More categories perhaps?

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16 Jan 2015

I agree with that it shouldn't have too many subforums, where little or no activity is had. I think bigger forums can get away with it easier because of the big number of users, all parts get posted in.
Im sure it will turn out fine though :)

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16 Jan 2015

This isn't exactly a category/sub-forum request - but I think it was...'Reasonstation' that had/have a section for songs, even with a song chart - and I thought it was really cool and actually learned a lot by downloading other people's .rns files, and maybe this is too complex for this forum, but I'd like to see something like this again. RE's are in the mix now so I know compatibility would be messy, but i just think having our own Reason song charts - I think it would motivate me to use Reason more. Like how I used to back in the good old days. 

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16 Jan 2015

popp wrote:An extra category for tutorials or a sticky section or library for threads of special interest (tech tips n tricks) wouln't be too bad.

Again, thanks for building up a new home for us.
Ocean of Waves wrote:I'd like to have a Reason Techniques subforum. 
So if I want to contribute in all different ways one could achieve Sidechaining in Reason (for example) I could make a thread in that Subforum.

I was thinking something similar: A "How Do You Do This?" subforum.

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I was thinking there should be a place for RE devs such as myself to post news/tutorials/etc. where it's not considered spam - however that's best organized is up for discussion (I'm easy!). :)

Selig Audio, LLC

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selig wrote:I was thinking there should be a place for RE devs such as myself to post news/tutorials/etc. where it's not considered spam - however that's best organized is up for discussion (I'm easy!). :)
Shoot, I was thinking a "Selig's Corner" would be cool ;) hehe
But I'm not the guy in charge.

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16 Jan 2015

One thing I think we could use is a "Feature Suggestion" Forum.

While we all know that the preferred route is through the feedback form: ... n_feedback

It doesn't mean that suggestions/wishes aren't going to come up.
And when they do, they should have a designated space.

I also think it's a good thing to be able to bounce ideas off one another before pitching it to Propellerhead via the feedback form.

You could include a note at the top of the Feature Suggestion forum with a link to the Propellerhead feedback form.  And who knows, maybe Propellerhead will take a peek now and again ;)

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16 Jan 2015

I also like the idea refining ideas here, before sending them to the Props. I'm not sure the ideas would gain traction (though a large group signing a proposal couldn't hurt) but it'd probably annoy the Props less.

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16 Jan 2015

We could instead call it "The Wishlist"

That's where people can post ideas for features they'd like to bounce around, but also that's where they can post threads about plugins they'd like to see as REs...
That way nobody gets their hopes up when they see a thread vaguely titled/mis-titled:
" Zebra RE! =D "  Because after all... it's in the wishlist forum ;)

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16 Jan 2015

selig wrote:I was thinking there should be a place for RE devs such as myself to post news/tutorials/etc. where it's not considered spam - however that's best organized is up for discussion (I'm easy!). :)
joeyluck wrote:
Shoot, I was thinking a "Selig's Corner" would be cool ;) hehe
But I'm not the guy in charge.
Many have suggested that's exactly where I belong…
Selig Audio, LLC

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16 Jan 2015

from my history on the team Reason France .

- sub category ( + )
very helpfull to new users to finf quickly somes infos
moderator ( CM , admin ) can manage post/topic per sub category
somes topic still more on show case

- sub category ( - )
take long time to moderate , check all douplon topic
many times there's above the same topic ( question , advise ) on each sub category : the moderator need to deplace and join the post/topics
somes infos are more dispached , users could be miss somes infos ( advices , tips ..)

in my mind , under 300-500 users keep the forum easy to browse . Not necessary to open xxxx sub category 8-)

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Selig's corner FTW

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Last Alternative wrote:There should be a contact/support option. Right now the chat isn't working. It keeps asking me to sign in even though I'm obviously already signed in and it never takes my info. Just has me sign in repeatedly.

I would also recommend making the overall fonts and boxes smaller so we can see more content without scrolling constantly.
It should be working now...  Try using the 'www' prefix.  I think without, the site is currently broken.  Just a few hiccups that happen with having a live site while trying to update the domain.  Lunesis is sorting it out =) 

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Ok, I included a 'Tutorials and Techniques' forum for all of you that wanted one.

I'm not so sure about separating RE's and Refills just yet.. I think it will be a nice mix, and maybe people who are initially looking for RE's will run across a refill that they end up getting instead. I know I've spent more money on NSL's refills recently than I have on RE's. If refills start getting buried then I will consider it.

Feature suggestion forum, you can do that in Reason General since it includes 'ideas'. I want the forums to have a nice mix of content, not too chaotic but having some variety in topics so that you will run across some surprises that you weren't expecting. I think for me that is part of what made the PUF fun. However, if the General forum starts drowning in feature suggestions then I will definitely open a dedicated forum for it.

