What's your views regarding creativity?

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Joined: 16 Jan 2015

27 Jan 2021

the weather comes from the left and goes to the right

the Village Idiot's vision is good, their ophthalmologist mean 125% - 150% &. more!
I'm foolish, daily practice fortelling in crystal ball, read coffee grounds or interpret patterns in tea leaves (tasseography)

if the bible was written by chinese, the apple would still be on the tree and the snake has been eaten

Posts: 309
Joined: 17 Oct 2018

30 Jan 2021

I've decided to change overhaul my process and some habits. I was pretty 'go with the flow' as my standard creative approach but I think I need to make a few more habits/routines that can assist in creative moments.

First thing I decided to do was put time aside for loops and melodies. Ive been mainly going through my favs patches and just doodling melodies and then I just bounce to the next idea and so on. I'll purposely try to hit all my synths and maybe some basslines and some drum loops. More or less creating some very basic ideas to come back to but also giving room for quick creative moments.

I've always put aside time for sampling just so Im always adding potential content to be used later.

I've also started really diving into my REs and plugins more. Not some deep level but more than I do presently lol and sometimes it's a reminder of a RE that you kind of forgot about. When I do this I do it with no plan of making anything just trying to learn the tools that I have. If I do stumble across a cool idea I'll try to get the gist down as quickly as possible and move on.

Trying to get into making patches now too. I've really never done this intentionally more just very randomly according to context but Im making time out now to make patches. One thing I've never done and it's so basic and would have helped me a ton in the past lol Like I said I sample alot from old records and typically arrange and edit samples all in the sequencer so I've never played the samples. So I'm making chromatic patches with all the samples from the same song or sound.

Also making Combi efx patches which like the instrument patches, I never really tried to do that either. And this is so basic I'm kicking myself because I would actually open a old session up that had a cool efx chain and copy it over! Lol foolish lol

Lastly, learning the shortcuts, and this is a big one for me in terms of workflow.

So those few new routines means I always have something to do that will always add to my creative process and the cool thing is if something's not working just move on to the next box to check off.

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