Yes, A.I in the use of physical products are so overhyped and in its infancy at the moment. No standards are in place, no real update plans. So many people will have some AI refrigerator that just behaves strange and company don't give support etc. At the moment, the AI in machines or consumer goods, are still so mediocre.
I mean, even the very advanced robot models in the forefront, is still clumsy and not trained or refined enough to really replace human service workers just yet.
That being said, there will soon be a breakthrough when the bridge of neural network computing and machine learning will mature and leap into actual really smart products. We are not really there yet, a few "wow" can be seen at display but it is in no way any affordable intelligent consumer goods. Give it 5-7 years and the boom is real. By 2030, I think things will have start taken off in a way that makes us have to change how we structured our societies. Education, art, manufacturing, economics, medical fields. All the field of HR-type-of-jobs and office tasks now being seen as high educational labour, will be taken over by AI. Rightly so because most office workers are bored by their jobs anyway but they get decent pay and seen as smart because they went to some university.
AI will also help societies to filter off some % who today run to the doctor for minor things that actually specialized AI will do a better job taking care of. Today, both psychologists and medical system is overloaded of quite mundane things and also the medical profession complain about the load of New Public Management tasks of documenting everything, so that will AI take care of and will free us to focus on the more human interaction. Many inbetween middle bosses will be redundant too. And overall we could lessen our labour hours. But it will not happen without some struggle, old ways of thinking will still try persist. And people will at beginning lose their jobs, lose hope and wonder what the heck life is for, and the people with powerful positions will continue to collect the fruits and become wealthier and wealthier. The tension will create a bit of a havoc before the new structures are in place.