Reason updates (11.3.7 / 11.3.8) and Reason+

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Will you try or subscribe to Reason+?

No, I won’t even try it
I will try it, but the subscription is not for me
I will try it and consider subscribing
I will likely subscribe monthly
I will likely subscribe annually
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30 Jan 2021

JiggeryPokery wrote:
29 Jan 2021
Turn2On. His chorus device is the Gorilla Chorus Module with a couple of filters stuck after it. People can freely chose based on cost or what they perceive as better sound. I think they'd be insane to buy that, but I can't be upset, it's cheaper than mine because mine is far higher quality so I think I should charge an appropriate price for that, and that's fair competition against another dev: he's on the same field I am
Hi, yes. We on the same field. This is not a problem for you and me to talk clear. Of course I understand what you try to say.
You start to talk about situation with your BDD. You start describe your own situation with it when ReasonStudios adds Quartet effect into the rack as own internal devices.. Im not find there any real problems. :puf_smile:
Users can play with all, and select what they need.

And you start talk about we have Chorus effect based on ready modules of Gorilla + GUI..? But to be clear at the public, we not have Chorus effect in our REs list.
I think you talk about CRONUS Modulation effect. (This is a complex set of modulations - Chorus/Flanger/Tremolo). Please relook at the device. Im understand that you in seconds view and can say this is a ready modules and filters.. and just a GUI. :lol: . You talk about what you try to find there.
This device include big work from the paper, to use many various basic modules, scaling them with scripting, to find range of work that we need in additions of other things. Gorilla is a perfect project that really help to create idea in head, write it on the paper, get various basic modules and start the work to create something that you find interesting with possibilities to change how they can work!
Need to add, I'm dev, that know Gorilla from very early stages up to this days, and all changes that been makes in much more than 5 years, all going trough our personal beta tests, many things of Gorilla - is part of our suggestions for our needs, and now any other developers just have it as is as. BIG ERROR of this devs, think that previously devs use it as is as without any additions. Its total misunderstanding. Im know, you incoming into Gorilla later and don't understand what role play few devs like us to it. And to be clear, Gorilla is not a modules, its work with command to make it better every year, for creating every time new products with own possibilities by 3rd developers for Reason products. Scripting of Gorilla - in regular morphing and evolution to make possibilities to make more and more for the developers.

You talk about unfair play about RS Sweeper, Quartet.. But, at the same moment you trying to have unfair playing with us at public. I'm know you not try to attack us, and just talk about how 3rd dev look at RS releases. Really understand you.

In the shop, today, we have enough developers that work under Gorilla, and this is a not problem for us - developers, or users. Look at the Ekssperimental Sounds REs. They also have simple phaser as example. But they build it as he like to sound in own way. Looked very simple, and very basic and near to the basic modules.. Our Phase28 - also not ready module RE and we make it also before Quartet is been released.. Anyway, ready modules - includes what we personally ask at early betas to add for our personal needs.

Look at me right now. Im start work under FM from July. Its everyday work up to today. RE shop - already have FM synths.. They all perfect. Part of them, like a PX7 - is a traditional old-school FM synthesis.. DX7, Sega/TX81Z.. Its all old school FM.
PX7 deleted few days ago, when we plan to release own FM, and now we understand that RS prepare new own FM "Algorithm". Yes, new RS FM eat attention of users from our new FM synth release..

You talk before about the same situation with your BDD / Quartet..
Under our new FM we work half year. For us this is not a big problem, to release it now, when RS prepare new FM.
We don't know what is a "Algorithm" at all... I think it must be very interesting and powerful product.
Why? Because PX7 last years been already outdated. Just look at modern FM synths like a Korg OPSIX. Or try to touch FS1R possibilities.. DX7 is rare old school near them today. Users of Reason need fresh blood of FM synthesis.

Yes, many users can prefer RS product "Algorithm". There no unfair play. Any dev, RS too, can make what he make and release when plan it.
For us - just be harder to publishing our FM, than RS make it with big promotion company soon.
But, we know what our FM can do! Its a perfect non-old-school synth. FM synthesis can be variously interesting.
Our FM is interesting =) New RS FM also must be interesting. And there no problem.
Problem that RS have bigger solutions for massive promotion of their products, when 3rd developers not have big support for new releases.

