Did the Warez hackers finally crack Reason? Nope - false alarm :)

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30 Nov 2018

I was searching for download files for Reason 10.1 because I am unhappy with 10.2 and I noticed a website that claims to have Reason 10 (3.6 GB download) fully working and cracked. And at the bottom of the page, a bunch of users are commenting saying thank you and confirming that it's working. Shocked face!! I'm not going to share the link here, for obvious reasons. I want to support Props so they can stay in business and I hope that the warez hackers haven't finally been able to crack Reason. I know most of us here feel the same way (except maybe a few of you on R5?).
crack.png (98.38 KiB) Viewed 25677 times
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30 Nov 2018

Nice naming list...if that is true, i feel ashamed for humanity being so stupid to show their names on a warez site and still feel ashamed for ppl using warez today, where it is in >90% of all cases full of malware of different forms. The times where you could download a clean version of warez is over since >10 years. I remember a friend, being proud to have a "free" windows version 10 years back and the shocking result i had after i could it manage to make a AV app work and saw the result - my friend did not cared :thumbs_up:, i felt ashamed again... And for the guys, that still did not understood it, it is even dangerous just to visit those sites...
Reason13, Win10

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30 Nov 2018

Nah those responses are fake.

Firstly that's not a real Facebook comment feed, the formatting is wrong. Also I managed to find that page to confirm it's definitely not a Facebook iframe.

In fact, a quick image search on the first comment returns this:


Those responses are just to make people believe the crack is real so that they can download a virus. Also by visiting that site you've just supplied your IP address to them, so you'd better hope your AV, firewalls, OS and browsers are up to date.

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30 Nov 2018

avasopht wrote:
30 Nov 2018
Also by visiting that site you've just supplied your IP address to them, so you'd better hope your AV, firewalls, OS and browsers are up to date.

Good! I'm glad to hear that it was fake. Nice to know that Reason is still uncrackable!
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30 Nov 2018

I've been thinking about this crack thing. I'm pretty sure Ableton has the means to pay for better protection but they never did it. This way the name of the software is so omnipresent and if one is to search for help with something on YT, there would be so many hits. Reason is poorly covered and it's not because of it's complexity or similar. It's just that so many people have the possibility to use the software. In the end, same people would buy the software because they have it in them. If I were Propellerheads, I'd release an easy to crack version so the software gets some traction but make it limited in some way. You'd still get the income from legit users but would get the presence out there. People dismiss Reason as a toy and when I ask if they've used it, answer is mostly no.

Propellerheads have 112.014 followers on FB, Ableton 646.424. Is it 6 times "better"? I doubt it.

I have Push 2 but almost never use it. Reason's icon takes the center point on my desktop. It's a much better value for money software than Live, imo. The problem is, people don't know it. I remember when Reason 5 was around, everybody used Reason in one way or another and my guess Propellerheads had serial key protection on purpose for the reasons mentioned above.

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30 Nov 2018

Wook wrote:
30 Nov 2018
I've been thinking about this crack thing. I'm pretty sure Ableton has the means to pay for better protection but they never did it. This way the name of the software is so omnipresent and if one is to search for help with something on YT, there would be so many hits. Reason is poorly covered and it's not because of it's complexity or similar. It's just that so many people have the possibility to use the software. In the end, same people would buy the software because they have it in them. If I were Propellerheads, I'd release an easy to crack version so the software gets some traction but make it limited in some way. You'd still get the income from legit users but would get the presence out there. People dismiss Reason as a toy and when I ask if they've used it, answer is mostly no.

Propellerheads have 112.014 followers on FB, Ableton 646.424. Is it 6 times "better"? I doubt it.

I have Push 2 but almost never use it. Reason's icon takes the center point on my desktop. It's a much better value for money software than Live, imo. The problem is, people don't know it. I remember when Reason 5 was around, everybody used Reason in one way or another and my guess Propellerheads had serial key protection on purpose for the reasons mentioned above.
So it might be a good move, to give away the Compact version for free if you install that app thingy...
Reason13, Win10


30 Nov 2018

Wook wrote:
30 Nov 2018
Propellerheads have 112.014 followers on FB, Ableton 646.424. Is it 6 times "better"? I doubt it.
Is it really that important, though?

