Selig Audio December Live Stream Thursday Dec 1 20:00 UTC

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Post 30 Nov 2022

Has it been almost a year now? Yes it has, and welcome to the 12th and final livestream for this year!
First off, thanks to the US daylight savings time I'll be streaming at 3pm EST - but it's still UTC 20:00 for the rest of you!

This time I'll be covering my new hardware controller from Elgato: the StreamDeck XL. It will be part review, part tutorial, and part workflow explorer. I'll also be digging through a recent work in progress that goes for loudness and power - stay tuned to see how well I pull it off…
As always I'll be happy to cover any suggested topics or answer any questions on any aspect of music production.

So drop on by or check out the archived video after the fact:

There were audio issues with the original - watch the corrected version here:

Audio issues were caused by a TRS cable not plugged in all the way, causing one channel to be polarity inverted - doh, rookie mistake!
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Post 01 Dec 2022

:reason: :re: :ignition: Atari 1040ST | R11 Suite 🡭 R12 | i7 | RME

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Post 01 Dec 2022

Who’s using the royal plural now baby? 🧂

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Post 01 Dec 2022

Going live in five, y'all!
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Post 02 Dec 2022

As promised, here is the link to my initial icon pack for Stream Deck. This will likely be updated as I work further with the device, and I'll make a separate post for that when it's time. ...
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Post 08 Dec 2022

Ok, i have a new present for me!!! :)

This + AutoHotKey will be amazing specially since it works as a surface.

But Giles, be careful... these kind of apps, have the problem that they can pull you down the rabit hole of LOOSING lots of time scripting stuff that is not that useful in your workflow. I had that with my big autohotkey script.

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Post 08 Dec 2022

mcatalao wrote:
08 Dec 2022
Ok, i have a new present for me!!! :)

This + AutoHotKey will be amazing specially since it works as a surface.

But Giles, be careful... these kind of apps, have the problem that they can pull you down the rabit hole of LOOSING lots of time scripting stuff that is not that useful in your workflow. I had that with my big autohotkey script.
I’m not doing any scripting, and only building simple things as I come across the need for them. I also have paid LOTS (maybe too much) attention to analyzing how I work, what commands I use most and where I use them.
So indeed the goal is not to build every command possible, but rather to already know how you work and therefor what your needs are.

Bottom line, I wouldn’t say it’s the apps that have the problem! ;) I usually go past the need for something before I bother adding it. For example, after rebuilding my current mac a few months ago I STILL have not re-built all my custom Reason key commands because I have not yet actually needed all of them.
Seeing how fast it is to build on an “as needed” basis, I see no need to pre-build anything beyond the few actions I built initially just to learn the basic workflow. But I hear you 100% and it’s excellent advice - don’t let the tools lead you!
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Post 08 Dec 2022

Latest Stream Deck additions:
•Just discovered you can ‘hot key’ any menu item and that includes every device in the rack. So I’ve added hot keys to drop in my most common devices with a single button.
•I’ve added two buttons for each app from the home page, one that switches Stream Deck to a new profile (app) and a second that switches the profile AND launches the app (or simply goes to that app if it’s already open).
•I added a button for the Stream Deck editor on the home page, made it an on/off switch which opens the editor with the first click and closes it with the second - very handy!
•As per a suggestion JoeyLuck made I’ve created three additional pages for Reason, one for each VIEW. Clicking on MIXER switches to Mixer View in Reason while also paging to the mixer buttons, same for Rack and Sequencer views.
•I also just added application zoom to a switch button so it goes from my typical 120% zoom for every day work to 200% zoom for close up work and Combinator design - the switch is nearly instant which is a nice change from having to navigate with a mouse.
•Multi-action “Do Over” is still my favorite button. When recording and making a mistake, hitting “Do Over” does four things automagically and in sequence: stops playback, clicks UNDO, rewinds to the previous start point, and goes back into record. Been wanting this exact functionality for years!
•Found a way of accessing on screen buttons I thought were unavailable, such as the -20 DIM button. Using Mackie Control, I select an unused function key then assign that via Remote to the button also via Mackie Control (I had to create a device in Reason called Mackie Control to allow this). Then I have to save the file as my song startup/template so it loads every time with this button assigned. It’s like magic! ;)
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Post 08 Dec 2022

I'm sold on the streamdeck. Which one do you guys think I should get?
I see they have a MK2 now, but... XL exists :geek:

whichever one I go with, something tells me I should also get their SD Pedal, and just set that to [TAB] flip the rack ? :D
:reason: "Reason is not measured by size or height, but by principle.” -Epictetus

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Post 08 Dec 2022

-008' wrote:
08 Dec 2022
I'm sold on the streamdeck. Which one do you guys think I should get?
I see they have a MK2 now, but... XL exists :geek:

whichever one I go with, something tells me I should also get their SD Pedal, and just set that to [TAB] flip the rack ? :D
I'm going for the big one. I have a lot of stuff lost through my BCR/BCF2000's control buttons that i'd like to leave for the mixer only that controlling the rest of the stuff in this would be great.

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Post 09 Dec 2022

-008' wrote:
08 Dec 2022
I'm sold on the streamdeck. Which one do you guys think I should get?
I see they have a MK2 now, but... XL exists :geek:

whichever one I go with, something tells me I should also get their SD Pedal, and just set that to [TAB] flip the rack ? :D
I went for the big one (XL) and don’t regret it. But that said it looks super easy to mix/match several units if you get a smaller device and want more control later. There is also some potential advantage to using two smaller Stream Decks so you would dedicate one to functions like transport etc., so you could easily start small. My deciding factor was knowing I wanted the full transport across a single row and the only option for that was the XL (also handy for putting the Function keys 1-8 across a row),

That pedal does look interesting for common functions…

Besides the ability to stack multiple actions on a single button, one of the most valuable things for me with this type of controller is the ability to design your own buttons. This includes using screen grabs for application and device icons in addition to simple/advanced color coding and custom text. That’s one thing that’s kept me from using other hardware controllers in the past.

And I must say the software for programming the Stream Deck line is quite easy to work with, the only frustrating limit currently is the inability to select multiple buttons at once to move or change icons etc., which is likely more of a big deal on the larger controllers than the smaller.
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Post 10 Dec 2022

selig wrote:
09 Dec 2022
-008' wrote:
08 Dec 2022
I'm sold on the streamdeck. Which one do you guys think I should get?
I see they have a MK2 now, but... XL exists :geek:

whichever one I go with, something tells me I should also get their SD Pedal, and just set that to [TAB] flip the rack ? :D
I went for the big one (XL) and don’t regret it. But that said it looks super easy to mix/match several units if you get a smaller device and want more control later. There is also some potential advantage to using two smaller Stream Decks so you would dedicate one to functions like transport etc., so you could easily start small. My deciding factor was knowing I wanted the full transport across a single row and the only option for that was the XL (also handy for putting the Function keys 1-8 across a row),

That pedal does look interesting for common functions…

Besides the ability to stack multiple actions on a single button, one of the most valuable things for me with this type of controller is the ability to design your own buttons. This includes using screen grabs for application and device icons in addition to simple/advanced color coding and custom text. That’s one thing that’s kept me from using other hardware controllers in the past.

And I must say the software for programming the Stream Deck line is quite easy to work with, the only frustrating limit currently is the inability to select multiple buttons at once to move or change icons etc., which is likely more of a big deal on the larger controllers than the smaller.
Anyone using the Stream Deck + Looks interesting...

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