And there must be solution! Just open Companion app to all users (Reason / RRP / Reason +), and create RackExtension tab, that include promotion materials of REs, nor for limited developers selected manual, for all products in the creative presentation way.. This can change current RE marketing at all for 3rd devs!

Developers interesting from the RS a help to make small promotions of 3rd part products to the all Reason/RRP/Reason+ users in future. Attention of users to the new products - real breath for devs, and users.

Im try to look at current changes in positive way. And believe in powerful possibilities pf the Companion, if RS open it to all users (not only R+).
Last edited by turn2on on 30 Jan 2021, edited 6 times in total.

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30 Jan 2021

jetpilot00 wrote:
29 Jan 2021
You would be much more in line to modern pricing schemes with the following subscriptions:

- Reason Entry (basic RS tools) $10.99
- Reason + (Level 1) $11.99
- Reason + (Level 2) $12.99
- Reason + (Level 3) $13.99
- Reason + (Level 4) $14.99

and so on up to the $20 for everything.
Spot on. Or just have two tiers:
-Reason Entry (basic RS tools), which should be cheap, say $8.99 or even less.
On top of this you can subscribe to any REs you want, this is already implemented in the shop (Rent-to-own even) and is a no-brainer really.
-Reason Complete (everything, including 3rd party RE with income distribution to devs), say $24.99

Having just one option (Reason+) means you will never reach all the potential users. There is no sweet spot, and if there was it wouldn't be at $20. I grind my teeth at the naivety of it all.

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30 Jan 2021

Timmy Crowne wrote:
29 Jan 2021
“Included DAW?” I actually laughed out loud. And all this time I thought Reason was a stand-alone DAW with an included plug-in. How the turntables.
I've never quite thought of Reason [or Reason Studio, as it may well come!] as an add on.
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30 Jan 2021

I have been following this thread with a lot of interest. Here are my collected thoughts:

1. I am disappointed. I care most of all about Reason as a DAW. Reason as a DAW needs some love from RS. They say that good stuff is coming and they never stop working on it. I hope this is true.

2. The launch of Reason+ follows in the footsteps of Reason Rack Plugin. When taken together, they demonstrate a trend away from the DAW as their main focus.

3. Their main focus, I think, is on attracting new users. This is not a bad thing in and of itself, of course: the more people who use Reason, the more RS can invest in improvements.

4. I really do think they have missed a serious trick in their strategy though. As others have pointed out, one way to attract new users is to let existing customers do the talking. Another is to get excellent reviews from the press. To do these things, you have to focus on the core product.

5. I was irritated - as were so many others - by the live stream. In particular, their justification for subscription was that £599 was too high a barrier for entry. Perhaps so, but this is a disingenuous comparison: this is the price for Reason Suite, which no longer exists. The correct comparison is £309.

Reason is £309 for standard.
Albeton is £255.
Bitwig is £379.
FL Studio is £153.
Studio One is £344.
I think Reason may be more expensive than it should be (at least until the DAW catches up to its competitors).
They could have looked at their regular pricing. I don't know whether they did or didn't, but they haven't shown us that they did.

7. RS have currently left significant questions unanswered. These include:

-What is the justification for a one year 1/2 price subscription for existing owners, presumably followed by the full whack thereafter. This is woefully unappealing to existing users. Some of them might even be interested in the fresh sounds, but not at that price.

- RS need to explain the relationship between DAW updates and subscription. Perhaps most notably, if someone has Reason 11, subscribes and in so doing gets Reason 12 when released, then cancels subscription, does the system make you uninstall R12 and provide you with a version of R11 to go back to? Conditions around cancellation need much more explaining.

-What will happen to free point releases now? Some of them have been very significant over the years. The idea that up to date but, non subscription users use a version of Reason without features that subscribers have? I think this is something RS really needs to avoid. I can only imagine the dissatisfaction that would be caused by long-term users knowing that track folders existed, but having to wait 12 months before they could get access to it. They really are going to have to do something about this, and explain it clearly.

