Europa VST/AU!!!!!

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30 May 2018

Struggling to see the negatives here. If props can make money to support Reason development by selling to non Reason users then that’s fantastic news for us, and for everyone tbh. More music for everyone.

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30 May 2018

jimmyklane wrote:
30 May 2018
fotizimo wrote:
30 May 2018
And a confirmation they are still active on the mobile version of Reason! Thor is a great instrument on my iPad and I could only imagine what a touch-friendly version of Reason would be like.
Didn’t they have a version for iPad only several years back? Or is that only ReBirth?
They have an IOS Rebirth, and Thor, but they are supposedly working on a full IOS/Mobile version of Reason, which as a mobile Win10 user, I would love to see something far more touch-friendly. You can't work with Reason in Win10 tablet mode as there is not "Tab" button to flip to the back.
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30 May 2018

seqoi wrote:
Ejectzero wrote:
30 May 2018
Well, there goes the benefit of having Reason 10.
Did you buy Reason for making music or for making benefit of having a synth which noone apart from Reason users have? I mean what the??
Did you know anyone with an iPad can use Thor? This is not the first port of a Reason synth to outside of Reason!

I got Reason to make music, btw…

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30 May 2018

europa font issue on win 8.jpg
europa font issue on win 8.jpg (97.46 KiB) Viewed 3087 times
I tried the demo: there seems to be a font issue on Windows 8.

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30 May 2018

Also, assuming the iOS app is some incarnation of Reason that's super exciting. I've all but abandoned my Air 2 as a means of making serious music (although it regularly finds use as a sampling source for my Reason synths). If I can chill on the couch with my iPad and make music even just using stock Reason 10 devices I will be over the moon. And, I'm guessing this exercise is PH flexing a bit and showing off the portability of the RE format. If it can work in a web browser and as a VST or AU, it can work on an iPad.

Let's see how this plays out!

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30 May 2018

esselfortium wrote:
30 May 2018
The Reason 10 update costs 129. Other DAW users being able to buy Europa for 149 or even 99 is not going to make your Reason 10 upgrade pointless. Come on.

This is an interesting surprise, and I hope it means they’re thinking of expanding the entire RE market to other DAWs. That could potentially be a great way to get developers to invest more in it.
Am I right in thinking you can upgrade Reason from version 5 and you can use a Keygen generated serial key for proof of purchase? I'm sure I heard someone say this once. If this is true, you could upgrade to Reason for less than the price of the VST and then get the free VST too for upgrading to 10. Even if this is not the case you can possibly find a license for an old version online for $20 and then upgrade.

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30 May 2018

rcbuse wrote:
30 May 2018
And a web playable version!
Thats pretty amazing!

Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at 7.17.07 AM.png
I've been saying this from the start. Propellerhead can make any RE available to try in the browser or as a VST (well, inputs / outputs permitting) without the developers making a single change in code or needing to think about it.

The mouse-over tips would make for a brilliant "beginner" mode in Reason. In fact, it would be brilliant if they allowed the stock synths and REs to be embedded into the browser for tutorials!!! You'll need to be logged into propellerhead of course.

On another note there's a slight bug where if you close Europa while holding down a key it continues playing. The only way to stop it is to launch the Europa player and click the offending key with the mouse.

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30 May 2018

raccoonboy wrote:
30 May 2018
Am I right in thinking you can upgrade Reason from version 5 and you can use a Keygen generated serial key for proof of purchase? I'm sure I heard someone say this once. If this is true, you could upgrade to Reason for less than the price of the VST and then get the free VST too for upgrading to 10. Even if this is not the case you can possibly find a license for an old version online for $20 and then upgrade.

When you purchased Reason (at least when I bought v3) you would receive a serial number with an additional (sort of) authorisation key. That's your proof of purchase and also what you need to register your serial number.

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30 May 2018

raccoonboy wrote:
30 May 2018
esselfortium wrote:
30 May 2018
The Reason 10 update costs 129. Other DAW users being able to buy Europa for 149 or even 99 is not going to make your Reason 10 upgrade pointless. Come on.

This is an interesting surprise, and I hope it means they’re thinking of expanding the entire RE market to other DAWs. That could potentially be a great way to get developers to invest more in it.
Am I right in thinking you can upgrade Reason from version 5 and you can use a Keygen generated serial key for proof of purchase? I'm sure I heard someone say this once. If this is true, you could upgrade to Reason for less than the price of the VST and then get the free VST too for upgrading to 10. Even if this is not the case you can possibly find a license for an old version online for $20 and then upgrade.
No you're not right on that one I'm afraid. To upgrade, they simply check the serial that's registered in their database, so cracks won't fly. Nice try though :D

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30 May 2018

WongoTheSane wrote:
30 May 2018
raccoonboy wrote:
30 May 2018

Am I right in thinking you can upgrade Reason from version 5 and you can use a Keygen generated serial key for proof of purchase? I'm sure I heard someone say this once. If this is true, you could upgrade to Reason for less than the price of the VST and then get the free VST too for upgrading to 10. Even if this is not the case you can possibly find a license for an old version online for $20 and then upgrade.
No you're not right on that one I'm afraid. To upgrade, they simply check the serial that's registered in their database, so cracks won't fly. Nice try though :D
Yeah. Thought that sounded too good to be true. I have Reason 8 anyway. Just was thinking for ways to get more noobs on board. But if they can buy a cheap-ass license and upgrade it will probably not cost much more than buying the VST.

