Reason 12.5.0 Released (VST3)

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Post 23 Dec 2022

Creativemind wrote:
21 Dec 2022
mcatalao wrote:
19 Dec 2022

Auto Punch in. I need Auto Punch in.

I know there are at least a couple of reasons, I have read it somewhere before but since forgot, what does punch in/out give you specifically?
Quoting myself because it's tiring discussing this, and believe me if i was recording more, I'd be using Cubase, where the auto punch in is super well done:
mcatalao wrote:
26 Apr 2022
crimsonwarlock wrote:
24 Apr 2022
I don't see why people think they need punch in/out. It is a relic from the past, invented to prevent the need for slice-editing real tape. The modern way to handle replacing small parts is comping. Even back in the day, you could do comping with multi-track recorders, but that would eat-up your available track count, so the industry came up with punch in/out. Comping is actually much easier from the perspective of the player, as punch in/out requires a perfect feel for timing (as you don't record anything outside the punch).
Actually, if you looked at how Auto Punch in works on other daws, you'd know that comping and auto punch in complement themselves. Also, your idea of a punch in is incorrect. There's nothing recorded out of the punch in, but the application manages the start and finishing of the recording, the player has the queue of his previous (correct) performance and plays on top getting the same "feeling" of the previous performance. In my experience from using the feature in other daws, timing, levels, expression, etc., are better retained because a full section performance various times on a cycle recording does not retain the same feeling on micro sections. And as I was saying, auto punch in and comping, complement themselves. As a matter of fact, after you punched in a small section on 5 or 6 takes, it's way easier to select the best take on a comp that was punched in than on a cycle recording.

There's a big difference between punching in, comping and cycle recording. But these complement themselves, and you can use them in your benefit (whereas for me punch in with comping is the most efficient way because you can start your editing on the recording session really quick and even involve the artist in the comping process and not have to bring him/her to the edit process)!

I also disagree with you about it being a relic of the past - even newer DAWs have it implemented right at release - like studio one, reaper or bitwig. IMHO, there's a big difference between it being a relic of the past to simply not being used by you. The fact is, and with all due respect, you just don't see the benefits of the feature. But as i respect the fact you think you don't need it, this old fart that used auto punch in Cubase in 2004, still misses it a lot.

Anyway, reason has everything in place for auto punch in to happen, it just needs the automation part. You just try a manual punch in (press record while playing with an audio track armed), and you'll see the following:
1 - Reason overdubs the armed tracks
2 - Reason commutes audio correctly between the previous recorded tracks and monitoring the incoming audio, just as other daws do
3 - Reason creates a new comp lane for the punched in section and ads q points
4 - Reason correctly starts and stops recording while playing

Adding to what I said, you can even add the automation part with remote overrides. I've had a pedal routed to the recording button for a lot of time. But with a pedal, pressing it when you're recording you might get a different performance (it happens, believe me). There is an interesting workaround that I've used too (, recurring to remote overrides, loopbe (a virtual midi cable) and the midi output device, automating the punch in and out. But then again it's a workaround and when you have multiple punch in takes it generates a bunch of q points (and if you try this with midi, it doesn't generate new lanes, which cubase allows you to select the daw's behavior, so you have a better consolidated punch in feature between midi and audio).

My point here is, punch in and auto punch in for more accuracy and self-recording, allows one to take care of errors right in the recording session. A good recording session, has the artist doing his/her stuff until it sounds right, and without auto punch in, you work blind because you need to know the whole take is ok or the lot of the takes have enough material for the whole song.
Jackjackdaw wrote:
21 Dec 2022
Doesn’t comping achieve the same thing? I have never managed to get a punch in on a part that doesn’t sound awful. I just redo the whole take if I blew it.
No, comping and Auto punch in coexist and are complementar to each other, i explained that back there.

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Post 23 Dec 2022

I also find awkward why people don't ask auto punch in more. TBH, it's almost mandatory if you record yourself when you work in small blocks of a song, and for me it's a lot more effective than recording big blocks and depend only on cycle recording or comping. And all these features are complementary - Cycle recording, Comping and auto punch in because they are just automations of the same recording mode.

Almost as awkward as Reason Studios not putting it in the DAW, it's a really great workflow improvement. I don't care if others don't use it, but as a producer, you get to put a lot of hats, and on some of those you have to be able to record yourself and have reason hit record on a section automaticaly. And auto punch in is just that, it's a little friend that hits record at a given time.