8. Above all, I am disappointed by their lack of engagement with their loyal customers. On the live stream they introduced that chap who spent a year calling up all the different subscription service companies to learn more about the model. I really, really think they should have spend 6 months doing that, and 6 months engaging with a selection of constructive, long-time users. What with working from home, zoom etc, it would have been easy to identify a few representatives and talk to them direct (with and NDA if necessary). I'd have given my time for free. I care - and still care - about Reason.

9. If I'm their CEO, I have two priorities right now:
i: Make R+ a success - they are committed now.
ii: Urgently work out how to remedy the unrest amongst their most loyal supporters. If they don't do this, the noise this causes will have a material affect on their bottom line. For the first time in over 10 years, fewer of their loyal supporters will feel they can recommend Reason to others. They need to turn this around very fast.
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30 Jan 2021

MattiasHG wrote:
29 Jan 2021
JiggeryPokery wrote:...
In the case of Quartet and Sweeper I just really wanted to make it clear, because I personally managed the products, that they are made in-house by us. Addressing that becomes quite hard if you say "you simply saying it isn't is not particularly convincing" and that we added Quartet to Reason "quite intentionally to piss me off". That's not true. That does come off as saying I did these things dishonestly or out of malice and in those cases I do take it personally. Maybe I simply shouldn't, it's sometimes really hard to separate person and role for me, so I'll go cool off instead. Sorry.
Yeah it's not likely that Peter Jubel, the DSP legend for > 25 years, would suddenly resort to using someone else's pre-made code blocks.

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30 Jan 2021

turn2on wrote:
30 Jan 2021
Hi there. Im not touch any negative sides from my side.
Reason+ is just a service. To add some new users of Reason world. Later, when shop link is back to the main page of RS site, and when REs started to be available to buy for Reason+ users, can be interesting time.

Personally, Im dream now about Companion app future. Its can be whole new app: Authorizer alternative, special tab "RackExtnssions" or "Add-ons", can be the modern center, that can really help to improve problems of the RE Shop site.
Users long time find RE shop not intuitive. ANd if Companion adds RE sections (for fast view products, news about last 10-15 products at one pace, RE without ReFills at one place, some additional materials attachments from developers... No more need in sound clouds, internal audio examples from devs (may be possible attachments from users). Its can be a bomb..
Companion can have in the future big possibilities for the Reason community. Not social network as it been with alihoopa, but internal app, that created not only for Reason+, but also main Reason users... :puf_smile: I try to believe that RS try to going someday with this solution. May be not. But its can be a real flexibility for Reason users to have Companion with RE world. Just add internal sections, like News about all, REs, reason, refills, packs, etc..
But now, we at the Reason+ promotion era. And Im not find any problem with that. One thing, Addons shop link. Now not better time to make it available for Reason+ users. They can ask, why you have Addons shop, but we cant buy REs? I think link removed specially, before RE purchases not start avaliable for Reason+ users...? Trying to think in this positive way..
I honestly hope what you are saying here happens. :thumbs_up:
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30 Jan 2021

Gungnir wrote:
30 Jan 2021
You are rigth, and I am sure the rest will sell their Suites and subscribe asap. Complainers are evidently in minority. ;)
only they can't sell their suite only the Reason license can be sold.

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30 Jan 2021

gullum wrote:
30 Jan 2021
Gungnir wrote:
30 Jan 2021
You are rigth, and I am sure the rest will sell their Suites and subscribe asap. Complainers are evidently in minority. ;)
only they can't sell their suite only the Reason license can be sold.
I am sure that kind of semantic pedantry will make a significant difference to the sellers. :thumbup:

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30 Jan 2021

I am guessing that RS want to get away from the pressure of gathering updates into an upgrade, you know R1 all the way to R11.
With the update message inside Reason and the recent continuous beta testing work RS and users can have a more fluent streamlined development. I think Matthias has communicated that they want to be able to bring out whatever they have right away, not sitting on it just for the sake of it. So my guess is that RS sooner or later want to get rid of the expected ONE BIG upgrade. RS wants to spread it out. But for that to work in the long run, they probably will have to end the R13 kind of numbering. And I am totally ok with that, I even think that it would benefit us all better if there were a more monthly pace to it, RS needs to bring out more things regularly. I honestly think that would be better for all users.

