This "function" needs to go, NOW! seriously, reason studios...

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26 Jan 2020

orthodox wrote:
26 Jan 2020
Yonatan wrote:
26 Jan 2020
Dimming non selected could be useful. At least having that as an option in preferences. May be that some get distracted as every time one just adjust whatever on a channel, it gets a blue-line selected area. I do not understand why one need a channel selected everytime one adjust something (if it ws not for dimming or other). Could it not be designed so that one have to click at the bottom of the channel to get it blue-selected. As long as one is not getting any sequencer track automatically side-selected at same time, why at all have this behavior?
The blue-selected area have no meaning as it is now, more than when selecting many channels to do something and then why npt just do that at the bottom of the channels? Am I missing something in this selected area logic?
Completely agree. The same should be done in the Rack. When I adjust a knob, it should not select the device, only when I click in the idle or some special area of the device.
True, it is the same in the Rack. It is obvious that Reason could become much more "intelligent", not just in the AI sense, but just purely manually sensory. If that was the case, if I go with my cursor over a fader and pch down Shift and start to adjust it, Reason should "sense" that I am not after to select it, but to adjust the fader. And if the selected blue area was just appearing when marking tracks at its bottom, there would be no frustration as explained. So Reason has room for being smarter in such details.
And all those details makes so much sense when using Reason many hours. We all have our moments of "damn, why do it behave like this every time...why not..." :)

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26 Jan 2020

For me the main frustration is that fader grouping is done simply by selecting channels, which IMO is why it can be prone to errors. That and the fact that shift is used to fine-tune values AND to create multiple selections. In other DAWs, these functions do not share the same modifier (at least the one's I'm familiar with), with shift used primarily to create multiple selections.

If there was a way to ONLY select faders (not channels), or a way (like other DAWs) to create and save groups of channels, then the feature would be more useful to me and less "error prone".

But even if those ideas were implemented, it's still a valid argument to suggest that making selected objects more "obvious" to the user, especially in the mixer, would be a good idea.
Selig Audio, LLC

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26 Jan 2020

It's funny because I'm stuck on Reason 9 and here I am constantly wishing I'd be able to adjust the faders on multiple mix channels at a time lol..

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26 Jan 2020

Chizmata wrote:
24 Jan 2020
selecting multiple mixer tracks with shift+click

as you might know, shift + drag fader activates fine tuning. so, if you have a mixer track selected and want to fine tune another, you hold shift, click and drag. BUT this also leaves the previous channel marked and changes the volume on that as well. this happens unnoticed all the time to me and seriously messes up meticulous mixing work. when i notice it, its mostly too late for undo cause i dont know how long its been like that. i cant stress enough how big of a problem this is. it makes me think about dropping the daw. this needs to be adressed, now.
Yes!!! It completely ficks up my workflow and messed up my mix without me noticing.

+ for fixing this!!!

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26 Jan 2020

y'all be arguing about shift-clicking a fader while I'm still accidentally sending devices hurtling across my rack if I miss a knob :lol:

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27 Jan 2020

Chizmata wrote:
24 Jan 2020
selecting multiple mixer tracks with shift+click

as you might know, shift + drag fader activates fine tuning. so, if you have a mixer track selected and want to fine tune another, you hold shift, click and drag. BUT this also leaves the previous channel marked and changes the volume on that as well. this happens unnoticed all the time to me and seriously messes up meticulous mixing work. when i notice it, its mostly too late for undo cause i dont know how long its been like that. i cant stress enough how big of a problem this is. it makes me think about dropping the daw. this needs to be adressed, now.
I see both sides here. Most DAWS will use Ctrl or Shift key modifiers to select multiple items, so this feature seems reasonable. That said some DAWS has another feature (separate from undo) that allows you to revert fader settings. Maybe a feature like that would help here.

two shoes
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28 Jan 2020

the naivete of thinking RS might correct an obvious design flaw in response to user feedback.... Selig told you they couldn't even be bothered to fix it when they got the same feedback during beta testing which is the whole point of the exercise. maybe if you post about it three or four hundred times over the next five years like the cursor return on stop guy they'll change it one day and then Mattias can post a comment about how he's a good listener and see look it got changed... :roll:

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28 Jan 2020

I mean just trying it out here...if you shift click a fader on one track while another is selected, both channels and all of the channels in between light up bright blue. If this is something that's happening to people so often that it's a problem, then in the absence of a 'fix' you just need to adapt your workflow. Pay extra attention to which tracks are highlighted. And do a short single click on the channel you want to fine-adjust before you do so. It will add about 1/10 of a second to the process. I'm not sure what the long term solution is. There will be times when you want to fine-tune multiple selected tracks, so adding another modifier key seems like needlessly complicating the process to me. Maybe they could make it so you can only select with the named/tabbed area of the track at the bottom of the mixer? But then people who are used to being able to select by clicking anywhere will be annoyed. Really at this point the very easiest way to get around it, if we assume the behaviour won't change, is to just...look. And click once before fine tuning.

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