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13 Jun 2024

F yeah the new browsers look awesome

For the sequencer: Implement something so you can expand a clip and its contents expand as well (Ableton live calls this loop) and once you do, one-up them by implementing elektron style trig conditions on the left area of the clip editor which would work on these clips as well! (Play 1:2 or 3:4, just the first time, or only if or if not condition on same step plays, etc.)


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13 Jun 2024

spacepluk wrote:
13 Jun 2024
I like the user tags.
Sadly the RE patches are obviously not yet categorized and tagged. Hopefully at least a few devs will do this, if they can. But this would probably destroy the compatibility to <R13 versions...Guess this is a specific question which will be answered in the near future...

And i miss the Rack-Detach button :-(
Reason13, Win10

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13 Jun 2024

I wish that there was an "Install All" option in Companion. Even if it was tucked away with a warning like "This may use a lot of disk space". As all the content is tagged, I'd love to be able to supercharge my patch library in one click.

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13 Jun 2024

Loque wrote:
13 Jun 2024

And i miss the Rack-Detach button :-(
has this been confirmed ?
is this the end of multi monitor setups?

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13 Jun 2024

Billy+ wrote:
13 Jun 2024
Loque wrote:
13 Jun 2024

And i miss the Rack-Detach button :-(
has this been confirmed ?
is this the end of multi monitor setups?
You can still detach the Rack and Mixer, either via the Window menu or by Cmd/Ctrl-clicking the corresponding button in the tool bar. It's just the old buttons in the area dividers that have been removed.

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13 Jun 2024

dusan.cani wrote:
22 May 2024
spacepluk wrote:
21 May 2024
I've been thinking: How does multilane editing work in R13? The lanes/tracks used to be where the tool panel is now.
This is good and very important question. It's no longer possible to directly switch between the tracks from editing view. Also functions like MUTE, SOLO, etc. are no directly accessible because that track area is replaced by tools functions now. This is very bad UI/UX decision which discards the previous editing workflow for full height window view.

switch.PNG (68.14 KiB) Viewed 2228 times
So it's confirmed now that track management originally accessible on the left side for full height window in edit mode is gone. Only way how to access the track selection, mute, solo, etc. is changing the window height EVERYTIME when you work with notes and lanes in edit mode. How this worsened workflow could have been implemented and considered as something that enhances the workflow ? This is really beyond me.

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13 Jun 2024

buddard wrote:
13 Jun 2024
Billy+ wrote:
13 Jun 2024

has this been confirmed ?
is this the end of multi monitor setups?
You can still detach the Rack and Mixer, either via the Window menu or by Cmd/Ctrl-clicking the corresponding button in the tool bar. It's just the old buttons in the area dividers that have been removed.
Thanks for that. :thumbup:

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13 Jun 2024

TritoneAddiction wrote:
13 Jun 2024
MattiasHG wrote:
13 Jun 2024
Any plans to add the favorite list function for devices back?
That's kind of dealbreaker for me here.
Polytone and Ripley, both look like really fun devices. But I just can't let go of my favorite list workflow.
What's weird is that this seems like such a simple thing to implement. Just have a little heart button on each device thumbnail so you can toggle its status and then have a "Favorite" category at the top to only show those.
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13 Jun 2024

buddard wrote:
13 Jun 2024
Billy+ wrote:
13 Jun 2024

has this been confirmed ?
is this the end of multi monitor setups?
You can still detach the Rack and Mixer, either via the Window menu or by Cmd/Ctrl-clicking the corresponding button in the tool bar. It's just the old buttons in the area dividers that have been removed.
Reason13, Win10

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13 Jun 2024

MattiasHG wrote:
13 Jun 2024
Calazzus wrote:
12 Jun 2024
Agreed! And multi MIDI out.
If you mean sending MIDI Clock out on multiple ports, that's actually added in Reason 13. :geek:
I'm in.

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13 Jun 2024

Calazzus wrote:
13 Jun 2024
MattiasHG wrote:
13 Jun 2024

If you mean sending MIDI Clock out on multiple ports, that's actually added in Reason 13. :geek:
I'm in.
What does this mean i practical sense?

