In my home set up, using Scarlet 4i4 gen2 (I think) and ancient MBP (2019?) sometimes audio will jump between MBP audio and my extensively rigged Scarlet audio outputs 1&2 ( extensively rigged in that I have the signal going to various speaker set ups). I don’t know which is the culprit, comp or interface. It doesn’t always happen.
Have tried most Reasonable Man troubleshooting jazzatronics
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It’s the best we can hope for.
Not sure exactly what I'm asking
A question about old interfaces, computers and ReasonTalk posters
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Who’s using the royal plural now baby? 🧂
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I find that if you let Win control settings for Audio since Win 10, it will "help" you by making things like this happen.
Look at ALL the settings and make sure 'make-better' and "exclusive" options are set to "no freakin' way dude" and then it should behave.

Look at ALL the settings and make sure 'make-better' and "exclusive" options are set to "no freakin' way dude" and then it should behave.

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Did I mention I was living my lifelong dream with multi track drum recording on MY OWN KIT just down the avenue, and full on computer recordingwonderland thanx to Props and crazy REs here at my comfy apartment where I live alone.
So I'm gonna complain. I'm Merican
So I'm gonna complain. I'm Merican
Who’s using the royal plural now baby? 🧂
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It's because it's a laptop so you probably disconnect it at times. If you then login say at home you're changing the audio interface, perhaps without thinking about it going wtf is this dialogue box, oops you did it again, took 2 seconds; so you need to change that back when in the studio again. The other route I'd go for would be checking for updated audio drivers and updated audio interface firmware. That's not firewire, it's firmware, lol. As for me I'm using a lot of old macs, a couple of PCs and interfaces in helluva lot of combinations.
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Thanks for the suggestions. It's two comps: an iMac running Reas 10 basically as a tape machine and a MBP on Reas 12 for heavier tasks. All I have to carry between spaces is a thumb drive. Also it happens only intermittently so who knows.
Who’s using the royal plural now baby? 🧂
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PhillipOrdonez you are a trű patriot. Don't know much about yer musics, but you can fire off a witty response, which is a trait I value among my wimyns.
Must be at least 12 feet tall
Who’s using the royal plural now baby? 🧂
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Nah bro, that’s a huge compliment coming from the mastah himself!
Mah musics? You can ignore it unless you’re an oonz oonz oonz-brainbroken person like me! But I’m very curious about yours! You’re a drummer, I hear drummers make sick beats! Show me! You can do so in private if you prefer
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How's the interface getting power? It looks like you have 2 options. The only time I had an issue with my old interface was due to the power supply.
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After reading a huge number of complaints about Scarlet interfaces, I'm assuming their QC is in the shitter. Otherwise workable pieces of kit.
Who’s using the royal plural now baby? 🧂
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I got tired of workable. I got rock solid forever.
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