Exciting news, RE's can now be as heavily optimised as vst and use streaming simd instructions

This forum is for discussing Rack Extensions. Devs are all welcome to show off their goods.
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Post 23 Jan 2015

kind of OT but maybe some RE devs dont feel like going to the RE forum just like a lot of music makers do not like using the music forum ,
both make senss because there is no friends in the works world so sharing anything creative is like giving it away !

anyway even if I dont plan of breaking any rules I think the Puf is over and Props got zero dictating rules in this forum so why fallowing there rules is a question that pop to my mind (not saying it's right to do but ..
I dont own nothing to Props from what I remember ?!?!

That sayed , I am here and I readed the rules so I am okay with them and falllow them with caution :angel:
It does not die , it multiplies !

 7.101 and I will upgrade maybe this summer .

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Post 23 Jan 2015

Kategra wrote: Come on, this is not PUF.
They aren't discussing anything illegal, political, religion or hate speech. If A developer wants to tell everything he wants to tell about RE SDK he shouldn't be censored by Admins, it's PH business to enforce their NDA.

I presume that you admins who signed the NDA are responsible for yourself, not what other dev disclose.
IMHO, this kind of censorship will give bad vibes of the forum, with posts and topics being so slow. You guys should encourage discussions about Reason and all related, not oppose it.

Otherwise, you could drive this forum into a "Discover" forum, and leave the real Reason discussions to other forums like KVR, gearslutz etc.
JiggeryPokery wrote:
If it's being censored how come you've posted a reply!?

I clearly stated in my follow-up response I don't consider
JiggeryPokery wrote:this
JiggeryPokery wrote: thread to be NDA breaking, it's fair to say my first post you've quoted didn't make that clear, hence the follow-up reply to Theo, who was unnecessarily concerned. I was merely reminding Devs that specific SDK discussion stuff is off-limits per their agreement with PH, as someone else happened to post such a request on a different thread.

So please reread my other response:

"If people want to continue to discuss the ins and outs of SIMD instructions
JiggeryPokery wrote:on a general level, knock yourselves out
JiggeryPokery wrote:.
JiggeryPokery wrote: But SDK
JiggeryPokery wrote:specifics
JiggeryPokery wrote:
JiggeryPokery wrote:are most definitely banned and I will wield the hammer 'o bans.
JiggeryPokery wrote: RE Devs know where they can discuss SDK stuff freely."

So I'm not sure which bits of that are unclear, so I'll repeat: this thread was not locked because it is a
JiggeryPokery wrote:general
JiggeryPokery wrote: coding discussion and so everyone here free to carry on in the same manner, and afaiac the same goes for any other general coding thread, or job requests. But discussion of how to use the SDK is not allowed: we signed an NDA, we need a working relationship with Propellerhead, so I won't allow that, and I'm sure Richard, avasopht and Scuzzy above appreciate that view. There is an official PH forum for developers, that, more importantly, PH staff can offer valuable assistance, that won't be the case here. We're being practical and pragmatic.

No, this is not PUF, but we have to try our best to use a bit more common sense.

SDK RE details are 100% a Reason subject that can't be discussed here, just because you don't want too, what ever your motivations are. That's censorship.

While I understand that some topics like hate speech, politics & religion can't be discussed in a Reason related forum, the Rack Extension SDK improvements and details ban is 100% wrong in my view.

IMHO, this ReasonTalk self censorship it's like Gearslutz banning pictures showing the insides of gear. But hey, instead of banning, they  made it sticky:
https://www.gearslutz.com/board/geekslu ... -gutz.html

My 2 cents

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Post 23 Jan 2015

Kategra wrote:While I understand that some topics like hate speach, politics & religion can't be discoursed in a Reason related forum, the Rack Extension SDK improvements and details ban is 100% wrong in my view.

IMHO, this ReasonTalk self censorship it's like Gearslutz banning pictures showing the insides of gear. But hey, instead of banning, they  made it sticky:
https://www.gearslutz.com/board/geekslu ... -gutz.html

My 2 cents
Developers are under NDA, so they're not allowed to discuss RE SDK details.

JiggeryPokery is doing devs a favor by swinging the banhammer if he thinks this agreement is violated, as otherwise those devs could get into trouble. There is ihmo no need to discuss such details anyway, for the users the most important information at the end of the day is whether something works or not.


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Post 23 Jan 2015

SynapseAudio wrote:
Developers are under NDA, so they're not allowed to discuss RE SDK details.

JiggeryPokery is doing devs a favor by swinging the banhammer if he thinks this agreement is violated, as otherwise those devs could get into trouble.


Nobody is stopping a RE Developer to login to ReasonTalk.com with an alias, different from the PH account. Or even use multiple accounts. 

Censorship is not good all the time. Sometimes does more damage than good:


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Post 23 Jan 2015

SynapseAudio wrote:
Developers are under NDA, so they're not allowed to discuss RE SDK details.

JiggeryPokery is doing devs a favor by swinging the banhammer if he thinks this agreement is violated, as otherwise those devs could get into trouble.

Kategra wrote:

Nobody is stopping a RE Developer to login to ReasonTalk.com with an alias, different from the PH account. Or even use multiple accounts. 

Allowing the discussion of things that are under NDA would not only put this forum legally at odds with Propellerhead, putting our new home at risk, but it would also implicitly encourage shady behavior and foster an atmosphere of distrust between PH and other developers.

And using multiple accounts is considered sockpuppeting and is against the rules of most forums.
Sarah Mancuso
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Post 23 Jan 2015

I had a feeling this was going to be the DiscoveryTalk forum.
Have a nice weekend everyone!

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Post 23 Jan 2015

I think it is all quite simple.  People can pull out all the silly comments of "censorship" and "freedom of speech".... but as with anything there are rules if you chose to acept them or not.  This place has a considerable portion of its administrators that are familiar with the Propellerhead Developer NDA and know what they can and cannot discuss.  Their choices are to protect the developers from saying things they shouldn't and ReasonTalk from being associated with that or even providing the tool to do it.  In the end Propellerhead can point at anyone they like and say "You violated our NDA" and pull the right to develop or possibly the ability to sell the products they make on their store front.  There could even be worse with regard to legal action. 

On a more proactive note if you want to understand more of Propellerhead's SDK and Re Programming Tools like IDT you can always apply as a developer.  It's easy and free.

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Post 23 Jan 2015

Bottom line: this is a private forum with rules set by the owner. The owner has chosen to not take a chance on even appearing to support anyone who is actively breaking any NDAs, and for good reason IMO. There is, therefore, a prohibition on certain subjects on this forum, and them's the rules.

If you agree, you can stay and participate. If you don't, no one is forcing you to stay. Simples.
Selig Audio, LLC

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Post 23 Jan 2015

How's bout I just lock this now? Nothing to discuss. Please don't violate the NDA here.

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