UJAM UFX Reverb - Free until Oct. 9

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20 Sep 2024

This is actually a very interesting reverb. Capable of basic reverbs, but with lots of sound design potential.

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21 Sep 2024

Installed but it's not showing up in Reason...?

EDIT: Oh hang on, it's installed but I can't find it using the tagging system in the browser because it's not tagged as a reverb


Come on Reason Studios, give us back the favourites list already

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21 Sep 2024

dvdrtldg wrote:
21 Sep 2024
Installed but it's not showing up in Reason...?

EDIT: Oh hang on, it's installed but I can't find it using the tagging system in the browser because it's not tagged as a reverb


Come on Reason Studios, give us back the favourites list already
It's not a problem of Reason. Tagging is supported only since VST3 and the developer must use it. So, is it not working, contact UJam.
Reason13, Win10

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26 Sep 2024

I recently bought this so I am going to smack them. Just kidding, I paid all of 25 AUD for it and I did it so it would take me over to the next tier of the complete upgrade price.

This is very clever of Ujam to drum up interest for them. I have to make a shout out, these guys have INCREDIBLE support, truly - they are kind and punctual and always help you out.

I actually find I am using the reverb quite a lot for wacky effects. It's actually *not* a bad verb if you want it as a straight up verb. It has freeze and ducking built right in too and the ducker works really well. The mistake Ujam made here is that they only let you choose one filter so it's not the best as an insert if you want to make a natural verb fit in the mix. That's an oversight IMO, but you can use a high pass for the filter slot and damping on the main display to work around it somewhat. I just think with all the filter types on offer (there's heaps), they should have had 2 filter slots. But I digress, because......

......the fun with this one is really in the finishers.

UJam's finishers are the only "one knob" plugins I use. I use them on *everything* because there's always a preset that makes a perfect drop or rise or quick fill for any kind of music. They are insanely fun and I can't recommend them enough.

Their drum stuff is really great too, but what surprised me was the synth stuff because it's not just sequencers, you get all the sounds to be played like romplers and there are some really good sounds.

I got the orchestral a couple months back, and even that was a revelation for someone who has never written an orchestral sequence in their life. This allowed me to actually add a genuine orchestral sequence to an EDM track very, very easily.

The rest of their stuff is not really based on electronic music, they have tons for rock which I would say is the main focus. So of course, I am asking them for bassists for example but for EDM.

Anyway I recommend their stuff, their support is great and they don't make anything that's crap. They have come a long way relatively quickly.

Enjoy this awesomely quirky "reverb"!
Mac Studio M2 Ultra/64Gb/Apollo T-Bolt 3/OS 14.6.1/PT 2024.6/R13.02/Logic 11.01
MSI GT77/13980HX/RTX 4090m/64GB/Arturia Minifuse 2/PT 2024.6/R13.02/Low DPC latency tuned

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27 Sep 2024

I just downloaded this for free as well. I tried brass and strings recently and had a blast with them. Would like to buy both if they have a black friday sale along with a good price. And yea, ujam is a great company to deal with. I have 10 of their products and find them all very useful and fun to use. The few times I've had an issue with their software its quickly resolved.

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