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Last Alternative wrote:Might I suggest breaking it up into Advanced and Beginner. I think that's one thing PH did right on the forums. It's smart so it doesn't get too mixed up and crowded. Easier to distinguish what what is, etc.
I don't know, I feel like the beginner forum became the 'sell your copy of Reason' forum. The Advanced forum was the focus for pretty much every registered user because that's where people were expecting the action, so this will be the 'action' forum. Again, I am not totally opposed to the idea but I want to avoid fracturing forums that could benefit from the consolidation of eyes.

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16 Jan 2015

Last Alternative wrote:Might I suggest breaking it up into Advanced and Beginner. I think that's one thing PH did right on the forums. It's smart so it doesn't get too mixed up and crowded. Easier to distinguish what what is, etc.
Lunesis wrote:
I don't know, I feel like the beginner forum became the 'sell your copy of Reason' forum. The Advanced forum was the focus for pretty much every registered user because that's where people were expecting the action, so this will be the 'action' forum. Again, I am not totally opposed to the idea but I want to avoid fracturing forums that could benefit from the consolidation of eyes.
its better to mix on the same forum bigenner and advanced forum , why ..?
many times on beginners forum somes advices , tips , .., are very hepfull guidelines or more explained infos that could be used also for advanced forum .

to avoid somes kinda topic , juste create one Topic with all the basic stuff
- where to dl the reason manuel
- how to create a module
we 've done this how forum ... 6802#16802

to avoid spam topic to selling stuff , juste create one sub-category for this .

your site still in developpement construction , keep it the more basic at the beginning .then improve , enlarge the forum with your activity member/users

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16 Jan 2015

Last Alternative wrote:Might I suggest breaking it up into Advanced and Beginner. I think that's one thing PH did right on the forums. It's smart so it doesn't get too mixed up and crowded. Easier to distinguish what what is, etc.
Lunesis wrote:
I don't know, I feel like the beginner forum became the 'sell your copy of Reason' forum. The Advanced forum was the focus for pretty much every registered user because that's where people were expecting the action, so this will be the 'action' forum. Again, I am not totally opposed to the idea but I want to avoid fracturing forums that could benefit from the consolidation of eyes.

100% agreed but it does bring up something else.. would you consider a Marketplace forum? that could be where devs announce all sales, new products, and of course second hand (legal) reason stuff from users. It works very well at KVR.

It also doesn't really matter so much as to waiting for more forum traffic like some other subforums would (i could be wrong but just a feeling about that).

LOVE not having a beginner and advanced though, never personally understood the way that worked there. Well, it was not ideal, as you say.

Mac Studio M2 Ultra/64Gb/Apollo T-Bolt 3/OS 14.5.0/PT 2024/Nuendo 13
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A Reason Meet Up Section !

I always wanted this in the old forum , I know aint nobody from Swiss Around here but if I travel to UK , Germany , USA or whatever ...Sweden LOL well I would find cool to be able to say it on the board and maybe meet up with some folks !
It does not die , it multiplies !

 7.101 and I will upgrade maybe this summer .

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CharlyCharlzz wrote:A Reason Meet Up Section !

I always wanted this in the old forum , I know aint nobody from Swiss Around here but if I travel to UK , Germany , USA or whatever ...Sweden LOL well I would find cool to be able to say it on the board and maybe meet up with some folks !
I can safely say that there must be another swiss reason forum user or at the very least a lurker.. 

oh, and any Melbournites.. would be cool! hehe

social meetup events would be great.

Mac Studio M2 Ultra/64Gb/Apollo T-Bolt 3/OS 14.5.0/PT 2024/Nuendo 13
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Bavanity wrote: 100% agreed but it does bring up something else.. would you consider a Marketplace forum? that could be where devs announce all sales, new products, and of course second hand (legal) reason stuff from users. It works very well at KVR.
I think the RE/Refill forum would be the right place for announcing sales and new releases, however if I see a bunch of 'selling my copy of Reason' threads I will consider doing something. Over at KVR there is a huge variety of things like plugins and hardware that people are swapping because it's a multi-daw forum, but with Reason the only thing you can really sell is your license because RE's are bound to your account and Refills are pretty rarely resold.

@Charlie, that's what the OT forum is for. If it's all Reason users you could even put it in the General chat.

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16 Jan 2015

What about adding sub groups for hip hop production , EDM production and Rock production?
Or how about sub groups for different things like recording techniques (things like micing amps, recording vocals, ect..), mixing techniques and mastering techniques?

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CharlyCharlzz wrote:A Reason Meet Up Section !

I always wanted this in the old forum , I know aint nobody from Swiss Around here but if I travel to UK , Germany , USA or whatever ...Sweden LOL well I would find cool to be able to say it on the board and maybe meet up with some folks !
I'm on another forum and there is a section called travel plans... The people can figure out if they are in that area at that time and want to meet up... It's a private forum though you don't actually have to worry about inviting people to break into your place while you're gone... :P


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As well in that forum (and it works because there aren't too many members) there is a most recent posts view that shows the last 40+ posts... I find that useful to catch up on things when I don't want to click through all subforums... But it might not work here depending on traffic and post volume...


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