BUT...for such a path to work, there has to be a system available that cover the needs of those who dislike the ordinary corporate subscriptions.
There has to be a rent-to-own kind of subscription at different binding times. If you sign up for 6 months, 12 month, 18 or 24 months, it should mean that when that binding time ends, you are set where you are, and thus either take a break or change and renew the binding deal. The longer you bind yourself, the better for RS to know what they can count on each month and they can plan accordingly, and you can get a slightly lower monthly costs, like a stair and/or get to have more and more RE:s as permanent the longer you go (as a bonus). As a user you can find your sweet spot. And at the "no obligation" 0 binding time, 1 month at a time, that would not make you stay with latest update when done, you take no risk and you get only to hire, and the benefit is your full freedom. Maybe someone just want to collaborate with another for 1 month on some songs.

If you bind yourself for say 6 months, you might not have enough commitment to get to use anything where you end the sub, but you get slightly less fee than the unbinding 1 month. From 1 year and up, you may have different levels of security if you take a break, you will be able to stay on last update. Probably you will want to renew if satisfied, or else take some months break, but still be able to finish the songs you have at hand.

There might be many other ways to go about it, and there are technical issues to solve, but the point is that subscriptions with binding times can be good for both company and loyal users who know they want to be able to have 1-2 years plan ahead, without totally losing ability to finish their songs if they have to take a break with subscriptions. But with such a good model, most would like to stay in the loop as they see how RS are delivering new stuff and features along the way and many would like to have instant updates. Would there be any incentive for RS to bring out also bigger updates that takes longer time? Yes, because those moments will cause existing users to stay, and those on a break, to jump on a 12-24 month update plan, and new users to still say for instance "Wow, Reason 2022 brings video support!" and all such improvements would get attention on blogs, magazines and forums. So the only thing that changes is the Rxx numbering which can be seen as a bit obsolete nowadays.

If subscription gets a rent-to-own-level of security and it brings stable pace, and RS can know better what resources they have at their disposal, it could benefit in a win-win. And livestreams to show off both features and soundpacks could be interesting if also the loyal longer time users find their way into a rent-to-own subscription. RS can focus on a steady roadmap, pressured to deliver, but I guess a more rewarding pressure than before as people have lower threshold to jump on the Reason train, and the more expectations and people getting onboard, the more coding staff and devices RS can make in sync with its subscribers, which makes for bigger interest to take on a binding subscription for the users.
Personally I have no need for numbering different than Reason 2021, Reason 2022 and whatever month it is. RS can make their annual plans but gets off the major upgrade numbers, hoping people will buy or upgrade. A more continual update could be better at sync with the technology of today.

I understand that this time with only one Reason+ alternative model where you lose to use the app when you end the monthly sub, there has to be a R12 (or whatever it will be named). But if RS take time to make a more sophisticated system that allows for different levels of binding time, and find place for 3rd party RE:s in some ways as add ons, it could be a really great thing with companion app etc. But I suppose the main question is how to solve the want and need for offline use. At least that must still be there if buying RE:s and the DAW.

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30 Jan 2021

A few extra thoughts:

1. They should make Sound Pack previews publicly available.
2. They should promise that should R+ ever end (which is unlikely because the price point is too high for RS to want to ever end it), they will receive a full license for the most recent version of Reason.
3. If they end R+, they should be entitled to, at the least, a full-license from whatever version of Reason was released 18-24 months prior (providing they had the account that long).

It would also be nice to know that they've taken on more staff to accelerate development pace and were going to give the RE SDK some more TLC, as well as coming up with some initiative to help make RE development more financially viable (I've no idea how viable it is, ... people are making REs so they must be making money, but I always get the impression it's more a labour of love). There are lots of easy wins for RS.
Last edited by avasopht on 30 Jan 2021, edited 1 time in total.

