19 Jun 2021
commenting / learning about shoegaze sounds in the other thread
i am working out my guitar situation on how to plug in / record and add effects
and add the expression pedal(s)
i have not had a reason to go through this thread
now, should be a goodgood read
i downloaded the dimi presets / combis
thank you very very much
i am looking for the smashing pumpkins presets
and the presets from the cranberries
cheers and mahalos,
i7 2.8ghz / 24GB ddr3 / Quadro 4000 x 2 / ProFire 610
reason 10 / reaper / acidpro /akai mpk mini / korg padkontrol / axiom 25 / radium 49
'i get by with a lot of help from my friends'