On a side note: You can automate an auto punch in in reason. However, it depends on a Midi loop, and since communication on such a driver is not sample accurate, the Q points of the same take get all duplicated. Plus it is not a solution for midi, since you would like to retain all takes to decide the better, even with auto punch in in midi. Cubase has 4 things (recording modes, comping, auto punch in and cycle recording) that complement themselves and work the same across midi and audio, and that is something that reason has some difficulty doing, wich is mantaining coherence across midi and audio recording.

If i am to complain, and again, getting back on topic, my wishes for new reason functionality and improvement are above all on the sequencer:
- Auto punch in
- Coherence across audio and midi
- Track folders
- Retrospective recording. Yeah, this is a big one. Improv in cubase and it saves stuff even if you didn't hit record! Really nice!
- Track Freezing - Not that important now that i upgraded to a Gen12 intel, but it would have prolonged my little I7 4790k's life a couple more years probably!
- Audio and projects separated (Ideally both project formats would be great)
- And man this kind of project for live stuff is hedious. If you're unlucky and lose work you lose everything.
It's a scary thing! Shit does not happen frequently but when it happens, it's bad!
- Versioning and persistant undo/redo with action list.
- Song locators
- Ability to arm and disarm all track recording of audio and automation
- A script automation tool would be amazing. I'm now doing a lot of nit picking with AutoHotKey.

I know. I'm starting to ask for some sort of a Cubason or a Reabase. But if you want me to be honest, the last year i was so mad at the slow development of reason that i crossgraded to Cubase - I was freaking overhelmed as thought i knew the thing but the program evolved as shit and has so many things that are menu based, super hidden - but i already solved some issues by porting projects back and forth on both softwares. I needed scoring for some shit, i exported midi from reason to cubase and printed the score. I wanted folders on a more complex project, i did it with cubase and reason rack plug amongst other things, then exported everything to reason and mixed there because my remote controllers work tighter in Reason atm.

But tbh, this going back and forth between daws was what drawed me to reason when record came out. I programmed every single midi note on my projects in Reason and then recorded vocals and instruments in Cubase, and mixed in cubase, so when record did everything, there was no use to keep on working in Cubase, but now the coin is flipping again. And i'm not alone. Selig is also starting to work on Luna and Reason Studios opened that path long ago with Reason Plug In. And now here's the thing... With Rob Papen, Native Instruments, East west, and Spitfire lybraries, starting to be the core of my projects, if i start opening cubase more and more, theres no use to reason if that stuff up there is crapping out my workflow.

It's just a matter of time getting a new remote controller that works better with cubase than my BCF2000's and good bye Reason! I don't want it to happen. Reason has been my companion for the best part of half my life but... Oh well.

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Post 23 Dec 2022

I agree on the need for a Punch in/out feature. I wish Reason had this feature because it provides a good mix between the "automated" player type music writing and live recording of instruments. The current comping system works to some degree but I would prefer to play along while hearing the prior recording before the DAW switches to recording for a pre-determined time slot. IMHO, Comps would come out smoother in a punch in/out scenario based on my work across several DAWs.

No DAW is perfect and I still love Reason but this is one of those features that I wish Reason had.
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Post 23 Dec 2022

mcatalao wrote:
23 Dec 2022
I also find awkward why people don't ask auto punch in more.
It's because we've been asking for auto punch in for almost 14 years (since Record 1.0 anyway), and I have pretty much given up on it appearing. :redface: :puf_unhappy: I'm with you though - I can auto punch-in using Ableton Live and Studio One, and still hate that I don't have that in Reason.

# Miserable Degenerate | Win 10 | Ableton Live 11 Suite |  Reason 13+ | i7 3770k @ 3.5 Ghz | 16 GB RAM | RME Babyface Pro | Akai MPC Live 2 & Akai Force | Roland System 8, MX1, TB3 | Dreadbox Typhon | Korg Minilogue XD

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Post 23 Dec 2022

Nielsen wrote:
23 Dec 2022
StephenHutchinson wrote:
22 Dec 2022
Sweetness indeed! I take it you used the default patch on the Juno-106?
I used the House Stab preset on the Juno but perhaps turn up the decay and sustain on the envelopes to make it less plucky. Set range to taste (8 or 16).
Thanks so much.. it now feels like a pad.. especially in the lower octaves... I'm afraid of shattering mirrors in my studio. :D
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Post 26 Dec 2022

npinero1 wrote:
23 Dec 2022
I agree on the need for a Punch in/out feature. I wish Reason had this feature because it provides a good mix between the "automated" player type music writing and live recording of instruments. The current comping system works to some degree but I would prefer to play along while hearing the prior recording before the DAW switches to recording for a pre-determined time slot. IMHO, Comps would come out smoother in a punch in/out scenario based on my work across several DAWs.

