But a mix channel is basically a Combi, same problems plus the one where you'd need to rewire wverthing to get instrumewnt devices into a mix channelLoque wrote: ↑16 Jun 2021I used the Mix Channel for that in the past, but it had some drawbacks that i cannot remember atm.plaamook wrote: ↑16 Jun 2021I think I mentioned this elswhere (or only thought of doing it...) but I'd love to have a simple device container for the Rack so I can collapes and contain everything in a signal chain, INCLUDING COMBIS, in a thing that isn't a combi as such but just an organiser/container.
As it is I use combis like that but I can't stick a combi or two in em. PAin in that ass.
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No need to rewire any instruments, just place them inside. Works also in Combinator. No one ever said, that a instrument must be connected between the insert connections inside of Mix Channel or Combinator.
Reason13, Win10
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True. Cables just go out to where ever they go.
Still can’t get a combi in it though
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Fingers crossed for the new Combinator, which hopefully can do this.
And again, the flexibility of reason creates a lot of problems. How deep do you want your Combinators stacked?
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I’m not trying to go crazy. Just one level deep really. But I guess it’s a tricky proposition. I don’t expect it from the new combi.
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I guess it can get a little too crazy and deep.
But I always thought how cool it would be if a combinator could contain mix channels.
That way you could call up a preset of a good mix of drums etc. very quickly.
But I always thought how cool it would be if a combinator could contain mix channels.
That way you could call up a preset of a good mix of drums etc. very quickly.
Get more Combinators, Patches and Resources at the deeplink website
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only if you’re pushing things too far. it’s no different than anything else in audio production—if you try to do crazy things, you should expect things to start to become unmanageable.
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I agree 100% but it's better that way than arbitrarily limiting the nesting level. There will be people on this forum who will find a creative reason to nest more than the devs could ever imagine a use for.
One thought - have RS said that it will definitely be possible to nest combis with the new one? There will sure be some hurt if it is not possible.
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I’m with you—there’s not really much practical value I see in imposing an arbitrary limit. you nest once or twice, and things will likely work mostly as you expect. nest 5 or 10 times? that’s your choice, but don’t expect things to be as smooth as you might like.DaveyG wrote: ↑16 Jun 2021I agree 100% but it's better that way than arbitrarily limiting the nesting level. There will be people on this forum who will find a creative reason to nest more than the devs could ever imagine a use for.
One thought - have RS said that it will definitely be possible to nest combis with the new one? There will sure be some hurt if it is not possible.
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Nested I doubt it.
Better programming interface, definitely
Customisable Front and Back panels (knobs buttons sliders), hopefully
SSL Mixer / Audio channels, doubt it
Fun new sound design capabilities, guaranteed
Better programming interface, definitely
Customisable Front and Back panels (knobs buttons sliders), hopefully
SSL Mixer / Audio channels, doubt it
Fun new sound design capabilities, guaranteed
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I been having a similar wish. Using one huge rack for all the devices in an entire song can get unmanageable and messy, especially for us with a touch of ADHD.plaamook wrote: ↑16 Jun 2021I think I mentioned this elswhere (or only thought of doing it...) but I'd love to have a simple device container for the Rack so I can collapes and contain everything in a signal chain, INCLUDING COMBIS, in a thing that isn't a combi as such but just an organiser/container.
As it is I use combis like that but I can't stick a combi or two in em. PAin in that ass.
I've played around a bit with using the rack plugin in Logic Pro. I don't love it, I still prefer the all-in-oneness of using Reason only, but there's one aspect of it that I love: Each track gets its very own rack!
This lets you go as simple (just one instrument device) or as crazy (a whole modular setup) as you want, without the mess cluttering up the whole rest of the project.
Sometimes we want a rack that works globally, so you can have devices interacting across tracks and mixer channels. So in my dream scenario each track (or maybe each mixer channel) would have its own rack, that you only see when editing that track (or channel), and then also one shared rack for the whole project, that behaves just like the rack does now.
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In the sequencer, in Comp edit mode, you can click and drag the recording horizontally in a audio clip to set a Recording Offset.
It can be a nice addition to be able to do this directly on a audio clip without the need to open it in Comp edit mode. And why not on midi clips too...
It can be a nice addition to be able to do this directly on a audio clip without the need to open it in Comp edit mode. And why not on midi clips too...
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I just want a better draw tool that can one click add/ one click delete notes and stretch them.
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I've not seen anything about it and I was looking because its the one thing I wanted the new Combi to do!
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Im expecting that the new combi will be a lot like how the improvements went for the EMI device. A few more knobs and fields (maybe double) and a modern re-skin.
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At times I would dedicate a single rack column to each track or the devices that made up that track. Not the same thing as you are saying but certainly for the same purpose.AnotherMathias wrote: ↑16 Jun 2021So in my dream scenario each track (or maybe each mixer channel) would have its own rack, that you only see when editing that track (or channel), and then also one shared rack for the whole project, that behaves just like the rack does now.
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I've often thought of this but unless they come up with some kind of "wireless" CV, then I think you'd have issues with how interconnected devices on different channels are represented. One rack per channel is basically RRP I guess. But yeah having used Live I can attest to how nice it is to have racks per channel. If the Rack got MIDI in channel support then I guess we could do interesting cross-device modulation for specific instances (like, a Kong on channel 1, synth on channel 2, pad 1 gate out triggers an envelope on the synth) but that'd be quite a big change to the way MIDI works in Reason. And for most people it's probably a fringe case right?thefixr wrote: ↑17 Jun 2021At times I would dedicate a single rack column to each track or the devices that made up that track. Not the same thing as you are saying but certainly for the same purpose.AnotherMathias wrote: ↑16 Jun 2021So in my dream scenario each track (or maybe each mixer channel) would have its own rack, that you only see when editing that track (or channel), and then also one shared rack for the whole project, that behaves just like the rack does now.
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But 'my' idea of device containers that aren't Combis or Mix Channels could solv this problem.
You'd fold all the signal chains you're not using away, the cabling is just flapping around back there, you can move these device containers around (stack em, parallell, whatever) aAND they can contain Combis.
It's just a simple utility. Shouldn't even be that crazy to implement.
You'd fold all the signal chains you're not using away, the cabling is just flapping around back there, you can move these device containers around (stack em, parallell, whatever) aAND they can contain Combis.
It's just a simple utility. Shouldn't even be that crazy to implement.
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I would love to see and in and out like you have on midi tracks (where you can route an instrument before the inserts) in audio tracks so you can route a RE or a plugin the same way.
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Any who knows what api r12 highres will use - openGL, DirectX, or vulkan ?
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