Hi, here is a refill I put together from a freebie pack of guitars from Flame Studios.
https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlWU8e7V8SIuifp-j0N ... w?e=9yrPY0
A multi-sampled series of 10 electric guitars, each with several variation patches, including: Telecaster, Les Paul, Panther, Jaguar, and a couple of others.
I wasn't that happy with how the originals were handled so I went through and tidied things up, reduced in size, setup the Mod wheel and Ext wheel to control things. There is tempo sync vibrato on the Mod Wheel and a psuedo-wah type of filter on the Ext.
There was also a LOT of noise on the samples and I could tell a lot of the samples were rough-chopped, etc..
No combinators or anything, just nn-xt patches.
(it was originally released under GNU General Public License)