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30 May 2018

Downloaded and pasted LN but nothing happens when I click ok, same splash screen. Anyone else.
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30 May 2018

I love this evolution. That could mean ... just think about ... they can offer a RE/VSTi bridge for other RE devs without further ado. If they implemented it this way. Wouldn't that be amazing? So RE devs you offer easy crossgrades and potentially attract more users for Reason.

Still looking forward to Reason mobile. This will be an instabuy :) Waiting for it since the introduced Figure
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30 May 2018

raccoonboy wrote:
30 May 2018
WongoTheSane wrote:
30 May 2018

No you're not right on that one I'm afraid. To upgrade, they simply check the serial that's registered in their database, so cracks won't fly. Nice try though :D
Yeah. Thought that sounded too good to be true. I have Reason 8 anyway. Just was thinking for ways to get more noobs on board. But if they can buy a cheap-ass license and upgrade it will probably not cost much more than buying the VST.
That's what yield management is. Overprice a service to draw customers to another cheaper option. If they mix that with viral marketing, they won't say so officially and will wait until word of mouth spreads the info: for almost the same price you get a full version of Reason. That's rather ingenious and I'm sure it's a very workable plan.

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30 May 2018

I think folk talking about Reason being available as a VST or somehow available in other DAWs are on the right track. Propellerhead are wanting to have a competing (and superior) format.

Think about it. The user purchases a bunch of REs. They get them also as a VST and AU for free, but the advantage of actually buying a proper license (RE) rather than just downloading a VST is that they can use the back of the device and interconnect them. This will encourage developers to develop REs because users are more likely to buy for the extra functionality.

Essentially you'll have two options if you buy an RE:
1. Load up the VST version in your DAW and use as normal.
2. Launch Rewire 2.0 (Reason in DAW) and a black box appears that looks suspiciously like Reason's Rack screen. Here you can use your RE formats and use all the interconnectivity between the devices. You'll even be able to launch patterns etc from your preferred DAW sequencer through Rewire 2.0.

Reason will win the format war!

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30 May 2018

seqoi wrote:
30 May 2018
jimmyklane wrote:
30 May 2018
By giving every other DAW user the access to this synth, I feel like I’ve gotten a little bit robbed of the uniqueness within Reason.
Oh my god. Uniqueness if any does not come out of Reason. You are responsible for developing that!!! you!!

Ah yes so better to blame application for the lack of something right?

What the hell??

People which defined musical genres they all used same synths yet they made timeless pieces. Imagine that each and every one of them demanded some unique synth uhm ok what the hell. I think this thread is not for me anymore i guess i have different point of view on that but take it as you want.

All these comments like "i feel i am not special anymore because everyone else can use Europa now" or "Reason universe is doomed because Europa is available to all people now" tell me that something creepy is going on and i don't want to be part of it.

Instead of praising their work and making incredible instrument available to everyone you guys are crying like kids because what? Person XY can make a sound. Ok.

If you did not realized that you need to play instrument, it does not play by itself - therefore you need to learn and develop your style and "uniqueness" - you are in the wrong train.

I think i am too old for this. Logging out.
Wow....what a vehement reaction!!! In approximately this order, things matter:

performance (and instrument if acoustic)
Production/sound choice or design

This can change based upon the song and genre, but in essence you are correct that the SYNTH doesn’t matter at all, within certain limits. Back in the 70’s there were “Moog guys” and “ARP guys”....that was the American sound and players like Herbie Hancock and Chick Corea stretched what you could do and play with a synth. You had guys like Keith Emerson that would bring Moog modulars up on stage (!!!) and play and patch those live.

I’ll be direct with you: to be attacked for my OPINION is offensive and rude. If you do not agree say so instead of calling me a “kid” and essentially telling me that I’m a poor musician because of an opinion on a forum. Don’t do that again, please.

I submit my soundcloud feed in my signature (which is me PLAYING AROUND) to prove that not only am so an excellent player and sound designer, but a capable musician, producer, engineer, and mixer. I already HAVE my own style, and it has nothing to do with Europa or any other synth, instead I was trying to state that I feel a little bit cheated because I bought in to Reason 10 partially for the new instruments....I already OWNED Reason for the express purpose of making music. I certainly don’t need YOU to tell ME what is important either to me or to music in general. By your reaction, I wonder if you’re even ON version 10? Perhaps you’re pleased you now have access without paying for the upgrade? (Does that feel nice for me to say those speculative things about you?)

