Reason 12 crashing/closing on open file

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Joined: 10 Jun 2020

14 Jan 2025

A handful of songs I have will not open in Reason. The file loads the instruments and then gets to the "loading sequencer data" and crashes. I have tried opening directly, opening from within Reason and renaming files with no luck. I even tried opening an older one in Reason 11 Suite (in which it was created and last saved), and the same behavior occurred.

I have Reason 12 -- 12.7.4d3 (build 15,815) on Windows 10. Of the hundreds of files I have, only three exhibit this issue and I do not think they had anything in common.

Apologies if this issue was covered already--I searched but did not see it.

Any ideas?

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15 Jan 2025

The files might habe some minor corruption. Send them to RS support so that they can try to fix them.

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Joined: 07 Aug 2019

15 Jan 2025

I had a very similar problem with 12, same version on a win 10 desktop. When I would open up certain songs all created in 11 suite they would crash 12. The only way to get 12 to open after one of these crashes was to reboot my windows desktop or go into task manager and and look for the still running reason process and hit end task at least 6 times. Any less than 6 times and reason would not open up. What I found odd was regardless of how many times I hit end task, the running reason process would never go away. In contrast when I would do that with any other running process in windows as soon as i would hit end task, that process would disappear from the list. I believe as it should? Maybe someone out their could explain if failure to remove the reason running process is just normal behavior in 12. In 11 suite if i go to its running process and hit end task its process disappears. Any way I stopped using 12 because more and more songs were causing it to crash. Btw all of those songs that crash 12 open fine in 11 suite. Well last night while working in 13 I opened up a song again created in 11 and it crashed 13. I had to go thru the same steps outlined above to get 13 to reopen. Again in 11 the song that crashed 13 opens up just fine. Any thoughts? I submitted a support ticket for the crashing problem in 12 about 1 -2 years ago. after suppling them with what they needed to diagnose the problem they handed me off to someone else ands that's as far as it got. Thus I went back to 11. It's a bummer thinking that same problem is now carrying over into 13. What i do whenever a song crashes reason is I move it into a folder called broken songs so I don't mistakenly open them up again in 12 and now it would appear 13.

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15 Jan 2025

@WOO, I also frequently have to use task manager to end Reason processes in order to open files (even files created in Reason 12).

With three files in particular (which were all created with Reason 11 Suite), Reason will never open (even if I continually end process and reboot)--as above, they get to the "loading sequencer data" state and then Reason crashes.

Reason support responded quickly to me and said they had no issues opening the files and to systematically disable VST locations in the preferences to isolate a probable VST issue. All of my projects use the same VSTs so though I can open the files now, this doesn't make sense as a solution to me--I will have to try rebuild the projects. The only thing I can think based on what the support said is possibly a VST changed location, but the reference to it was never updated and thus will not open.

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27 Jan 2025

Today after using event viewer which is part of windows 10 I discovered why certain songs created in reason 11 would crash 12 and 13. It was because of vst's. Event viewer pointed out which vst caused the crash. At one time I had an ever growing list of songs created in 11 that would crash 12 and now 13. They would still open up in 11 thankfully. I fired up 11 today and then opened up each song from my broken songs folder deleted the offending vst's, most were in the master effects section then saved them. Now they no longer crash 13. I didn't have a chance to see if they crashed 12 as I uninstalled 12 after upgrading to 13. I also disabled the offending vst's in 11 and 13. Which may have been quicker than opening up nearly 30 songs and going track by track to delete every instance of the offending vst's. But after years of wondering what was causing the crashes and even submitting a support ticket to reason support which led nowhere its fixed. Btw they were some soft tube vst's that I got during the reason 10 rollout.

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Joined: 10 Jun 2020

27 Jan 2025

Thanks for responding. I narrowed down the issue I was having to IK Multimedia Philharmonik 2 VST, which was causing Reason 12 to crash before fully opening. I used that VST in writing many songs and it worked fine for years.

Reason support suggested the issue was with the VST, implying it was strictly a VST issue, which it may have been...but I don't understand why the VST worked with Reason 11 Suite initially but eventually stopped working with R11. I don't recall updating the VST. I do recall updating Reason. It wasn't a great VST and I manually changed instances to SampleTank 4 (which can run the same instruments), but it is time-consuming to do.

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