard sound . You'll learn little.
No menu diving (shift is OK), proper envelopes, midi and cv and usb.
The Behringer D has up'd my sound. The Paraphonic Neutron looks just right.
For polyphony, I'd go with the Novation Peak. You'll know synthesis after that.

But look into the Digitakt. Unless you really want a pure synth.
Sampler, Synth (sound shaping monster). Sequencer, midi controller.
full OSC, AMP, Filter, Envelop, Mod, sections. And, Drive.

I'd sell any volcas and pocket operators - except 33 KO - for a D'takt. When I'm better, I'll Digitone.

And, Analog vs Digital.. Silly game.
See the reviews for Digitakt: Electron MK1s HAD to be revamped.
jayhosking wrote:
25 Mar 2018
Hey all. I’ve been curious to get a hardware synth and seem lots of really cool little beasts out there, from that Behringer Moog clone to Arturia’s smaller units. However, not one of them seems to satisfy my spoiled-computer-user wishlist, although a few come close. Here’s what I’m looking for:
simple subtractive synthesis ..., with the standard oscillator/filter/amp design
- a keyboard is nice but not necessary (I have plenty of controllers)
- every parameter is controlled by a physical knob/button/dial
- polyphonic, or at least paraphonic ****
- a nice sounding filter
- stereo (unison spread, or even just stereo reverb or ping-pong delay;
- cheap enough to be a fun experiment, but not necessarily dirt cheap

So far, the closest contender is the Korg Minilogue...
Last edited by O1B on 26 Mar 2018, edited 1 time in total.

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25 Mar 2018

Oh yeah, I forgot the Neutron is paraphonic! I can’t wait for it to come out.

The Peak is a thing of beauty. I can’t possibly justify buying one, but I still can’t believe how quickly I dialed in some great sounding patches with it.

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25 Mar 2018

aeox wrote:
25 Mar 2018
I'd say the DeepMind 6, but you want every parameter controlled by a physical knob. Unfortunately, the DeepMinds have some menu diving.
I also think that the DeepMind 6 is the closest to what the OP is looking for. It's analog, it has some voices, and it has many controls, with some menu diving. It also sounds gorgeous. So, if the budget allows it (it costs about 850 € i think), i'd go for that. Unfortunately, it is really difficult to find a versatile synth, with one knob per function, and all the other stuff mentioned in the OP. There's always something missing, unless you want to spend a fortune, and get something like the Alesis Andromeda. I think the DeepMind has the best bang for the buck, and if i had the money, and would take this hobby a bit more serious, i'd surely get one.

Edit: I just saw that german Musicstore has it for 617 €. :o That's certainly a nice deal then.
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25 Mar 2018

My vote is for the 8 voice Novation Peak.


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25 Mar 2018

The Peak is nice too. Definitely the nicest sounding Novation synth.
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25 Mar 2018

Thanks so much for all these suggestions. The Peak seems awfully neat, but there's no way I can justify $2000CAD for a fun experiment. The Deepmind seems potentially good but doesn't look like it's carried by my local dealer, and I'd definitely need to try before buying; moreover, I've spent so much time staring at tiny synthesizer screens that I'm just yearning for something more straightforward/tactile. Neutron seems cool but it's not out yet and I'm not sure what advantages it would afford me over the Minilogue. The System-1 also seems pretty great, is only slightly more than the Minilogue, but is also not stereo. So it just comes down to comparing the oscillators and filters for the System-1 versus the Minilogue, I think. And it looks like both are in stock in town, so it might be time to take a trip to the music shop!

Funny how I'm so used to unison and delay having spread, thanks to Reason. I wish Synapse would just make a hardware version of the Legend. They could even make the whole thing digital, I wouldn't care, but with the knobs on the RE. I would buy that in a second!

Thanks again for all your help, everyone.

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