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30 Jan 2021

1. Im think that SoundPack preparing to the public preview
Web links created for something.
But may be this is just a link to for sharing task only..
They talk that for Reason users, RS plan to sell Packs. How they sell without preview? Its must be realised.

about 2/3: If user have in 1-3 months subscription to the R+, and cancelled, why this users must have Reason License?
I think when user on R+, he must be in rent-2-own of Reason license. Or just 1 year of the subscription = Current version of R license to account. Its can be interesting.

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30 Jan 2021

tobypearce wrote:
30 Jan 2021

Reason is £309 for standard.
Albeton is £255.
Bitwig is £379.
FL Studio is £153.
Studio One is £344.
I think Reason may be more expensive than it should be (at least until the DAW catches up to its competitors).
They could have looked at their regular pricing. I don't know whether they did or didn't, but they haven't shown us that they did.

I dont think Reason is over priced and behind in functionality at least compared to Ableton and Bitwig. One of the things about Reason is that it's rock solid stable and the included features are generally well thought out. Alot of the other DAWs play catch up with each other, they have lots of features but they're not all well implemented and in some cases they're even broken. These look great in marketing materials but the reality is different.

Bitwig is 379 for one year after which you have no support. With Ableton people generally buy the Suite which is 455 and many also get Maxforlive. Studio One is good value. You can argue Reason has better stock noise making devices, you're gonna spend at least £100 on VST synths if you get S1 for example. And its not all about feature lists either, the workflow and how you use it are just as important. So while FL Studio might look like good value at 153 (for the basic no frills version), it might not turn out to be very useful depending on your specific usage case. Every DAW has pluses and minuses.

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30 Jan 2021

turn2on wrote:
30 Jan 2021
1. Im think that SoundPack preparing to the public preview
Web links created for something.
But may be this is just a link to for sharing task only..
They talk that for Reason users, RS plan to sell Packs. How they sell without preview? Its must be realised.
Oh sweet, I can now view all packs.
turn2on wrote:
30 Jan 2021
about 2/3: If user have in 1-3 months subscription to the R+, and cancelled, why this users must have Reason License?
I think when user on R+, he must be in rent-2-own of Reason license. Or just 1 year of the subscription = Current version of R license to account. Its can be interesting.
2. Well, if R+ is ended, that's $60 down the drain. Either a full license or a full refund. Basically, just don't shaft anyone who buys into this.
3. Sorry, I should have been more clear. You would need to have had the account for at least that long. I've updated my comment.

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30 Jan 2021

I used Reason since the very first version and periodically updated it. Sometimes when I found something interesing, I also bought one or two REs/Refills to see how a song would sound on Reason and how the workflow was compared to other DAWs.

I am also using Nuendo, Ableton Live and Studio One on a regular basis, Reaper, FL Studio, Protools, Audition, Mixbus and Reason, depending on the task. It is always interesting to see what the next coming "thing" is and which new and fresh ideas are developed. I do not update all DAWs everytime, but over the years the costs are spread and relatively low.

The producers that I know often experiment with different DAWs and plugins, also to stay informed and REASON is also part of their portfolio. Most of them will not switch to a subscription model for DAWs or Plugins, exept for "investment models", meaning that you actually pay off your software or get an equivalent amount of money as a voucher to buy the software/plugins (like plugin alliance i.e.).

I think that there are many casual users like us out there, who just updated the software now and then. I do not think that a lot of them will subscribe to Reason+. Depending on how many those are, it could then be a desaster for the financial planning. I hope RS did the right calculations.

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30 Jan 2021

weilhalt wrote:
30 Jan 2021
I used Reason since the very first version and periodically updated it. Sometimes when I found something interesing, I also bought one or two REs/Refills to see how a song would sound on Reason and how the workflow was compared to other DAWs.

I am also using Nuendo, Ableton Live and Studio One on a regular basis, Reaper, FL Studio, Protools, Audition, Mixbus and Reason, depending on the task. It is always interesting to see what the next coming "thing" is and which new and fresh ideas are developed. I do not update all DAWs everytime, but over the years the costs are spread and relatively low.

The producers that I know often experiment with different DAWs and plugins, also to stay informed and REASON is also part of their portfolio. Most of them will not switch to a subscription model for DAWs or Plugins, exept for "investment models", meaning that you actually pay off your software or get an equivalent amount of money as a voucher to buy the software/plugins (like plugin alliance i.e.).

