29 Jan 2015
I think that the Discover-function should better be a closed thing, not open to see/hear for everyone.
And I think that there better be a more serious creative tool, where ppl discover each others work.
For instance, I can make available different sound clips and indicate which one I want to have feedback
on the mixing, or mastering, and which clips/songs I seek collaboration in some way co-writing;
seeking a lyricist, a singer of a certain kind, a trumpet solo, real drums, a nice fitting loop, or whatever.
And the deal should be to give credit to each other, in words, and money or barter, if professional.
Handling money might be too messy and full of trouble for the props, so my suggestion would
rather be that probably the most natural sharing way would be some kind of barter,
which is just common sense logic among people:
"I add this to you, maybe you later want to add some of your nice vocals on my new track,
or help me with giving feedback to my mixes" etc.
Then it is a true collaboration that come to my mind, and would be fruitful to me and others.