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Post 09 Jan 2025

selig wrote:
09 Jan 2025
There’s a reason why I am slow to appreciate this way of working…
That’s a total recipe for distraction for my distract-able brain, probably why I like hiding the browser as soon as I’m done with it.
The last thing my brain needs is to be reminded of ALL the OTHER possibilities while trying to deal with the one current possibility in front of my face. It may also be why I prefer one monitor/view at a time for the most part.

Horses for courses, and this old horse is just used to running a certain way. ;)
Yeah, this workflow is not for everyone. Similarly, your workflow approach may be uninspiring to me and I'd likely never get anything done. I prefer to have my browser open at all times and consider it an integral part of my production process, and from the looks of it - clearly I'm not alone.
# Miserable Degenerate | Win 10 | Ableton Live 11 Suite |  Reason 13+ | i7 3770k @ 3.5 Ghz | 16 GB RAM | RME Babyface Pro | Akai MPC Live 2 & Akai Force | Roland System 8, MX1, TB3 | Dreadbox Typhon | Korg Minilogue XD

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Post 09 Jan 2025

selig wrote:
09 Jan 2025
There’s a reason why I am slow to appreciate this way of working…
That’s a total recipe for distraction for my distract-able brain, probably why I like hiding the browser as soon as I’m done with it.
The last thing my brain needs is to be reminded of ALL the OTHER possibilities while trying to deal with the one current possibility in front of my face. It may also be why I prefer one monitor/view at a time for the most part.

Horses for courses, and this old horse is just used to running a certain way. ;)
Here's the thing...I don't have the Browser open ALL of the time, but when I use it, I have it open for a very good amount of time and it is in the way. I close it when I am in the mixing stage, but it is open most of the time that I am writing.

I open the Browser to browse for patches for a device while I audition them, while I fiddle with controls, and the Browser is in the way while doing those things. Maybe it would be different if I wasn't browsing patches and just opening the Browser knowing exactly what I wanted to load. I open the Browser to build drum kits in Kong, RX1200, etc. So I am working on that device while I have the Browser open and it is in the way.

I also have the Device palette open most of the time until I am mixing. I'm not adding an instrument, closing the Device palette, opening it again to add an effect in the insert of that channel, closing it again to then open it again to follow that effect with another effect, and so on. The Device palette is also a very nice size, which just so happens to still be bigger than the smallest size of the entire Browser before.

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Post 09 Jan 2025

:lol: This request does not affect those who want to view the browser on a single monitor.

I don't know what the worry :lol:

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Post 09 Jan 2025

joeyluck wrote:
09 Jan 2025
Here's the thing...I don't have the Browser open ALL of the time, but when I use it, I have it open for a very good amount of time and it is in the way. I close it when I am in the mixing stage, but it is open most of the time that I am writing.

I open the Browser to browse for patches for a device while I audition them, while I fiddle with controls, and the Browser is in the way while doing those things
Yeah - this describes my workflow pretty much spot-on since Reason 8. :thumbup: :clap:
# Miserable Degenerate | Win 10 | Ableton Live 11 Suite |  Reason 13+ | i7 3770k @ 3.5 Ghz | 16 GB RAM | RME Babyface Pro | Akai MPC Live 2 & Akai Force | Roland System 8, MX1, TB3 | Dreadbox Typhon | Korg Minilogue XD

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Post 10 Jan 2025

EnochLight wrote:
09 Jan 2025

Yeah - this describes my workflow pretty much spot-on since Reason 8. :thumbup: :clap:
Yep, me as well.

I also spend a fair amount of time making multi-sampled instruments in NN-XT (sometimes Kong and NN19). The browser is then my palette of samples to draw from when assembling these. Opening and closing a big overbearing browser repeatedly when trying to build a complex patch feels pretty jarring and clumsy.

Another one of my tedious analogies:
I’m a mechanic and woodworker, and have an organized wall of most often used tools, ready to grab when I need them. I like having them out of the way, yet accessible. There’s a joy and directness in having them visible, rather than tucked away in a drawer.

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Post 10 Jan 2025

If they could just make the browser detached so you could move it all around or to other/cross screens or even place it in the background that would be a Huge game changer with workflow I have to reduce the size every time I open up a device...

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Post 10 Jan 2025

jaeproduced wrote:
10 Jan 2025
If they could just make the browser detached so you could move it all around or to other/cross screens or even place it in the background that would be a Huge game changer with workflow I have to reduce the size every time I open up a device...
Aren't there different browsers if you have detached sequencer and rack view? How should this work?
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Post 11 Jan 2025

Loque wrote:
10 Jan 2025
Aren't there different browsers if you have detached sequencer and rack view? How should this work?
Simply just have the browser open up as a 4th independent detached window if you click the browse button while holding down Ctrl.

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