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13 Jun 2024

robussc wrote:
13 Jun 2024
TritoneAddiction wrote:
13 Jun 2024

Any plans to add the favorite list function for devices back?
That's kind of dealbreaker for me here.
Polytone and Ripley, both look like really fun devices. But I just can't let go of my favorite list workflow.
What's weird is that this seems like such a simple thing to implement. Just have a little heart button on each device thumbnail so you can toggle its status and then have a "Favorite" category at the top to only show those.
It's better than nothing, but your proposed feature would probably have created just as much backlash.
Most people complaining used multiple favorites lists of devices to separate them into different categories.

A proper solution would look more like custom device categories or maybe something like plugin collections in Cubase.

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13 Jun 2024

Why not open a device and save it as a patch and name it eg „Fav Kong“. Then you can search in the new browser for „Fav“ and there you are. I think this should work, or do I misunderstand something?

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14 Jun 2024

Globi wrote:
13 Jun 2024
Why not open a device and save it as a patch and name it eg „Fav Kong“. Then you can search in the new browser for „Fav“ and there you are. I think this should work, or do I misunderstand something?
I have essentially done this during testing. All my favourite instruments and effects I have saved an ideal init patch with them, and placed them in a folder.

I can access them in a jiffy with a new browser - they all start with the same "code", so I can pull them up from anywhere with a few keystrokes.

Though, not everyone likes this approach. Some prefer to be more mouse-focused, and rely heavily on visual cues (i.e Thumbnails) to decide what device they want.
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14 Jun 2024

Globi wrote:
13 Jun 2024
Why not open a device and save it as a patch and name it eg „Fav Kong“. Then you can search in the new browser for „Fav“ and there you are. I think this should work, or do I misunderstand something?
There are many devices that don't support patch loading. And the Combinator isn't a solution there since you'll usually be using them inside a Combinator you're already building, as these tend to be smaller / modular devices, often CV related (but also most Synapse effects, among other stuff).

I don't personally use device favorites lists too often, because I regularly uninstall REs I'm not using to keep things manageable. But I can see how this change would be annoying for someone with hundreds of devices installed.

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14 Jun 2024

Btw I think the changes will benefit most people. They just doesn't benefit me personally. But RS can't cater to everyones needs all the time. That's fine.

I appreciate the workaround solutions offered. They're ok but in the end not as good as what I currently have. Ultimately it's simply not worth screwing up my current workflow just to get a couple of new cool devices. I already have more than I need. I'm very visual and work very intuitively when creating music. The changes are not only less practical for me but also less vibey/intuitive/inspiring without the device images. Not really into the idea of replacing the images with text just to create my own lists. And like Pepin said, not all devices allow for patch saving anyway.
The workflow aspect is such a core thing when it comes to using a DAW. And if I upgraded my overall experience with Reason would be worse.

Anyway, I no longer need to speculate. They removed the favorite list function. It is what it is. Time to move on. I'll stop whining about this now and instead go make some music and look at those glorious device images in my wonderful favorite lists. :D

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14 Jun 2024

I've been holding off on commenting about R13 for a while but Ryan's workflow video motivated me that I should at least speak up my mind now, in the eleventh hour.

Because as laptop user who loves his screen space as much as he loves his headphones, when i'm faced with the prospect that these UI/UX changes might be here.....forever.....I downright panic...

I wonder how RS came up with the decisions regarding the "improvements" in v13?

Was split screen among the user requests? I doubt it...

As I said in a message to support, keeping track of where you are in the arrangement was better until this update. Just click on a clip, edit it, exit. You know where you are. You can still scroll left/right while in edit mode. I know you can apparently drag the editor border upwards but just won't be the same. There's too much going on in terms of toolbars, zoombars, sidebars.

IMO the current edit mode is one of Reason's few and long standing advantages compared to other DAWs when arranging.

Also I know the tool window removal has been requested. But be careful what you wish for kids. They changed the whole piano roll because of it. And now it takes up more space than it did before when it could've just been moved in the upper context bar (above piano roll or sequencer) where there was enough empty space anyway.

