All RS Rack Extensions are now in the Rewards Shop

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13 Oct 2021

MrFigg wrote:
13 Oct 2021
Billy+ wrote:
13 Oct 2021

20 points for the full version only, upgrades are not included

You would have to spend at least another €$£100 to earn the next 5 points before you can redeem a voucher and must do so within a year or you lose the points.......
Upgrades are included. 20 points.
Not according to support!
Reason Studios Rewards is a program for earning Reward Points based on purchases you make in the Reason Studios Shop. The Reward Points can then be converted into Reward Vouchers, which can be used for new purchases in the Rewards Store.

Buying or registering a full version of Reason (not upgrades) will earn you 20 Reward Points.
All other purchases in the Reason Studios Shop will receive 5% in Reward Points rounded up, i.e. a €99 purchase will give you 5 Reward Points.
Each Reward Point is worth 1 EUR/USD/GBP/CAD, in your local currency.
When you have earned a total of 25 or 50 Reward Points you can use these for Reward Vouchers for 25 or 50 EUR/USD/GBP/CAD off towards products in the Rewards Store.

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13 Oct 2021

Billy+ wrote:
13 Oct 2021
Tweak wrote:
13 Oct 2021
Does buying a full Reason license earn points, if so how many?
20 points for the full version only, upgrades are not included

You would have to spend at least another €$£100 to earn the next 5 points before you can redeem a voucher and must do so within a year or you lose the points.......
This is why I was suggesting the expiration be based on last activity like Google Play and others.

IMO they should combine expiration dates and base the expiration on last activity or increase the rewards from 5%. That's a hard mountain to climb.

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13 Oct 2021

joeyluck wrote:
13 Oct 2021
Billy+ wrote:
13 Oct 2021

20 points for the full version only, upgrades are not included

You would have to spend at least another €$£100 to earn the next 5 points before you can redeem a voucher and must do so within a year or you lose the points.......
This is why I was suggesting the expiration be based on last activity like Google Play and others.

IMO they should combine expiration dates and base the expiration on last activity or increase the rewards from 5%. That's a hard mountain to climb.
I still say (like many other) that given how much you need to spend and the minimal amount of products available that no time limits should be placed on the rewards.

If someone wants to collect rewards for 5 years without spending them it really shouldn't be that much of an issue for RS especially given how much real money has to be spent in order to make use of them. But hey I've never purchased anything for the rewards. And remember it costs nothing to replicate software ;)

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13 Oct 2021

Billy+ wrote:
13 Oct 2021
joeyluck wrote:
13 Oct 2021

This is why I was suggesting the expiration be based on last activity like Google Play and others.

IMO they should combine expiration dates and base the expiration on last activity or increase the rewards from 5%. That's a hard mountain to climb.
I still say (like many other) that given how much you need to spend and the minimal amount of products available that no time limits should be placed on the rewards.

If someone wants to collect rewards for 5 years without spending them it really shouldn't be that much of an issue for RS especially given how much real money has to be spent in order to make use of them. But hey I've never purchased anything for the rewards. And remember it costs nothing to replicate software ;)
I'd be curious to know how many users would fall outside the 1 year of inactivity and how many of those care about reward points. You would literally need to make one purchase a year and then your expiration date for all of your points would be renewed, expiring a year from that date, unless of course you make another purchase and it would renew again.

All of the apps and programs I use that have this type of approach, that I still care to use, I've never lost my points. And that's the point. People asked for no expiration dates, and then RS reinforced the expiration dates with their fix. I think they are sticking with points expiring. I have a feeling that if we are to get them to sway towards a compromise, my suggestion might stand a better chance?

Aside from a compromise on expiration, I think the only other solution is increasing the percentage of rewards earned per purchase. If they increase it to say 10%, that would mean users could earn more in a year (and be more motivated to spend more). The 10% could maybe also fix the bug the of the $9 purchases equating to 0 points. I say "maybe" because it would still be 0.9 points and they would have to round up still, but I guess there is some other similar, smaller rounding going on? Just not rounding great enough to make 0.45=1 point. It would also make easier math for everyone! :) Whatever you spend in dollars, you would move the decimal point once to the left and that would be your points.

