*A Must Read* Maarten Vorwerk Tip of the week Full Pdf

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26 Dec 2015

Sorry for the link, the PDF is 40mb ...and I can't uploaded on this site.
Source https://www.facebook.com/VorwerkMaarten/

Table of content:

#vorwerk #tipoftheweek #1 Sidechain effect 6
#vorwerk #tipoftheweek #2 Subboom effect 7
#vorwerk #tipoftheweek #3 Reverb & Delays 8
#vorwerk #tipoftheweek #4 Loudness 9
#vorwerk #tipoftheweek #5 Left and Right EQ 10
#vorwerk #tipoftheweek #6 Multiband Compressor 11
#vorwerk #tipoftheweek #7 Presence 12
#vorwerk #tipoftheweek #8 EQ’ing 13
#vorwerk #tipoftheweek #9 Kicks 14
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #10Special Motivation 15
#vorwerk #tipoftheweek #11 Louder = Wider 16
#vorwerk #tipoftheweek #12 Hard Disk Clipping 17
#vorwerk #tipoftheweek #13 Mixing Vocals 18
#vorwerk #tipoftheweek #14 Stereo Imaging 19
#vorwerk #tipoftheweek #15 Kick vs Basline 20
#vorwerk #tipoftheweek #16 Layering Synths: 21
#vorwerk #tipoftheweek #17Cool FX. 22
#vorwerk #tipoftheweek #18 Taking control of your mixdown 23
#vorwerk #tipoftheweek #19 Mid-Side EQ - Stereo widening - Mastering. 24
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #20 #Special Bussiness tip 25
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #21 Vocal Mixing 26
#vorwerk #tipoftheweek #22 Parallel Compression 27
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #23 Key Of A Track 28
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #24 Kick enhancement 29
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #25 Pitchbend 30
#Vorwerk #tipoftheweek #26 EQ 31
#Vorwerk #tipoftheweek #27 Compression: 32
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #28 Workflow 34
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #29 Mixing / Mastering 36
#Vorwerk #tipoftheweek #special #30 Business 37
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #31 Mixing and leveling 38
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #32 Mixing / Sounddesign 39
#Vorwerk # Tipoftheweek #33 Reverb 40
#Vorwerk # Tipoftheweek #34 Automation 42
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #35 Mastering 43
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #36 How to start your mix! 45
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #37 Mono 46
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #38 Writers Block and Creativity 47
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #39 Production tip: Making a cool bass 49
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #40 How to get your record signed! 50
#Vorwerk #tipoftheweek #41 LOUDNESS 52
#vorwerk #tipoftheweek #42 Know when to stop! 54
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #43 Widening up your sound 55
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #44 Ambient noises or background action in a track 57
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #45 Physics / EQ / Acoustics 58
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #46 Subtractive and additive EQ'ing in commercial dance music 59
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #47 Working with a musical (business) partner 61
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #48 Income streams for DJ's and Producers 62
#Vorwerk #tipoftheweek #49 Monitor volumes 65
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #50 Phase Part 1 67
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #51 Phase Part 2 69
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #53 Layering Synths Part 2 71
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #54 Loudness 72
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #55 How to save CPU 73
#Vorwerk #TipoftheWeek #56 Harmonic Exciter 74
#Vorwerk #Soundoftheyear #57 Sylenth Soundbank 75
#Vorwerk #TipoftheWeek #58 Transient Designers 76
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #59 Dynamic EQ-ing 77
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #60 Export reference 78
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #61 Problems in the high end 79
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #62 Mastering 80
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #63 Demosessions 81
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #64 Demosessions 82
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #65 Song Tempo 83
#Vorwerk #Tipoftheweek #66 Speed 84
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #67 Mixing 85
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #68 Mixing Kick & Bass vs Drop Melody 86
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #69 Folder Tracks 87
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #70 The Noise Gate: 88
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #71 Midrange: 89
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #72 Wide Stereo Lead 90
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #73 Layering 91
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #74 Mix assignment 92
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #75 How to give your Lead sound a little extra spice 93
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #76 Food for thought 94
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #77 Vocal Side-Chain 95
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #78 Rhytmic Gating 96
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #79 A ‘Lively’ sound 97
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #Halloween Special Trick or Treat 98
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #80 EQ’ing before or after Compression 99
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #81 Superwide! 100
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #82 Creating your own sound 101
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #83 How to Arrange your track? 102
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #84 Speaker placement 103
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #85 Panning 104
#Vorwerk #TipOfTheWeek #86 Distortion 105
My opinion is that Propellerhead REASON needs a complete rewrite!
P.S: people should stop saying "No it won't happen" when referring to a complete rewrite of REASON. I have 3 letters for ya....VST
Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:53 pm

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