No DAW is perfect and I still love Reason but this is one of those features that I wish Reason had.
That's it. You get it. But even for midi, i play piano and EWI (wich is a wind controller) and the way i compose, is never with a mouse and keyboard. It's always playing on a digital piano or the EWI, as in i Record midi, instead of inputing notes on a grid. In result, midi recording is pretty simmilar to recording audio, hence what i said back there about the recording modes in cubase, wich should have equivallence across the to recordings. IMHO.

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Post 26 Dec 2022

EnochLight wrote:
23 Dec 2022
mcatalao wrote:
23 Dec 2022
I also find awkward why people don't ask auto punch in more.
It's because we've been asking for auto punch in for almost 14 years (since Record 1.0 anyway), and I have pretty much given up on it appearing. :redface: :puf_unhappy: I'm with you though - I can auto punch-in using Ableton Live and Studio One, and still hate that I don't have that in Reason.

True. I get a bit tired of this too.
But 2022 is almost over, lets see what 2023 and reason 12.5 and onward will bring. I have mixed feelings about adding too much stuff at the same time, because i don't want reason to turn into a cluttered Daw and in the end you feel overwhelmed just by looking at it.

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Post 26 Dec 2022

Is it just me, or has the audio export slowed down to a crawl ever since this update? Also, sometimes when I start exporting the whole program just shuts down with no error message or anything.

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Post 26 Dec 2022

Actually, disregard the previous post, this is most likely a plugin issue. Now I just need to figure out which one it is.

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Post 26 Dec 2022

So is everyone happy about the vst3 implementation or hopefully that it's going to improve before the next major version and the 200 bucks it's going to cost?

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Post 26 Dec 2022

Billy+ wrote:
26 Dec 2022
So is everyone happy about the vst3 implementation or hopefully that it's going to improve before the next major version and the 200 bucks it's going to cost?
I am more confused about the offline authorisation. I still expect the login dialog, but it does not appear and I think my Reason installation is broken, but than Reason just starts and 8 can make music, including with VST3.

So yes, i would say I am happy.

And you?
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Post 26 Dec 2022

Loque wrote:
26 Dec 2022
Billy+ wrote:
26 Dec 2022
So is everyone happy about the vst3 implementation or hopefully that it's going to improve before the next major version and the 200 bucks it's going to cost?
I am more confused about the offline authorisation. I still expect the login dialog, but it does not appear and I think my Reason installation is broken, but than Reason just starts and 8 can make music, including with VST3.

So yes, i would say I am happy.

And you?
Oh I'm happy but the honest truth is I'm using R11 RRP via Live suite and my vst3 devices have been working for months without the strange window behaviour or daw glitches that R12 is still experiencing....

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Post 26 Dec 2022

Billy+ wrote:
26 Dec 2022
Loque wrote:
26 Dec 2022

I am more confused about the offline authorisation. I still expect the login dialog, but it does not appear and I think my Reason installation is broken, but than Reason just starts and 8 can make music, including with VST3.

So yes, i would say I am happy.

And you?
Oh I'm happy but the honest truth is I'm using R11 RRP via Live suite and my vst3 devices have been working for months without the strange window behaviour or daw glitches that R12 is still experiencing....
I think you said it now enough, that you don't need and like R12, since you repeat this like a damaged endless looping vinyl in every thread.

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Post 27 Dec 2022

Loque wrote:
26 Dec 2022

I am more confused about the offline authorisation. I still expect the login dialog, but it does not appear and I think my Reason installation is broken, but than Reason just starts and 8 can make music, including with VST3.

I guess this about one time out of three, the other two times the login dialog pops up. Its mystifying.

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Post 27 Dec 2022

Had the same login problem with the authorizer, after recertificate code meter and used the authorize computer function under „manage licenses“ at reasonstudios hp, R12 still loads offline, but after this step i had to resync my RackExtentions, than everything works fine for me
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Post 27 Dec 2022

Just bought R12 after putting it off until VST3 support was ready to use. Still waiting for it to finish d/l but reports of install problems are making me feel a little uneasy.

