Reason 1.0 vs 10.0 - visual comparison

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25 Nov 2017

Thought I’d do a little test as I was curious to see how far Reason had come through it’s 10 major release versions over the past 17 years.

Here is a screen shot of both Reason 10 side by side with Reason 1.0, showing the same devices. Reason 10 running on MacOS Sierra, and 1.0 running on an emulated Mac OS 9.

Visually the only difference I see is in the ReDrum channel layout after the introduction of the “sample” button, which meant a few minor tweaks to the layout.
Apart from that though everything looks visually identical (the devices that is).


I do love Reason and have admired its creative approach to music making for many many years, but I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking Reason could really do with a visual overhaul to bring it up to date after so long.

Curious to hear your thoughts.

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25 Nov 2017

No and yes and it's has happened... :)

No to existing devices as everyone knows where everything is, quick work flow.

Yes to how we could scale the rack.
Yes to new devices being a bit more out there.

TBH I always preferred the old transport bar as to me it's a lot clearer.

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25 Nov 2017

I know it’s only cosmetic, but personally would love for Reason to have a somewhat realistic look to the devices, similar to Softube.
Plus now Reason has Vst support it makes the native devices look very dated in appearance compared to some Vsts when running side by side.

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25 Nov 2017

Well they ARE "dated". I don't see people asking for "visual overhauls" of classic hardware synths :) As for resolution - sure.

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25 Nov 2017

I don’t have any problem with the general overall style of the devices. Subtraktor does look like a classic rack synth from decades ago, same with the other classic legacy devices.
It’s just the restricted size of the devices that needs the main adjustment, but also bringing them in line visually with more modern counterparts wouldn’t hurt at the same time.

I think coherent is the word that would best describe how I would like to see Reason in the not too distant future.
I do find it very miss-mash as it is now after years and years of adding newer devices and tweaks to the environment/sequencer that don’t quite work with the classic legacy devices (Regroove mixer eg).

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25 Nov 2017

Carly(Poohbear) wrote:
25 Nov 2017
TBH I always preferred the old transport bar as to me it's a lot clearer.
For me Reason 5-7 had almost ideally transport bar with functionality.
But old was very device-liked and mmm... replace/overdub switch must be return :)
With third position - midi record comping.

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25 Nov 2017

You know how I feel...
Reason needs to DAW.viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7504985

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25 Nov 2017

Yeh I think Reason 5-7 everything looked coherent enough, did prefer the transport bar from then as well.
Reason 8s new style transport bar just seemed out of place visually and stylistically

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25 Nov 2017

Don't get me started on the UI. I can't think of a single other app that has had so little work done on its UI in all that time. Seeing them side by side really illustrates how little effort has been put in. And no, that doesn't mean it's a great interface that has stood the test of time. It means it's such a good app that people have been willing to put up with the interface over the years.

The idea of updating the look of the older devices is a good one. They could definitely be made to feel a little more fresh with a new skin (assuming everything was left in the same place). But given Propellerhead's track record I wouldn't hold your breath.

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25 Nov 2017

I'm all for an increase in resolution and zooming in the rack. I would say it's long overdue, and they're gonna have to do it one day or another (might be in 2030 for all I know, and then I might be dead).

But I love the old-school designs. Don't wanna have to relearn my classics.

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25 Nov 2017

Goodbye wrote:
25 Nov 2017
Don't get me started on the UI. I can't think of a single other app that has had so little work done on its UI in all that time. Seeing them side by side really illustrates how little effort has been put in. And no, that doesn't mean it's a great interface that has stood the test of time. It means it's such a good app that people have been willing to put up with the interface over the years.

The idea of updating the look of the older devices is a good one. They could definitely be made to feel a little more fresh with a new skin (assuming everything was left in the same place). But given Propellerhead's track record I wouldn't hold your breath.
I disagree. Why would devices that have worked fine for so many years, and that users have gotten used to, need a new GUI? All that needs fixing is to make it compatible with today's high resolution screens - a much higher priority with regards to practical usage than changing some colours and textures (which, I assure you, would annoy people).

I like how the rack has looked consistent for so many years. A more interesting side by side would be of the sequencer - that's where the action has been. That has really evolved and is still a good avenue for further evolution.

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25 Nov 2017

I guess if one day Reason is on par with Soundtoys, and can look similar visually, then the Props would be onto a real winner...


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25 Nov 2017

stephensmattlee wrote:
25 Nov 2017
I guess if one day Reason is on par with Soundtoys, and can look similar visually, then the Props would be onto a real winner...


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Hmm, that Echoboy should have fallen out of that rack as not one screw lines up, so whats holding it in???

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25 Nov 2017

Two things need to happen with Reason's core GUI/UX for all native (and RE) devices:

1. The resolution needs to be modernized to 4K and above (8K is just around the corner).
2. The actual bitmaps used would need to be improved upon at this point as well, as making the resolution higher will just draw attention to the fact that the current devices were designed with a lower max resolution in mind and lower quality bitmaps.

