star wars is getting good again

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Post 30 Aug 2023

i’ve loved all of the series and the last episode of ashoka was really good , a breath of fresh air since the last trilogy which i’ve never rewatched once , the force awakens , the last jedi , and the rise of skywalker are soo forgettable

i don’t like them really may watch them one day at a push

the first 6 star wars film were all magnificent

and all these series have been great too andor madalorian , etc all good

makes me wonder if the new films will be a load of poppycock again

and modern society and what’s popular will prevail over a decent good old fashioned star wars storyline

all the women in ashoka are cool

no more disney princesses please

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Post 31 Aug 2023

Star Wars finished for me after Return of the Jedi, everything after that was a money grab as are all 'reboots'.
Tend the flame

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Post 31 Aug 2023

Aosta wrote:
31 Aug 2023
Star Wars finished for me after Return of the Jedi, everything after that was a money grab as are all 'reboots'.
you don’t like the trilogy with anakin and obi wan

those are amazing

or you mean in timeline order ?

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Post 11 Sep 2023

Ichooselife wrote:
31 Aug 2023
Aosta wrote:
31 Aug 2023
Star Wars finished for me after Return of the Jedi, everything after that was a money grab as are all 'reboots'.
you don’t like the trilogy with anakin and obi wan

those are amazing

or you mean in timeline order ?
revenge of the sith, best star wars movie of all time

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Post 11 Sep 2023

cocoazenith wrote:
11 Sep 2023
Ichooselife wrote:
31 Aug 2023

you don’t like the trilogy with anakin and obi wan

those are amazing

or you mean in timeline order ?
revenge of the sith, best star wars movie of all time
my favourite too

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Post 11 Sep 2023

Aosta wrote:
31 Aug 2023
Star Wars finished for me after Return of the Jedi, everything after that was a money grab as are all 'reboots'.
I agree. Everything after Jedi was terrible. New Hope and Empire (especially) are the best. Jedi was pretty lame, IMO. Luke was the only one with any kind of story line. Han and Leia were busy running around the jungle with those annoying Ewoks just so they had something to do in the movie. But the whole Ewok thing was so bad, just foreshadowing of things to come with those terrible prequels.

This has got to be the best review of the prequels ever made:
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Post 11 Sep 2023

Yo OP, have fun loving what you love.

1 2 3 4 5 6 forever.
Han shot first, obviously.


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Post 14 Sep 2023

The more I think about it the more I think that StarWars sets the stage for Empire...which was forking amazing. Empire was so good it still echos through the whole universe of it. But that's all that's there. The echo of Empire. After that what happens?...not much. Care Bears. The pathetic death of Boba Fet (who everyone wanted to see do something...) and then it spirals down. Sure, there are moments of interesting things happening here and there but they never captured anything like the old magic. But then, how could they? We assume it can be done because we're imagining more Empire but look at art. No one really gets to recreate their best moments. Music, books, it's all the same. Look at Ridley Scott now. There are loads of examples.

In a way Im happy for the people that weren't there as a kid for the dawn of Empire. It means they might like the new material. Much like how there were people that never read LOTR before those abominations were made. Life moves on. But I'd rather just remember it as I first saw it rather than the digitally embalmed zombies they're making these days. I watch the new trailers. Then I queue up the popcorn and watch Empire again.

Anyone remember saving up the proof of purchases to mail off to get the Boba Fet action figure? Longest 6-8 weeks of my life, but man was it worth it.

Then he fell into a giant toothed desert asshole and that was that.
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Post 14 Sep 2023

Rogue One was on the only decent new movie.
So you have that as a true prequel to ANH and then the original 3 movies and that’s that. The rest are reconning shite.
What they did to Han and Luke was criminal and a testament to how much Disney hated the original Star Wars movies.

Having a “strong female lead” beating highly trained lightsaber wielders when she just picked up a light saber a week ago is laughable and pisses on the source material. Why bother going to Jedi school from a young age? Utter nonsense. As long as Kennedy is still at Disney nothing will change.

I could go on but I feel a rant coming on.