If you have a personal problem with me or my statements I suggest you PM me. Until that time, do not speak to me in that manner again, please.
DAW: Reason 12

SAMPLERS: Akai MPC 2000, E-mu SP1200, E-Mu e5000Ultra, Ensoniq EPS 16+, Akai S950, Maschine

SYNTHS: Mostly classic Polysynths and more modern Monosynths. All are mostly food for my samplers!

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30 May 2018

WongoTheSane wrote:
30 May 2018
raccoonboy wrote:
30 May 2018

Yeah. Thought that sounded too good to be true. I have Reason 8 anyway. Just was thinking for ways to get more noobs on board. But if they can buy a cheap-ass license and upgrade it will probably not cost much more than buying the VST.
That's what yield management is. Overprice a service to draw customers to another cheaper option. If they mix that with viral marketing, they won't say so officially and will wait until word of mouth spreads the info: for almost the same price you get a full version of Reason. That's rather ingenious and I'm sure it's a very workable plan.
Just found a Reason 3 license on ebay for £12. haha. It's out in the open now!

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30 May 2018

Buried in Ernst's statement is that the web version is running the RE version. I really hope they have their web security model worked out well. If they do, perhaps there may be more REs in the browser to follow.
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30 May 2018

I wonder how many have already started tracks with Europa as a VST in Reason, just because they can. 😆
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30 May 2018

chimp_spanner wrote:
30 May 2018
Also, assuming the iOS app is some incarnation of Reason that's super exciting. I've all but abandoned my Air 2 as a means of making serious music (although it regularly finds use as a sampling source for my Reason synths). If I can chill on the couch with my iPad and make music even just using stock Reason 10 devices I will be over the moon. And, I'm guessing this exercise is PH flexing a bit and showing off the portability of the RE format. If it can work in a web browser and as a VST or AU, it can work on an iPad.

Let's see how this plays out!
AU is supported on iOS already in some form.
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30 May 2018

chimp_spanner wrote:
30 May 2018
Struggling to see the negatives here. If props can make money to support Reason development by selling to non Reason users then that’s fantastic news for us, and for everyone tbh. More music for everyone.
An Interesting question: if Reason is my DAW, what the heck am I going to DO with the VST version? I suppose it’s got the CV programmer built-in, since Europa isn’t a CV powerhouse like Thor for example. Has anybody gotten a read on what the comparison is between the two versions in terms of CPU usage? Same? Since they changed the graphics it makes me wonder if anything else changed just a little....
DAW: Reason 12

SAMPLERS: Akai MPC 2000, E-mu SP1200, E-Mu e5000Ultra, Ensoniq EPS 16+, Akai S950, Maschine

SYNTHS: Mostly classic Polysynths and more modern Monosynths. All are mostly food for my samplers!

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30 May 2018

This is GREAT! I hope we see all the Rack units and RE able to be used as VST. It would also be amazing to have a Rack VST that let you load up the REs and allow you to flip to the back and wire things up. Imagine being able to insert several Bridge Rack VSTs and interconnect them across tracks? Weeeee! I'm glad the new product managers aren't so close minded thinking ReWire and a terrible sequencer is enough. I tried Reason early on v2 or 3 and loved the concept but held off purchasing until 9.5 when they hinted they wouldn't be so close minded toward the real world of music production.
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30 May 2018

I just noticed that the patch browser for the VST wrapper in Reason's rack doesn't work! So I can't scroll through the VST's patches using my P4.
If you ain't hip to the rare Housequake, shut up already.


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30 May 2018

I'm thinking this could also make it easier for the Props to recruit developers.

"Looking for experienced VST developers wanting to expand knowledge to the RE format"

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30 May 2018

Lempface wrote:
30 May 2018
I tried Reason early on v2 or 3 and loved the concept but held off purchasing until 9.5 when they hinted they wouldn't be so close minded toward the real world of music production.
And I did the opposite...I bought into Reason since v1, when ReBirth was still a thing and had a dedicated rack device! I can’t count the number of projects I’ve produced where Reason was Rewired into another DAW and using refills like Reason Pianos, Strings, or Drums...all programmed extremely meticulously by hand, often in songs without a click was the reason that I began to expand my hardware setup from 2 samplers to what I have today, as the rack concept was so incredibly powerful and useful!

I’m not sure how it would work if Reason was a VST, but it would eliminate that annoying tendency to cut off the very first note in a sequence if it was placed at had to make the entire track begin at bar 2 in order to give Reason via Rewire time to “catch up”. Sort of like SMPTE striped on a tape!
DAW: Reason 12

SAMPLERS: Akai MPC 2000, E-mu SP1200, E-Mu e5000Ultra, Ensoniq EPS 16+, Akai S950, Maschine

SYNTHS: Mostly classic Polysynths and more modern Monosynths. All are mostly food for my samplers!

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