I think that there are many casual users like us out there, who just updated the software now and then. I do not think that a lot of them will subscribe to Reason+. Depending on how many those are, it could then be a desaster for the financial planning. I hope RS did the right calculations.
I am quite sure they ran the numbers as best they can! But hey I'm in the same situation as you. I have Cubase, FL Studio, Live, Studio One, Maschine, ReNoise, and Reason. Reason is definitely my favourite to work in by far, although all the others have things about them that I love...and hate ;) Mostly I just wish any of them had Reason's automation clips! Live is probably the closest. Automating in Cubase is an exercise in frustration and self loathing, though haha.

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30 Jan 2021

weilhalt wrote:
30 Jan 2021
I think that there are many casual users like us out there, who just updated the software now and then. I do not think that a lot of them will subscribe to Reason+. Depending on how many those are, it could then be a desaster for the financial planning. I hope RS did the right calculations.
R+ is not for Reason owners. We are not the intended market. Both R11 and R+ have been moves to attempt to reach wider markets (at a calculated expanse of the market of Reason owners), more so in the case of R+.
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30 Jan 2021

EnochLight wrote:
29 Jan 2021
EdwardKiy wrote:
29 Jan 2021

check youtube comment section
Do you think the amount of YouTube views are all the paying customers? I’m counting 14,000 views..
Well, the Youtube/Instagram/Facebook comments (which have been overwhelmingly negative), plus the poll & comments in this thread and other threads in other forums (which have also been overwhelmingly negative), are real, actionable, and important. We have no idea what the rest of the "paying customers" think, although if we go by the real data already compiled, their feedback probably falls in line with current sentiment. Most customers use some form of social media and it would be irresponsible to discount all this real feedback we've seen. What you're slyly hinting at (that the overwhelming silent majority of paying customers not on social media have jolly good thoughts about Reason+) is not a valid implication. You don't know. I don't know. We just have to go by what we're seeing. And THAT, is not good.
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30 Jan 2021

One question I'd like to raise is how many brand new users that we will see this year and in the future, are members here or tuned into the live stream? I'd say very little, almost none, and the overwhelming majority are existing users.

That said, until a few days ago, how many of the already existing users here and across the Internet were perpetual license users already? 100%

Our poll says that 15% will subscribe or will consider subscribing. 25% will at least give Reason+ a try. IMO that actually doesn't seem so bad when polling users who are primarily perpetual license owners.

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30 Jan 2021

Maybe not 100% of users here are perpetuals though. Maybe some were doing research before purchasing. Some have nothing better to do, and some are from the competition.

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30 Jan 2021

avasopht wrote:
30 Jan 2021
2. They should promise that should R+ ever end (which is unlikely because the price point is too high for RS to want to ever end it), they will receive a full license for the most recent version of Reason.
3. If they end R+, they should be entitled to, at the least, a full-license from whatever version of Reason was released 18-24 months prior (providing they had the account that long).
I absolutely 100% agree with this. In fact, I think this would alleviate the vast majority of worry about subscription services such as R+. To be frank, when Roland Cloud first appeared, I free-trialed it but then cancelled when they weren't clear on what would be provided over time. Once they came out with the "license for life" for a plugin of choice once a year, I signed up and have been on board ever since. I only really wanted the Juno 106 and Jupiter 8 plugins from Roland, but I've since gained interest in some others.

I doubt Reason Studios would ever take that route since a full DAW+all RS RE's is arguably a much more expensive package, but in the very least they should guarantee that if the service is ever cancelled, deprecated, killed, whatever - that subscribers would at least be entitled to a full-version offline perpetual license assuming they paid at least X amount of months towards the value. Determining what RS RE's come with it might be the challenge, though. And they are likely remiss to offer that guarantee when the VC's endgame is to sell Reason Studios to new owners for a hefty profit, and new owners can change those terms. That said, I'm sure the legal teams could make that language part of the acquisition terms.
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30 Jan 2021

chimp_spanner wrote:
30 Jan 2021
Automating in Cubase is an exercise in frustration and self loathing, though haha.
Just shows how opinions vary lol. Everyone says the automation in Cubase sucks. But I get frustrated with the limited tools in Reason's automation editor after I use Cubase for a few days. And when you create an automation clip in Reason, the starting knob value gets written into the automation lane and is independent of data in automation clips, Cubase does it differently and better.