This is akin to running old Steam games (such as Half-Life 2, etc) at insanely high resolutions these days. Sure, the resolution looks good, but the bitmaps were made when even achieving 1280 x 720 was a stretch, and as a result - things can look "odd" to say the least. They almost come off as "blurry".

Last edited by EnochLight on 25 Nov 2017, edited 1 time in total.
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25 Nov 2017

This! ...this! ...this!!!


Whoever did this update/render of Subtractor should help Propellerheads do the whole of Reason. Or at least they should do something similar themselves to what this person did.

Would look amazing. Keeps the classic visual style and look but brings it up to the 21st century :)

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25 Nov 2017

stephensmattlee wrote:
25 Nov 2017
This! ...this! ...this!!!


Whoever did this update/render of Subtractor should help Propellerheads do the whole of Reason. Or at least they should do something similar themselves to what this person did.

Would look amazing. Keeps the classic visual style and look but brings it up to the 21st century :)

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Oh I totally agree. If you're going to stick with the skeuomorphism thing, then you need to go "all in" and be photo realistic. This is one area where Softube (among many others) shines, big time.
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25 Nov 2017

There’s some more photos here from the person that did the render ... ... pic=6014.0 ...

Does look very very cool. I’m sure every Reason user wouldn’t mind at all if the Props went in this direction bringing the visuals up to date :)

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25 Nov 2017

stephensmattlee wrote:
25 Nov 2017
This! ...this! ...this!!!


Whoever did this update/render of Subtractor should help Propellerheads do the whole of Reason. Or at least they should do something similar themselves to what this person did.

Would look amazing. Keeps the classic visual style and look but brings it up to the 21st century :)

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While we're here, credit to Mikko Niiranen, a.k.a. Nirude, who did this 3D render a few years ago. He also did a beautiful render of Europa recently, but it's on a protected forum so I'm not sure I can post it here. Nirude, if you're around, can you share it?

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25 Nov 2017

stephensmattlee wrote:
25 Nov 2017
This! ...this! ...this!!!


Whoever did this update/render of Subtractor should help Propellerheads do the whole of Reason. Or at least they should do something similar themselves to what this person did.

Would look amazing. Keeps the classic visual style and look but brings it up to the 21st century :)

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Couldn't agree more.

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25 Nov 2017

WongoTheSane wrote:
25 Nov 2017
While we're here, credit to Mikko Niiranen, a.k.a. Nirude, who did this 3D render a few years ago. He also did a beautiful render of Europa recently, but it's on a protected forum so I'm not sure I can post it here. Nirude, if you're around, can you share it?
Mikko/Nirude did the Subtractor render that stephensmattlee posted above??!
Win 10 | Ableton Live 11 Suite |  Reason 12 | i7 3770k @ 3.5 Ghz | 16 GB RAM | RME Babyface Pro | Akai MPC Live 2 & Akai Force | Roland System 8, MX1, TB3 | Dreadbox Typhon | Korg Minilogue XD

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25 Nov 2017

EnochLight wrote:
25 Nov 2017
WongoTheSane wrote:
25 Nov 2017
While we're here, credit to Mikko Niiranen, a.k.a. Nirude, who did this 3D render a few years ago. He also did a beautiful render of Europa recently, but it's on a protected forum so I'm not sure I can post it here. Nirude, if you're around, can you share it?
Mikko/Nirude did the Subtractor render that stephensmattlee posted above??!

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25 Nov 2017

EnochLight wrote:
25 Nov 2017
WongoTheSane wrote:
25 Nov 2017
While we're here, credit to Mikko Niiranen, a.k.a. Nirude, who did this 3D render a few years ago. He also did a beautiful render of Europa recently, but it's on a protected forum so I'm not sure I can post it here. Nirude, if you're around, can you share it?
Mikko/Nirude did the Subtractor render that stephensmattlee posted above??!
Jep, and among others he also did this one.

:?: The question is - Who cares :?:

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25 Nov 2017

Credit where it’s due, Nirude did a stunning job with these. Very impressive indeed.
Like I said before the Props should definitely go in this direction for future updates to Reasons aesthetics :)

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25 Nov 2017

I guess i'm one of the only users here that thinks reason is still as visually stunning as it's always been. The fact that the instruments and devices need an "overhaul" to me makes no sense since the devices themselves have not been updated in recent times. I feel like they are more concerned about upgrading the actual interface itself instead of the classic devices just for the fact that they are classic. If they were to add updates to the devices and instruments themselves an updated GUI would be great but they would also need to make other updates as well. IMO updating the GUI makes it new again, no longer being that classic piece of gear. IDK i guess im just looking at it from a hardware lovers point of view that would hate if I came back to the studio with my hardware "updated" visually with no new bells and whistles that update it to modern times.
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