The more I see the less I understand. It is an entertaining light show, which in itself is a problem if you think about it for two seconds.
How come such an amazing display of insanity is always captured from one perspective?
One person. One phone.
I want to see the same phenomenon but filmed by 10000 phones.
So bright it should wake you up, stop traffic, people running outside with flash lights while sharing live on TikTok. Instead we have this very peaceful digital virtual panic on our phones.
No explanations survive 20 seconds of simple questions.
If something radioactive and well hidden is missing from a war zone, do you think the best way to find it is to first buy and use 100s of 1000s of extremely super bright LED lights purchased on Ali Express, then attach them on sniffing drones flying 1000s of feet up in the air? Don't you want to use every once of energy to power the radioactive sniffing gadget onboard instead?
Also the brightness can be measured. The dynamic range is a signature, a fingerprint of the brand and model of the type of LED used on the drones. Call Ali Express and ask who was the buyer. FBI not calling and asking?
No one is seriously curious