Akai MPK Mini Plus

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Simon Ho
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23 May 2024

Planning to get a MIDI keyboard Akai MPK Mini Plus, yet seeming like it's not compatible with Reason Studios, where its Transport Control (Stop, Play, Record, Loop & Locator buttons) and Sequencer does not work with the DAW. Anyone has been using Akai MPK Mini Plus with Reason ? Or any sources to a Akai MPK Mini Plus remotemap file?

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23 May 2024

I have an Akai MPK mini mk3 and I think it's great, I'm thinking about getting the plus too for the extra goodies.

I have a half-finished script for the mk3 that puts the names of the parameters and some other stuff on the screen.
I think it shouldn't be to hard to add the other stuff that the plus has but I haven't tried it yet.

Simon Ho
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24 May 2024

I have been using Akai MPK Mini mk3 too. Concerning MPK Mini Plus, I have just got the below reply from Reason Studios :

// I'm afraid the MPK Mini Plus came after the last batch of Akai remote support files was added to Reason. Feel free to check with Akai and see if they are planning any Reason support for the MPK Mini Plus.
For now, you can enable the MPK Mini Plus in the "Easy MIDI Input" list in Preferences/MIDI, then use Remote Override to map controls to parameters in Reason.

All the best,
Product Support
 Reason Studios //

At the moment, I don't think I will try MPK Mini Plus. And it seems that most hardwares just support Ableton, Logic Pro & FL Studio, very disappointed.

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24 May 2024

Yeah, It is disappointing. I guess AKAI, NI et friends need some more nagging from us hehe.

I just got tired of waiting and made a script for the Kontrol mk3 and now I'm working on a good one for the AKAI. I'll post here when it's ready in case you want to give it a try.


Simon Ho
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25 May 2024

That's nice. I am expecting your good work. Thanks!

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29 May 2024

I recently queried this with AKAI and got the following response:

'Unfortunately, there are no announcements regarding such support at this time.

If you have come across any information, please feel free to include or attach the source in your response.

We advise you to regularly check the internet, as well as our official pages and articles, for any updates regarding your query. These sources will provide the most current information available.'

I am not personally too concerned about lack of full remote support, although it would be nice to have. But I am looking for some confirmation as to whether the transport controls will be functional in the absence of remote support.

Is anyone able to confirm? I (I'm currently awaiting a response from AKAI)

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29 May 2024

Probably not, unless it's HUI.

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02 Jun 2024

Ok, this is what I have so far. It has the same mappings as the script that comes with Reason except that now it shows some info on the keyboard's lcd screen:

- Shows the Track name when changing tracks
- Shows the Patch name when changing patches
- Shows the parameter group name when switching variants with the pads (e.g.: Osc1, Filter, Env, etc.)
- Shows the name of the parameter you're changing when you move a knob

The only annoying thing at the moment is that every time you change track/patches/variants it will reset the arpeggiator state. I think I know how to fix it but I haven't had the time to do it.

I hope you find it useful!
Akai MPK Mini mk3.zip
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