From my personal perspective it's crucial that Reason has enough paying users to allow Propellerheads develop the software and the surrounding ecosystem (RE SDK, mobile apps if they really insist...). I don't care if it's bigger or smaller than other DAWs, I actually prefer to support "the underdog" (Bitwig, S1). Also, the community is crucial - go to any Ableton group on Facebook and they're pretty much dead unless a new big release comes up, whereas in Reason's groups there's always movement - new music, new REs, questions from new people (and there's a lot of them!), etc. It's much more vibrant, alive.

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30 Nov 2018

Loque wrote:
30 Nov 2018
So it might be a good move, to give away the Compact version for free if you install that app thingy...
I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic since I don't know how Compact scheme works.

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30 Nov 2018

antic604 wrote:
30 Nov 2018
Is it really that important, though?

From my personal perspective it's crucial that Reason has enough paying users to allow Propellerheads develop the software and the surrounding ecosystem (RE SDK, mobile apps if they really insist...). I don't care if it's bigger or smaller than other DAWs, I actually prefer to support "the underdog" (Bitwig, S1). Also, the community is crucial - go to any Ableton group on Facebook and they're pretty much dead unless a new big release comes up, whereas in Reason's groups there's always movement - new music, new REs, questions from new people (and there's a lot of them!), etc. It's much more vibrant, alive.
No no, I'm not talking about popularity contest here. If I were burdened by that, Reason wouldn't be my choice, obviously. :)

Btw, pozdrav iz Hrvatske.

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30 Nov 2018

Wook wrote:
30 Nov 2018
Loque wrote:
30 Nov 2018
So it might be a good move, to give away the Compact version for free if you install that app thingy...
I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic since I don't know how Compact scheme works.
No sarcasm. Getting a free license for a DAW you can do some basic stuff is awesome... If you have access to iOS...
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30 Nov 2018

It's near impossible to crack Reason. They've been trying for ten years.

Back in the old times music software was cracked within days.

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30 Nov 2018

Just out of interest why would you want to go back to 10.1 over 10.2? As far as I'm aware the only thing that changed is multi lane editing and adding mix channels directly to outputs. Plus the new "add device" options which I mean, I can take or leave!

Or are you having problems with the Easy MIDI stuff? Cos I think I saw mention of that in the 10.2.1 update...which you might have to wait until 10.2.2 because it introduced some GUI glitching on a handful of REs!

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30 Nov 2018

Reason is a impenetrable fortress :puf_bigsmile:

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30 Nov 2018

Loque wrote:
30 Nov 2018
No sarcasm. Getting a free license for a DAW you can do some basic stuff is awesome... If you have access to iOS...
That would make sense, yes.

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30 Nov 2018

ReasonCrack.png (30.17 KiB) Viewed 25283 times
So he ran the exe and now things just don't seem right. And he can't find the Reason link.

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30 Nov 2018

splangie wrote:
30 Nov 2018

So he ran the exe and now things just don't seem right. And he can't find the Reason link.
If this guy is real, i guess the "right" things already installed now ;) :exclamation:
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30 Nov 2018

chimp_spanner wrote:
30 Nov 2018
Just out of interest why would you want to go back to 10.1 over 10.2? As far as I'm aware the only thing that changed is multi lane editing and adding mix channels directly to outputs. Plus the new "add device" options which I mean, I can take or leave!
Ha ha, yeah that "add device" link is pretty dumb, if you ask me. I dont think I have used it yet. Anyway, I wanted to do a performance test between 10.1 and 10.2. It feels like 10.2 is running much slower and I'm getting more CPU too slow messages. Could just be a coincidence or I could be out of my mind. I just wanted to test it.
splangie wrote: ↑
Fri Nov 30, 2018 8:24 pm

So he ran the exe and now things just don't seem right. And he can't find the Reason link.

If this guy is real, i guess the "right" things already installed now ;) :exclamation:
ha ha ha, exactly what I was thinking
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30 Nov 2018

I don't see that being real since FL12.5 hasn't even been cracked yet.
Reason, FLS and Cubase NFR user.

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