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Post 14 Sep 2023

plaamook wrote:
14 Sep 2023
Then he fell into a giant toothed desert asshole and that was that.
They retconned that shite to turn it into a TV series. Utterly no respect for the source material. Disney wankers.

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Post 14 Sep 2023

Heater wrote:
14 Sep 2023
As long as Kennedy is still at Disney nothing will change.
It's too late. You can't undo all the garbage they've heaped onto it now.
Go watch Empire and move on.
What your'e seeing isn't Star Wars. It's a vampire that looks like Star Wars but is only there to suck your money.

"He's more machine than man now..."
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Post 14 Sep 2023

Heater wrote:
14 Sep 2023
Rogue One was on the only decent new movie.
So you have that as a true prequel to ANH and then the original 3 movies and that’s that. The rest are reconning shite.
What they did to Han and Luke was criminal and a testament to how much Disney hated the original Star Wars movies.

Having a “strong female lead” beating highly trained lightsaber wielders when she just picked up a light saber a week ago is laughable and pisses on the source material. Why bother going to Jedi school from a young age? Utter nonsense. As long as Kennedy is still at Disney nothing will change.

I could go on but I feel a rant coming on.
i thought rogue one was just ok
didnt much like the last three sequels with the disney princess ( hated the last jedi literally mugged up luke )
the han solo movie is forgettable

but the series have ALL BEEN really good

boba fett
obi wan
and now ashoka have all been really good so far

and i like all
original six movies there all top notch for me just not the first three and i grew up on those too , but the last trilogy they picked the wrong actors , daisey ridley was the wrong choice as was john boyega , if it was a girl lead who was a bit more tougher and from the streets , it would have been better as she sounds like some little posh girl , it’s all well and good making nice disney films but i feel star wars needs a little darkness , and please before you do the next trilogy disney , get some decent storylines , like the series have had, the series give me hope , but then who knows what will happen

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Post 14 Sep 2023

Heater wrote:
14 Sep 2023
plaamook wrote:
14 Sep 2023
Then he fell into a giant toothed desert asshole and that was that.
They retconned that shite to turn it into a TV series. Utterly no respect for the source material. Disney wankers.
u don’t like boba fett , the series ?

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Post 14 Sep 2023

Ichooselife wrote:
14 Sep 2023
Heater wrote:
14 Sep 2023

They retconned that shite to turn it into a TV series. Utterly no respect for the source material. Disney wankers.
u don’t like boba fett , the series ?
He died in the movie. End of. To magically get resurrected is an insult to the movies.
If you really need to make a to series about Boba then place it before he fell into sarlacc pit.

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Post 14 Sep 2023

Heater wrote:
14 Sep 2023
Ichooselife wrote:
14 Sep 2023

u don’t like boba fett , the series ?
He died in the movie. End of. To magically get resurrected is an insult to the movies.
If you really need to make a to series about Boba then place it before he fell into sarlacc pit.
Hey, they explained how you could magically hear the ships making sounds as they passed by as “well, it IS in a galaxy far far away, maybe sound travels in space in this far away galaxy?”. So you think a little resurrection is going to be difficult to explain?!?

It’s a fun story (to some), that’s all. :)
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Post 14 Sep 2023

selig wrote:
14 Sep 2023
Heater wrote:
14 Sep 2023

He died in the movie. End of. To magically get resurrected is an insult to the movies.
If you really need to make a to series about Boba then place it before he fell into sarlacc pit.
Hey, they explained how you could magically hear the ships making sounds as they passed by as “well, it IS in a galaxy far far away, maybe sound travels in space in this far away galaxy?”. So you think a little resurrection is going to be difficult to explain?!?

It’s a fun story (to some), that’s all. :)
I have raged for many years about what could have been for Star Wars but now I just accept it. It’s a pity. I still remember the feeling of betrayal and disbelief when I walked out the cinema after episode 1. Couldn’t believe they wasted a whole Star Wars movie on a little kid. Little did I know that was just the start. Unbelievable. Thinking about it I think I’m still salty about god damn it.

Glad other folks enjoyed it.

