I've been particularly drawn to instruments that aren't the typical piano/keyboard, guitar, bass, drum kit. Nothing wrong with those instruments, but I wanted to broaden my horizons a bit and get outside of what I already know.
After going through a bunch of random instruments on Thomann's site there were I few that for whatever reason peaked my interest a little extra.
Tongue drums, Ocarinas and Kalimbas.
I've already bough myself a kalimba from a music shop in my town. Though it's a small instrument and is kind of looked upon as a toy, you can actually do quite a lot with it. Once you get your head around it and practise a bit you can play melodies and chords or bass notes at the same time.
I've also ordered two types of tongue drums, one pretty cheap drum and another one on the pricier side called RAV VAST. I'm not sure I even new this type of instrument existed before. It's basically a drum with a bunch of "tongues" you can play notes on. So it's like a percussive note instrument. I suspect I'm gonna have the most fun with this one.

And the third one, the Ocarina I'll order one soon. I've never played a wind instrument ever in my life. I guess it's time to give it a shot.
I think I'll let myself be in this "acoustic phase" for a while before I return to the electronic stuff. I've done so much music on the computer lately. Who knows, maybe after some time both these worlds will meet?