Latest Stream Deck additions:
•Just discovered you can ‘hot key’ any menu item and that includes every device in the rack. So I’ve added hot keys to drop in my most common devices with a single button.
•I’ve added two buttons for each app from the home page, one that switches Stream Deck to a new profile (app) and a second that switches the profile AND launches the app (or simply goes to that app if it’s already open).
•I added a button for the Stream Deck editor on the home page, made it an on/off switch which opens the editor with the first click and closes it with the second - very handy!
•As per a suggestion JoeyLuck made I’ve created three additional pages for Reason, one for each VIEW. Clicking on MIXER switches to Mixer View in Reason while also paging to the mixer buttons, same for Rack and Sequencer views.
•I also just added application zoom to a switch button so it goes from my typical 120% zoom for every day work to 200% zoom for close up work and Combinator design - the switch is nearly instant which is a nice change from having to navigate with a mouse.
•Multi-action “Do Over” is still my favorite button. When recording and making a mistake, hitting “Do Over” does four things automagically and in sequence: stops playback, clicks UNDO, rewinds to the previous start point, and goes back into record. Been wanting this exact functionality for years!
•Found a way of accessing on screen buttons I thought were unavailable, such as the -20 DIM button. Using Mackie Control, I select an unused function key then assign that via Remote to the button also via Mackie Control (I had to create a device in Reason called Mackie Control to allow this). Then I have to save the file as my song startup/template so it loads every time with this button assigned. It’s like magic!