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Post 14 Sep 2023

Ichooselife wrote:
14 Sep 2023

but the series have ALL BEEN really good

boba fett
obi wan
and now ashoka have all been really good so far
I'd agree that Andor is good.
The first season of Mandalorian was good, then it turned into poop.
Obi Wan was terrible, as was the Book of Boba.
I haven't seen Ashoka yet.

Jedi was pretty lame with the Care Bears, but it was far better than any other movie made after it. Far better. (which is really sad)

I'd say you and I have fundamentally opposing views as to what "good" is regarding the Star Wars universe. But absolutely like what you like and enjoy it; you've got every right to do so.
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Post 14 Sep 2023

Heater wrote:
14 Sep 2023
selig wrote:
14 Sep 2023

Hey, they explained how you could magically hear the ships making sounds as they passed by as “well, it IS in a galaxy far far away, maybe sound travels in space in this far away galaxy?”. So you think a little resurrection is going to be difficult to explain?!?

It’s a fun story (to some), that’s all. :)
I have raged for many years about what could have been for Star Wars but now I just accept it. It’s a pity. I still remember the feeling of betrayal and disbelief when I walked out the cinema after episode 1. Couldn’t believe they wasted a whole Star Wars movie on a little kid. Little did I know that was just the start. Unbelievable. Thinking about it I think I’m still salty about god damn it.

Glad other folks enjoyed it.
Man, I hated it too, but was able to quickly forget about it just like anything I don't like. Still salty about it how many years later? ;)
Personally speaking I'd love to have created something that reaches out across all these years and still manages to elicit an emotional response of any sort from folks. My work to date has been incredibly forgettable and 'meh'…
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Post 14 Sep 2023

That's why I said to the op to just enjoy the new shows, they make you happy. Do not worry about anything else.

I was watching a live stream about scifi/pop culture and he said he and his little crew met a huge Star Wars fan in a transport (bus or monorail?) inside Disney World. He loved everything Star Wars. He watched all the Star Wars movies. All of them. He went to the Galactic Starcruiser hotel 6 times. Six times. I hope I remember wrong, maybe 4 times? He knew the place was closing down, but he liked that as he was experiencing more with less people around him. Huge Star Wars fan. The vlogging crew asked him what was his favorite movie, from the prequels to the originals to the new Disney Star Wars. "Oh no!" He said he only watched episode 7, 8 9, and the tv shows on Disney+. He never cared about anything before that. Then the crew asked him why he was dressed as a young Anakin Skywalker. Was he bothered by the fact he killed all those children?
"He did what? Are you serious?" :o :?

You grieve then you move on. This is my state of mind with Star Wars. Disney can never steal my memories.

We all know exactly what Luke is looking at...


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Post 14 Sep 2023

challism wrote:
14 Sep 2023
Ichooselife wrote:
14 Sep 2023

but the series have ALL BEEN really good

boba fett
obi wan
and now ashoka have all been really good so far
I'd agree that Andor is good.
The first season of Mandalorian was good, then it turned into poop.
Obi Wan was terrible, as was the Book of Boba.
I haven't seen Ashoka yet.

Jedi was pretty lame with the Care Bears, but it was far better than any other movie made after it. Far better. (which is really sad)

I'd say you and I have fundamentally opposing views as to what "good" is regarding the Star Wars universe. But absolutely like what you like and enjoy it; you've got every right to do so.
it’s crazy isn’t it , but yeah i don’t get it i was born in 1979 watched those originals over and over in the 80s but i loved the phantom
menance , not so much the clone wars was ok and revenge of the sith is a masterpiece for me

i love all the new series , just dislike the new films
there the only three tbh

but yeah some fans even love them so

i don’t like to hold on to the old days like with music i move on .

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Post 14 Sep 2023

bxbrkrz wrote:
14 Sep 2023
That's why I said to the op to just enjoy the new shows, they make you happy. Do not worry about anything else.