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13 Oct 2021

joeyluck wrote:
13 Oct 2021
Billy+ wrote:
13 Oct 2021

I still say (like many other) that given how much you need to spend and the minimal amount of products available that no time limits should be placed on the rewards.

If someone wants to collect rewards for 5 years without spending them it really shouldn't be that much of an issue for RS especially given how much real money has to be spent in order to make use of them. But hey I've never purchased anything for the rewards. And remember it costs nothing to replicate software ;)
I'd be curious to know how many users would fall outside the 1 year of inactivity and how many of those care about reward points. You would literally need to make one purchase a year and then your expiration date for all of your points would be renewed, expiring a year from that date, unless of course you make another purchase and it would renew again.

All of the apps and programs I use that have this type of approach, that I still care to use, I've never lost my points. And that's the point. People asked for no expiration dates, and then RS reinforced the expiration dates with their fix. I think they are sticking with points expiring. I have a feeling that if we are to get them to sway towards a compromise, my suggestion might stand a better chance?

Aside from a compromise on expiration, I think the only other solution is increasing the percentage of rewards earned per purchase. If they increase it to say 10%, that would mean users could earn more in a year (and be more motivated to spend more). The 10% could maybe also fix the bug the of the $9 purchases equating to 0 points. I say "maybe" because it would still be 0.9 points and they would have to round up still, but I guess there is some other similar, smaller rounding going on? Just not rounding great enough to make 0.45=1 point. It would also make easier math for everyone! :) Whatever you spend in dollars, you would move the decimal point once to the left and that would be your points.
You might be right on many of the points you raise but it's always going to be better to buy products that are on sale as not only are more products available but the savings are usually higher than 25 points and you will accumulate points that might be of use one day.

Personally I don't care about the rewards like I said previously I buy because I want the product I've never factored points into it and even if RS had decided to scrap the whole system I really wouldn't care less.

But if asked my opinion I would suggest that having the rewards system with its current limitations then allowing customers to collect them for as long as they wish should be the preferred option especially if the customers already have what's available, if RS are going to add every new rack extension how long am I going to need to wait before I can actually use my current voucher?

Should customers lose rewards while waiting for products to be produced that would allow them to use the rewards?

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13 Oct 2021

EnochLight wrote:
13 Oct 2021
huggermugger wrote:
11 Oct 2021
Which part of "DM me and I can take a closer look" don't you understand? We don't want to read about your specific problem. It's between you and Reason Studios (in this case, James).
AttenuationHz wrote:
12 Oct 2021
Are you aware that the company you work for has an official support line on the website where users can open tickets to get support. How about you go find the ticket I opened.
AttenuationHz wrote:
12 Oct 2021
I have already opened a ticket James can go find it if he really wants to help. There is no agreement made that whatever is posted here remains private not even in private messages. I'm not sharing any account information with him here.
Looks like we need some useless mods to step in here!

@AttenuationHz: you've been instructed to take this to DM if you want it looked at deeper. James is trying to do you a favor. Please do so, or continue your issues via your ticket you already opened. Thanks
Don't go making it personal now, and don't talk to me like I'm some ingrate there is absolutely no problems with what is being discussed on the matter that needs moderators attention except the first paragraph you have quoted there which I've already ignored yet you seem to want to bring it up again. So if you want to play moderator perhaps address that instead of misguiding your moderators position on the matter or is a users position this time; I can never tell. Maybe the whole discussion should be taken to DM if that's the case as seen as James started the thread and the discussions on rewards. Another issue that you should be looking at it is one you just created, that is 'being instructed' to do something that I already said I won't be doing, seriously instructed come on now. Just what rules of the site are being broken with calling someone out on an issue they created and won't address through the proper channels. I'd love to know how many users are affected by these recent changes and if they're not speaking up about it, it is because they are either not signed up to RT, don't care, don't want the stress of having to deal with inappropriate comments associated with bringing it up, or see someone is already covering it. Having less reward points to spend and less time to spend them is to do with you and everyone else here or not present so maybe you should address that instead of trying to return any personal favours James has done for you or anyone else.
It is not too much of an ask for people or things to be the best version of itself!

