Spring sale has started bargains galore (March 2023 - no MAY MADNESS this year)

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25 Mar 2023

_andreypetr_ wrote:
25 Mar 2023
Report it anyway :) you will have at least a month to check and delete your reportbefore RS will see it.
Done. created a ticket with:
"Reason 12.5.1d41 on Win10

When I put the bassline generator on a subtractor or other synth, it works fine.

But when I put the bassline generator on the midi out device - each new bar, it automatically increments the root note by an octave (if on pattern 1). If on a different pattern the interval of the 'auto transpose' is different.

As I use Reason to sequence external synthesizers, this makes my newly purchased Bassline Generator useless, unless I track everything to a software synth first and then print the notes to a new track which I then use with the midi out device."

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25 Mar 2023

raymondh wrote:
25 Mar 2023
_andreypetr_ wrote:
25 Mar 2023
Report it anyway :) you will have at least a month to check and delete your reportbefore RS will see it.

Some better news, so it doesn't put anyone off from buying the bassline generator, in this sale: everything works correctly when using in the Reason Rack Extension (in Reaper)!

(It doesn't work properly in Reason standalone).

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26 Mar 2023

And speaking of Red Rock Sounds…do I want either of Red70 or Ivoks synths?
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26 Mar 2023

MrFigg wrote:
26 Mar 2023
And speaking of Red Rock Sounds…do I want either of Red70 or Ivoks synths?
I trialed both a while back. Bought neither. If I had to make a choice, I would get Ivoks as it is the more exotic one of the two. However, between all the Synapse and Skrock synths I already own, I'm very well sorted for that kind of sound.
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26 Mar 2023

crimsonwarlock wrote:
26 Mar 2023
MrFigg wrote:
26 Mar 2023
And speaking of Red Rock Sounds…do I want either of Red70 or Ivoks synths?
I trialed both a while back. Bought neither. If I had to make a choice, I would get Ivoks as it is the more exotic one of the two. However, between all the Synapse and Skrock synths I already own, I'm very well sorted for that kind of sound.
Yeah. Investigated further and me too.
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26 Mar 2023

MrFigg wrote:
25 Mar 2023
syncanonymous wrote:
25 Mar 2023

ah...of course! quoting myself :crazy:

So maybe everyone is aware; I wasn't
from pg 17 of the Installation Manual:
"It is not possible to run two instances of Reason (on different computers) authorized to
the same user account. Reason will then enter Demo Mode (see “Running Reason in
Demo Mode”)

So, in my case I have two full licenses on one account...but only one license (well authorizer is what I think it is...) can be used at a time on two separate computers. So, I'd need to create a second user account and transfer one of the licenses to be able to run Reason on two computers simultaneously...obviously REs and VSTs will be an issue...but that would allow the upgrade scenario I am after...
that said, I should think RS would encourage such a scenario cuz they'd sell more REs...but maybe I'm missing some possible mis-use angle? I have no interest in mis-use...

Anyway, for those for which it wasn't clear (it wasn't clear for me)
Use one with an authorized pc (offline) and another with internet online verification. And then buy an ignition key and run a 3rd on another computer.
nice, I didn't think of that :-)
I just don't ever think of running an online "dongle" while doing DAW tasks
I don't want no ignition key!
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26 Mar 2023

there are some very good RE on sale now
one of the best is Red Rock Sound, ModularRE Multi-Effect Processor

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26 Mar 2023

Just bought Anoma by Ekssperimental Sounds. I pretty much always trial before a buy, but occasionally I just buy based on the demos. I liked what I heard and it seemed to offer a new flavor to my RE collection.

To be honest I'm sursprised I bought anything at all this sale. More and more I feel like I have everything I need/want already. I feel pretty full at this point. The only thing I can see myself buying soon is the new upcoming Reason Studios synth, given that it's good of course. But if nothing else I have a suspicion it will bring something different to the current RE world.

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26 Mar 2023

Oh my....in the end I just upgraded to RSN12
I could still install RSN 8.3 and install the upgrade over that
but then there is porting REs and VSTs and control surfaces.... ugh!
RSN 10.4d4_9878_RME UFX+_Intel Core i7-8700K 3.7 GHz__Corsair Vengeance 64GB DDR4-3000
ASRock Fatal1ty Z370__Palit GeForce GTX 1050 Ti KalmX__Samsung 960 PRO/ M.2-2280 NVME SSD
:reason: :re: :recycle: :PUF_figure: :rebirth: :refill:

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26 Mar 2023

MrFigg wrote:
26 Mar 2023
And speaking of Red Rock Sounds…do I want either of Red70 or Ivoks synths?
I really like Ivoks, especially for the filter... which comes separately, at the moment it's $9.00 and well worth picking up at that price. It's really good

https://www.reasonstudios.com/shop/rack ... ks-filter/

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27 Mar 2023

syncanonymous wrote:
26 Mar 2023
Oh my....in the end I just upgraded to RSN12
I could still install RSN 8.3 and install the upgrade over that
but then there is porting REs and VSTs and control surfaces.... ugh!
Welll...RSN12 installed now
and rather painless (except for that Icon...ugh!...at least it is visually different, I guess)
I installed 12 in a custom location>
and Reason 12 picked up all my settings, which is killer....