Also the sample editor options are unchanged, just moved in a worse area of the screen.

The browser makes working with samples in a ultra-fast manner more cumbersome than it was before. I might be wrong about this as I haven't seen a demonstration but it seems to me that dragging different samples on the same track, in a sequential order has become slower now. You have to call up the browser, drag the sample out of it's area so it dissapears, place it on a track. The call up the browser again. All of this while it's overlapping the arrangement window. I will have to find this out when I trial it.

There's much to discuss also about other misshaps in R13, such as the sample editor, but I'll just leave it at that.

As someone in the YT comments said....If it ain't broken...RS will break it......

Oh, and Ripley is cool...

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14 Jun 2024

TritoneAddiction wrote:
14 Jun 2024
Btw I think the changes will benefit most people. They just doesn't benefit me personally. But RS can't cater to everyones needs all the time. That's fine.

Anyway, I no longer need to speculate. They removed the favorite list function. It is what it is. Time to move on. I'll stop whining about this now and instead go make some music and look at those glorious device images in my wonderful favorite lists. :D
A refreshing mentality here.
I'm also sad about the custom lists being removed but I've come to the conclusion that the device tag system should be enough for me to keep working intuitively/visually. What I initially didn't like was the idea of all these devices that I never use would keep popping up, but if I'm not gonna use them then I might as well finally start uninstalling them too. I'll keep the ones I've used in the last 3 years and everything else can hit the hay.

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14 Jun 2024

TritoneAddiction wrote:
13 Jun 2024
MattiasHG wrote:
13 Jun 2024
Any plans to add the favorite list function for devices back?
That's kind of dealbreaker for me here.
Polytone and Ripley, both look like really fun devices. But I just can't let go of my favorite list workflow.
..someone say whine? .. at $199 USD with a main fave feature removed (pun intended), ill whine.. lol
I'm sure new users will love 13.

I want to drag a selig gain or random compressor from my organized favourites list as before... ?

Other things I could share (both good and bad) though some of us are still in beta.
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14 Jun 2024

:reason: :re: :ignition: Atari 1040ST | R11 Suite 🡭 R12 | i7 | RME

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14 Jun 2024

Very nice and useful tools there 👍

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14 Jun 2024

I've been using Pump in send mode for sidechain compression for ages now. It's so good and I'm surprised it isn't a more common technique. No messing around with audio cabling or parallel channels or muted kicks. I just run a gate out from my drum machine of choice and trigger the envelope that way. Reason's Sidechain has a lot more controls and does high/low band too so I'll most certainly be using it for that.

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14 Jun 2024

robussc wrote:
13 Jun 2024
TritoneAddiction wrote:
13 Jun 2024

Any plans to add the favorite list function for devices back?
That's kind of dealbreaker for me here.
Polytone and Ripley, both look like really fun devices. But I just can't let go of my favorite list workflow.
What's weird is that this seems like such a simple thing to implement. Just have a little heart button on each device thumbnail so you can toggle its status and then have a "Favorite" category at the top to only show those.
How do you create favorite folders with this approach, which is what made the previous feature so useful for me?
Selig Audio, LLC

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14 Jun 2024

I've said before but I'm not even massively attached to the idea of thumbnails. If I could drag from the device palette to the browser and just have it say "Subtractor" in text, that's fine. I know what it is. At least as a stopgap thing. The old browser was capable of switching between text and thumbnails so I don't see why the new browser couldn't either. And I've seen in a few of Mattias's comments that everything is built to be expandable so, fingers crossed!

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14 Jun 2024

buddard wrote:
13 Jun 2024
Billy+ wrote:
13 Jun 2024

has this been confirmed ?
is this the end of multi monitor setups?
You can still detach the Rack and Mixer, either via the Window menu or by Cmd/Ctrl-clicking the corresponding button in the tool bar. It's just the old buttons in the area dividers that have been removed.
I miss them too. Despite Shortcuts still work, it would be great to have a modifier+Click option to be able to detach any given sections!
Budapest, Hungary
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