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13 Oct 2021

joeyluck wrote:
13 Oct 2021
The 1 year expiration of points has always been stated. I'm having a hard time following the confusion. Nothing has been shortened, but some expirations have been lengthened.

If you have points that the fix would have removed, those are instead extended (added back as an adjustment). If you have points that would not have expired and disappeared as a result of the fix, those still expire 1 year from when they were earned. They do not expire sooner than a year from which they were earned.

If for example you have points earned from March 2021 that say they expire next month, that is a bug to report. If you have points earned in Nov 2020 that expire next month, Nov 2021, that is how it is supposed to be.
It has been shortened, it still states that points expire after 1 year that is not the issue. I'm guessing you would have been very active with rewards so your adjustment might show 0, or it would be very low anyway. The adjustment means that any points that did expire you have claimed, yes. So RS is getting those points returned off the back of users many of whom had no idea that points actually did expire.

I have points in my account that expire genuine points earned and will expire future genuine rewards I have yet to earn since they are reworked, 20 points expire in the coming days yet what ever points I do earn from now till then the adjustment will expire those points also - whatever points I earn from now until next year because of the 50 points adjustment, when that expires it will expire those points. I have to re-earn 50 points or spend another €1000 in order to adjust the adjustment to set it at 0 or wait until the adjustment expires to start earning points again and purchasing, the later sounds very appealing right now I would gladly spend a grand on VST's instead.
rewards.png (116.89 KiB) Viewed 6244 times
From now until next year I will probably be lucky if I earn enough points to get a 25 voucher let alone a 50, when the 50 points expire any purchases that return points from turning in what little points I do have remaining will be expiring reward points I earned also because there will likely be a remainder. Whatever adjustment anyone has it will also shorten the reward points they earn.

This is why I'm continuing to press the issue here because you and others do not seem to be understanding what the issue is yet if I talk to James privately about it is he going to sort for me alone or everyone? So I won't be quiet about an issue that affects everyone. Hand out a punishment for that if you want I really don't care my loyalties lay with the community, I want that to be known.
It is not too much of an ask for people or things to be the best version of itself!

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13 Oct 2021

I genuinely want to understand. Your points certainly look more confusing than mine (though I've never claimed any vouchers). But I don't quite understand how you think the adjustment points will make future earned points expire sooner. Why do you think you have to earn another 50 points to make up for the adjustment? The adjustment should have been an addition, not a subtraction - though I agree your balance doesn't seem to reflect that given that your adjustment is 50 points, yet you only seem to have 40 in your account. Perhaps something is wrong there.

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13 Oct 2021

I got an adjustment of 85 points and had previously redeemed 100 points. My current balance is sitting at 8.
The adjustment is simply showing points that otherwise would have already expired if the system wasn't bugged.

You don't 'get back' points that have been redeemed.

Not hard for most RT members to understand but I think this extra complication on top of an already convoluted system is gonna confuse a lot of the broader Reason user base.

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13 Oct 2021

zoidkirb wrote:
13 Oct 2021
I got an adjustment of 85 points and had previously redeemed 100 points. My current balance is sitting at 8.
The adjustment is simply showing points that otherwise would have already expired if the system wasn't bugged.

You don't 'get back' points that have been redeemed.

Not hard for most RT members to understand but I think this extra complication on top of an already convoluted system is gonna confuse a lot of the broader Reason user base.
It is simple really your 85 points adjustment is going to expire any and all rewards you earn in the next year. What will that 85 be deducted from? Your balance as it does with expiring rewards. If you earn no points is your balance going to be -85 is the big question.
It is not too much of an ask for people or things to be the best version of itself!