I was watching a live stream about scifi/pop culture and he said he and his little crew met a huge Star Wars fan in a transport (bus or monorail?) inside Disney World. He loved everything Star Wars. He watched all the Star Wars movies. All of them. He went to the Galactic Starcruiser hotel 6 times. Six times. I hope I remember wrong, maybe 4 times? He knew the place was closing down, but he liked that as he was experiencing more with less people around him. Huge Star Wars fan. The vlogging crew asked him what was his favorite movie, from the prequels to the originals to the new Disney Star Wars. "Oh no!" He said he only watched episode 7, 8 9, and the tv shows on Disney+. He never cared about anything before that. Then the crew asked him why he was dressed as a young Anakin Skywalker. Was he bothered by the fact he killed all those children?
"He did what? Are you serious?" :o :?

You grieve then you move on. This is my state of mind with Star Wars. Disney can never steal my memories.

We all know exactly what Luke is looking at...

you gotta at least go back and watch 1-6

some people have gone one futher and watched all the cartoons i haven’t done that apparently the clone wars series is really good

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Post 14 Sep 2023

Ichooselife wrote:
14 Sep 2023
bxbrkrz wrote:
14 Sep 2023
That's why I said to the op to just enjoy the new shows, they make you happy. Do not worry about anything else.

I was watching a live stream about scifi/pop culture and he said he and his little crew met a huge Star Wars fan in a transport (bus or monorail?) inside Disney World. He loved everything Star Wars. He watched all the Star Wars movies. All of them. He went to the Galactic Starcruiser hotel 6 times. Six times. I hope I remember wrong, maybe 4 times? He knew the place was closing down, but he liked that as he was experiencing more with less people around him. Huge Star Wars fan. The vlogging crew asked him what was his favorite movie, from the prequels to the originals to the new Disney Star Wars. "Oh no!" He said he only watched episode 7, 8 9, and the tv shows on Disney+. He never cared about anything before that. Then the crew asked him why he was dressed as a young Anakin Skywalker. Was he bothered by the fact he killed all those children?
"He did what? Are you serious?" :o :?

You grieve then you move on. This is my state of mind with Star Wars. Disney can never steal my memories.

We all know exactly what Luke is looking at...

you gotta at least go back and watch 1-6

some people have gone one futher and watched all the cartoons i haven’t done that apparently the clone wars series is really good
For Ahsoka you need to if you want to understand everything. Maybe all the cartoons are already on Disney+ so it's not a big deal to see everything easily? I don't have D+

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Post 14 Sep 2023

bxbrkrz wrote:
14 Sep 2023
Ichooselife wrote:
14 Sep 2023

you gotta at least go back and watch 1-6

some people have gone one futher and watched all the cartoons i haven’t done that apparently the clone wars series is really good
For Ahsoka you need to if you want to understand everything. Maybe all the cartoons are already on Disney+ so it's not a big deal to see everything easily? I don't have D+
i normally only watch one thing in the whole day ( of a night a movie or series , so i don’t know if i have the time or energy to watch a really long series ( there’s a lot of them as well right ? i’m still enjoying ashoka as it is . cheers pal

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Post 14 Sep 2023

Ichooselife wrote:
14 Sep 2023
bxbrkrz wrote:
14 Sep 2023

For Ahsoka you need to if you want to understand everything. Maybe all the cartoons are already on Disney+ so it's not a big deal to see everything easily? I don't have D+
i normally only watch one thing in the whole day ( of a night a movie or series , so i don’t know if i have the time or energy to watch a really long series ( there’s a lot of them as well right ? i’m still enjoying ashoka as it is . cheers pal
:thumbup: :thumbs_up:

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Post 16 Sep 2023

Heater wrote:
14 Sep 2023
Ichooselife wrote:
14 Sep 2023

u don’t like boba fett , the series ?
He died in the movie. End of. To magically get resurrected is an insult to the movies.
If you really need to make a to series about Boba then place it before he fell into sarlacc pit.
You know...he shouldn't have died and we all know it. Not like he did.
I don't expect anything to come of it but I totally back the rewriting of Boba Fet.
In a way taking a character that amazing and chucking him into the anus pit before he even did anything was probably the first sign of Lucas losing the plot.
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