On the bright side, currently selling R12 upgrade edition for £104.

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Post 31 Dec 2022

I've been playing around with this release for a few hours this morning on a Mac mini M1. So far this release has crashed about 4-5 times. Never experienced crashes like this before. It probably has to do with installing VST3 wrappers for the Moog Model D and Model 15 plugins. But hey at least glad to see Reason Studios finally got around to implementing Remote support for my Novation Launchkey MK3 and my Akai MPK Mini MP3. Good stuff!

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Post 01 Jan 2023

Hmm ... well, I've got a 6 month trial of R+ (at least 2 of them ... maybe 3), ... now seems like a good time

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Post 01 Jan 2023

Hi. New to the group, been a user since 2000 (v1)
Am I the only person experiencing an 'Unsupported format' issue in Reason 12.5, when importing an MP3?
My entire library of personal samples are mp3s and I'm currently stuck not being able to open them.

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Post 01 Jan 2023

InTheCity wrote:
01 Jan 2023
Hi. New to the group, been a user since 2000 (v1)
Am I the only person experiencing an 'Unsupported format' issue in Reason 12.5, when importing an MP3?
My entire library of personal samples are mp3s and I'm currently stuck not being able to open them.
Are you dragging it onto the sequencer or onto the rack? Do the former.
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Post 01 Jan 2023

Always the sequencer. Mp3 demos from reason packs that would normally play on auto, also bring up the same error.

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Post 01 Jan 2023

InTheCity wrote:
01 Jan 2023
Hi. New to the group, been a user since 2000 (v1)
Am I the only person experiencing an 'Unsupported format' issue in Reason 12.5, when importing an MP3?
My entire library of personal samples are mp3s and I'm currently stuck not being able to open them.
MrFigg wrote:
01 Jan 2023
Are you dragging it onto the sequencer or onto the rack? Do the former.
When dragging samples from Windows Explorer into Reason, it doesn't matter if you drag an MP3 into the Sequencer or into the Rack - the end result should be the same: an audio track will be created and the MP3 should import as an audio track. And on any Rack device that supports sample import, dragging an MP3 onto that device should import it into said device.

Dragging samples from Reason's browser, however, requires you to drag them into the Sequencer to import them into an audio track. Dragging them into a blank rack does nothing. Dragging them into a Rack device that supports sample import should import it though.

If the OP is getting an "Unsupported format" pop-up though, that's an entirely different issue. @InTheCity - what OS are you on? Are you doing this from Reason's browser or your OS browser?
# Miserable Degenerate | Win 10 | Ableton Live 11 Suite |  Reason 13+ | i7 3770k @ 3.5 Ghz | 16 GB RAM | RME Babyface Pro | Akai MPC Live 2 & Akai Force | Roland System 8, MX1, TB3 | Dreadbox Typhon | Korg Minilogue XD

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Post 01 Jan 2023

As I say, long time reason user, sound designer for games
Thank you Enoch, for trying to help. MrFiggs response seemed almost intentionally obtuse.

I'm on windows 10, running a Clarett Pro on a fresh install of windows (2 weeks since - with all updates). 64 core workstation, loaded.
Tried switching to a default driver for a minute; the Clarret uses its own Focusrite ASIO driver. No luck there. I can import *.m4a and *.wav without issue.
Mp3s are coming into Albeton, After Effects, Premiere, UE5, C4D, anywhere I can get them loaded, there's no issues.
For me it's definitely happening since I got the update, and I updated after the reformat.

Wondering if perhaps there's a missing dll in my installation, something that Reason needs to recognize the mp3.
Maybe a codec pack or something so that they can communicate better in this beta version. I don't know.
I've had issues like this before with other software, where something wonky happens with the install.

Hesitant to install again, because I have custom profiles Arturia device that are a pain to update.

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Post 02 Jan 2023

I'm on Windows 10, with a Focusrite interface. Running the most recent version of Reason 12, I have no problems importing MP3 files.

I would start by re-installing Reason and see if that fixes your problem, as it seems to be an installation-related issue.
Reached the breaking-point. CrimsonWarlock has left the forum.

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Post 02 Jan 2023

Thanks Crimsonwarlock, I reinstalled without losing my prefs, but the issue persists for me. Even tried temporarily moving my prefs folder to allow it to write a new cache and register all of my plugins. Nothing helps.

I've created a ticket with Propellerhead, we'll see what they say..

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