The only stumbling block so far was REs;
which took several "sync" attempts from my online account
My Products> Rack Extensions > "SYNC ALL" button
probably or six different times clicking the "SYNC ALL" button
and Reason app reboots

The issue there is the placeholder RE has a button that takes users to the Shop
and essentially insults you (Put something in the cart before checking out)
users gotta figure it out themselves, hence why I wrote what I did above

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27 Mar 2023

syncanonymous wrote:
27 Mar 2023
which took several "sync" attempts from my online account
This is really painfull when you own a lot of RE. There seem to be a timeout and you need to press this wonderful button a million times and stay there until everything is downloaded and synced. This finally throws this great button in the bin IMO. :? :( :cry:
Reason13, Win10

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27 Mar 2023

Loque wrote:
27 Mar 2023
syncanonymous wrote:
27 Mar 2023
which took several "sync" attempts from my online account
This is really painfull when you own a lot of RE. There seem to be a timeout and you need to press this wonderful button a million times and stay there until everything is downloaded and synced. This finally throws this great button in the bin IMO. :? :( :cry:
I don't have too many REs- just 2 pages

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27 Mar 2023

I'm thinking of picking up Ujam's Virtual Bassist bundle during this sale. I already have the drummer bundle and all the A-list Guitar REs.

I'm now in the process of bringing older tracks I did in Reaper over to Reason, and I'm using Reason's Bass RE together with Kuassa's Cerberus amp. This already gives me plenty of things to play with, but I wonder if the Ujam bassist REs might give me additional useful options. Or is the Reason Bass covering similar sounds?

Is anyone here using the Ujam virtual bass, and if so, any pros or cons?
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27 Mar 2023

syncanonymous wrote:
27 Mar 2023
Loque wrote:
27 Mar 2023

This is really painfull when you own a lot of RE. There seem to be a timeout and you need to press this wonderful button a million times and stay there until everything is downloaded and synced. This finally throws this great button in the bin IMO. :? :( :cry:
I don't have too many REs- just 2 pages
Wow, one would think two pages should not do that. I know it took days for 14 pages. It was not a pleasant experience.
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27 Mar 2023

moneykube wrote:
27 Mar 2023
syncanonymous wrote:
27 Mar 2023

I don't have too many REs- just 2 pages
Wow, one would think two pages should not do that. I know it took days for 14 pages. It was not a pleasant experience.
my internet connection is very fast nowadays as well
yeah, only 2 pages...which is really 1.5 pages :-)

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27 Mar 2023

sdst wrote:
26 Mar 2023
there are some very good RE on sale now
one of the best is Red Rock Sound, ModularRE Multi-Effect Processor
I LOVE ModularRE, it's superb colorizer and enhancer. I am going to grab it as the discount price is nice.

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28 Mar 2023

I really, really wanted maia 2, and at 29 dollars its a real bargain. Btw, luna by pinknoise studio is one of my current go to synths. Check it out folks. Alas, had too many unexpected expenditures this month to be able to take maia home with me. :puf_unhappy: Bummer.

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28 Mar 2023

WOO wrote:
28 Mar 2023
I really, really wanted maia 2, and at 29 dollars its a real bargain. Btw, luna by pinknoise studio is one of my current go to synths. Check it out folks. Alas, had too many unexpected expenditures this month to be able to take maia home with me. :puf_unhappy: Bummer.
Luna is currently wowing me and having lots of fun with it. Sale price is a bargain imo so had to pick this up .

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29 Mar 2023

Just re-subscribed to Reason+ with 'sprinbreak' coupon 40% discount for annual subscription plan. Nice to be able to advantage of the current sale for Reason+ subscription.

It's all about timing really. You cannot add the coupon code until the current subscription period has actually expired. My annual subscription ended today. I think the sale ends early April.

You'd probably have more chance of catching a sale offer if you subscribed monthly. But, then it's more over the year. Anyway, It was around A$177 compared to A$274 last year :thumbup:

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31 Mar 2023

Does anybody know when exactly the sale ends ? Is today the last day ? Or it extends also to april ?

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01 Apr 2023

dusan.cani wrote:
31 Mar 2023
Does anybody know when exactly the sale ends ? Is today the last day ? Or it extends also to april ?
I think the sale ends tomorrow april 2nd.

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01 Apr 2023

Popey wrote:
28 Mar 2023
WOO wrote:
28 Mar 2023
I really, really wanted maia 2, and at 29 dollars its a real bargain. Btw, luna by pinknoise studio is one of my current go to synths. Check it out folks. Alas, had too many unexpected expenditures this month to be able to take maia home with me. :puf_unhappy: Bummer.
What a great day. Beautiful early spring weather, and I normally get paid monday but I got my check today (my horoscope for today said something unexpected but wonderful was going to happen) so maia is coming home with me and I have the rest of the weekend to play with her. The sale would have been over by payday. Yea! Btw maia is a great sounding synth.

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02 Apr 2023

Big shout out to Mr Figg and crimsonwarlock.
I really enjoyed your back and forthing's about the Combo X-705 Space RE, so much so, tis now mine too.
You are both great ambassadors of the GAS!!!

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02 Apr 2023

Got Kuassa Harmonitron and AT-4, Forgotten Clank Omega DEQ, Turn2On PolyRes Filter
now I´m finally over the finish line, less money in my pocket, but happy to have this in my account

but the best audio thing today, my mxl v69 tube mic is still working okay after cable sorting on the psu hum has gone very weird,
as well the noise floor of my Felio u47fet mic is lower after resoldering and turn a little bit the cables inside the mic crazy
last spring sale snap for me maybe a second VAS mic preamp to pimp the rode nt2a surround recording sound from semi to pro :D

..............only waiting for the abbey road chambers rack extension....... so developers we are waiting for this impulse response dream plug.......
Reason12.7, Arturia Spark Le

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