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13 Oct 2021

AttenuationHz wrote:
13 Oct 2021
Don't go making it personal now, and don't talk to me like I'm some ingrate there is absolutely no problems with what is being discussed on the matter that needs moderators attention except the first paragraph you have quoted there which I've already ignored yet you seem to want to bring it up again.
Let me put this in words you'll understand: I DON'T CARE. Take it to DM as offered, or submit another ticket to RS - I really don't care. We are tired of reading your mile long paragraphs of "issues" when you were offered a solution but ignored it. Keep it up and you can take a forced hiatus from this place to cool off. OK?
# Miserable Degenerate | Win 10 | Ableton Live 11 Suite |  Reason 13+ | i7 3770k @ 3.5 Ghz | 16 GB RAM | RME Babyface Pro | Akai MPC Live 2 & Akai Force | Roland System 8, MX1, TB3 | Dreadbox Typhon | Korg Minilogue XD

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13 Oct 2021

Yeah it's definitely not easy to understand?

It looks like you earned 45 points but you have redeemed 75 points and received a date adjustment on 50 but only have 40? It's very confusing.

Do you know what/how you earned points from?
Are you also saying that you haven't used the 75 you redeemed?
What points did you have before all this started?

I didn't have a clue how many points I had as I never looked because I own the RE's listed that I would use the points on so it was/is pointless even checking. I'm still not that interested in using them as I would still have to hand over cash and have leftover points.

I'm guessing that it's confusing because access to all the records is limited.

Maybe you should consider messaging James with your Reason account and if you're concerned about having the issues resolved while others won't get the same treatment/results I'm sure you can report back any further advice for other who share your concerns.

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13 Oct 2021

Billy+ wrote:
13 Oct 2021
Maybe you should consider messaging James with your Reason account
They were offered this solution but declined for "reasons". They were warned to take this to DM or raise another ticket with RS, and that's pretty much it. Hopefully they'll make the right choice. We've had pages after pages of this, and I believe we're ready to move on.
# Miserable Degenerate | Win 10 | Ableton Live 11 Suite |  Reason 13+ | i7 3770k @ 3.5 Ghz | 16 GB RAM | RME Babyface Pro | Akai MPC Live 2 & Akai Force | Roland System 8, MX1, TB3 | Dreadbox Typhon | Korg Minilogue XD

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13 Oct 2021

AttenuationHz wrote:
13 Oct 2021
zoidkirb wrote:
13 Oct 2021
I got an adjustment of 85 points and had previously redeemed 100 points. My current balance is sitting at 8.
The adjustment is simply showing points that otherwise would have already expired if the system wasn't bugged.

You don't 'get back' points that have been redeemed.

Not hard for most RT members to understand but I think this extra complication on top of an already convoluted system is gonna confuse a lot of the broader Reason user base.
It is simple really your 85 points adjustment is going to expire any and all rewards you earn in the next year. What will that 85 be deducted from? Your balance as it does with expiring rewards. If you earn no points is your balance going to be -85 is the big question.
I don't think so. But if I do earn points that then expire because of this adjustment, I'll report back.
Personally it's all theoretical for me now, as I'll likely never spend enough in any 12 month period to ever earn even a $50 voucher.
The fact I was able to redeem a $100 voucher was purely down to the original bug.

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13 Oct 2021

EnochLight wrote:
13 Oct 2021
Billy+ wrote:
13 Oct 2021
Maybe you should consider messaging James with your Reason account
They were offered this solution but declined for "reasons". They were warned to take this to DM or raise another ticket with RS, and that's pretty much it. Hopefully they'll make the right choice. We've had pages after pages of this, and I believe we're ready to move on.
Well it wouldn't be reasontalk without something reasonstudios has done well and truly pis*ing someone off.

Besides he's got me looking at my points and nearly buying again only for a second but hey it's more than the current marketing strategy has :lol:

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14 Oct 2021

Has anyone gotten points for a transaction less than $20? Or is 20 the minimum for getting a point?

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14 Oct 2021

I had a purchase for 15.00 USD and it shows me 1 reward point for that date. But, of course, I can not definitely say it will work the same for everybody. It looks like it rounds 20% of that ($0.75) to 1 point, but who knows. It would be nice if minimal sum for 1 point would be stated somewhere by RS. I need just 1 point myself for $75 Reward Voucher.

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14 Oct 2021

I see 97 points after adjustment that expire 11.10.2022, but only 17 points where it shows total amount(usable). Did I have 97 points in the past? But did not used them and now I could? But how, if it only shows 17 points and 97 in the "chart" of points underneath?