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30 Jan 2021

Gungnir wrote:
30 Jan 2021
Complainers are evidently in minority. ;)
hurricane wrote:
30 Jan 2021
What you're slyly hinting at (that the overwhelming silent majority of paying customers not on social media have jolly good thoughts about Reason+) is not a valid implication. You don't know. I don't know.
You're right - we don't know - no one knows. That's why we have forums to discuss things like this.

That said, there are literally decades of data that shows the vast majority of satisfied consumers don't bother "reporting" - the loudest voices are always, ALWAYS, the dissatisfied customers. This is especially valid in the age of the Internet where everyone has a voice. To be clear, I'm not slyly :shock: :lol: suggesting all Reason users are happy with the R+ announcement - I'm not an idiot. Clearly the majority of people in those social networking sites you listed as well as this forum thread aren't happy about the announcement. But we do know with certainty is that the vast majority of those voices are very likely current Reason owners. And as we all know, that's not the target market.

But I'll illustrate this again since I think it bears repeating: we haven't heard from the vast majority of Reason users. Simple math illustrates that there's at least tens of thousands of licensees out there just to support a company the size of Reason Studios as it is - I'm willing to wager there's at least 100,000 paid licenses out there (their YouTube channel alone has 170,000 subscribers). Just some perspective, is all I'm saying. Nothing "sly" about that.
Win 10 | Ableton Live 11 Suite |  Reason 12 | i7 3770k @ 3.5 Ghz | 16 GB RAM | RME Babyface Pro | Akai MPC Live 2 & Akai Force | Roland System 8, MX1, TB3 | Dreadbox Typhon | Korg Minilogue XD

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30 Jan 2021

I'll add to the data pool as a "satisfied customer" that doesn't feel the need to report problems. :)

So, I rarely engage with any community online because of how toxic things have gotten on the Internet over the last five years, but I'll chime in with this.

Subscription services aren't my cup of tea, but I get why they exist. Some companies are better than others at offering options in cases like these. Personally I don't want to pay for yet another subscription when everything seems to be headed this way. Having said that, I'm happy Reason Studios are keeping perpetual licenses available and I will happily continue along that path until such time that I can't. When that day comes, I'll either give up this hobby or force myself to learn Logic.

I probably come from the privileged(?)/hobbyist position of not needing Reason to be up to date with all the latest and greatest features for my livelihood. I chose reason because it has the simplest interface for me to understand. As long the GUI retains this, I'm a happy camper. But, I do see how other people may require the latest and greatest. And for what it's worth, all of the upgrades to Reason since I started using it at version 2.5 have been a positive for me.

So why am I bothering to even post this? I don't know. I just wanted add to the data as one voice of many of the "silent" users who are happy using Reason for what it is.

[Edit] I realize the weird situation music making and music consumption are in nowadays. While people may dislike subscription services as a whole, why then do artists need to have fans subscribe to their output via things like Patreon? What is the difference between a company offering a Software as a Service and musician offering Music as a Service? Is the value proposition more or less?

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30 Jan 2021

Disclaimer, I don't think a sub is the end of the world since you can still buy a full license, but I just couldn't resist :D
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30 Jan 2021

EsotericSound wrote:
30 Jan 2021
[Edit] I realize the weird situation music making and music consumption are in nowadays. While people may dislike subscription services as a whole, why then do artists need to have fans subscribe to their output via things like Patreon? What is the difference between a company offering a Software as a Service and musician offering Music as a Service? Is the value proposition more or less?
Unsubscribing from an artist's patreon doesn't mean you can't go back to the stuff you've gained while you were subscribed. Unsubscribing from R+ does (especially if you don't have a Reason license).
We make stuff with the software, and we lose access to that stuff if we stop paying this subscription. Whereas we only consume media.
I write acid music in Reason and perform live on a bunch of machines without computers.
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