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14 Oct 2021

Billy+ wrote:
13 Oct 2021
Well it wouldn't be reasontalk without something reasonstudios has done well and truly pis*ing someone off.

Besides he's got me looking at my points and nearly buying again only for a second but hey it's more than the current marketing strategy has :lol:
did the same... noticed they added respire> but since it is abandonware and still has bugs never addressed> I must pass on this one ... d-playlist
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14 Oct 2021

I was actually really confused about rewards before and thought it was the worst system ever invented for supporting their customers, but I contacted James recently and told him about my problem and the guy was super awesome and willing to help right away. He actually hooked me up with some points and I was able to reward my self with Algorithm. Which is even more awesome than James. :)
So, the fact they are willing to help always is such an refreshing moment for me and I actually feel really good for updating to 12 now(which I thought I wont be doing) and keep supporting them.

Last edited by Mataya on 14 Oct 2021, edited 1 time in total.

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14 Oct 2021

moneykube wrote:
14 Oct 2021
Billy+ wrote:
13 Oct 2021
Well it wouldn't be reasontalk without something reasonstudios has done well and truly pis*ing someone off.

Besides he's got me looking at my points and nearly buying again only for a second but hey it's more than the current marketing strategy has :lol:
did the same... noticed they added respire> but since it is abandonware and still has bugs never addressed> I must pass on this one
Actually I have both RE & VST version of spire and although the vst version is better the RE is basically at the same feature set given the SDK and if you have nothing else to waste reward points on it's a very nice RE.

I did a change log analysis and posted to a thread on RT and a number of us concluded that it's not abandoned just a bit fiddly but ultimately a viable choice if you're an RE only type of person.

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14 Oct 2021

I just updated from R10 to R11 suite which also gets me R12, plus all those RE's too, but my rewards haven't changed. Do you guys know when the points go into your account? Thanks!

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14 Oct 2021

MarkTarlton wrote:
14 Oct 2021
I just updated from R10 to R11 suite which also gets me R12, plus all those RE's too, but my rewards haven't changed. Do you guys know when the points go into your account? Thanks!
I did the same R11 suite upgrade a few weeks ago; couldn’t believe my luck - over £1000 worth of REs I did not have, free upgrade to R12 and 20 Rewards points added!

If I remember rightly the 20 reward points were added the next time I looked - pretty instant…
Maybe things have changed with the restructure of the Rewards programme?

Enjoy your upgrade and those many extra REs… :thumbs_up:
Last edited by BananaSkins on 14 Oct 2021, edited 1 time in total.

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14 Oct 2021

Billy+ wrote:
14 Oct 2021
moneykube wrote:
14 Oct 2021

did the same... noticed they added respire> but since it is abandonware and still has bugs never addressed> I must pass on this one
Actually I have both RE & VST version of spire and although the vst version is better the RE is basically at the same feature set given the SDK and if you have nothing else to waste reward points on it's a very nice RE.

I did a change log analysis and posted to a thread on RT and a number of us concluded that it's not abandoned just a bit fiddly but ultimately a viable choice if you're an RE only type of person.
will reconsider >thanks ... d-playlist
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14 Oct 2021

BananaSkins wrote:
14 Oct 2021
MarkTarlton wrote:
14 Oct 2021
I just updated from R10 to R11 suite which also gets me R12, plus all those RE's too, but my rewards haven't changed. Do you guys know when the points go into your account? Thanks!
I did the same R11 suite upgrade a few weeks ago; couldn’t believe my luck - over £1000 worth of REs I did not have, free upgrade to R12 and 20 Rewards points added!

If I remember rightly the 20 reward points were added the next time I looked - pretty instant…
Maybe things have changed with the restructure of the Rewards programme?

Enjoy your upgrade and those many extra REs… :thumbs_up:
Thanks for the info! I have been having fun with the new toys, I actually have 81 reward points, so I was hoping to pick something up from the shop too, I have been trialing pattern mutator, but after playing with it and assuming I get enough points I might decide on something else like Algoritm or Friktion.

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