Do you read the ReasonTalk articles?

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Do you read the ReasonTalk articles?

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23 Feb 2018

hurricane wrote:
23 Feb 2018
QVprod wrote:
23 Feb 2018

It wouldn't be very smart for us to trash the very company our site is based around, and still expect to maintain the relationship we have with them.
And THERE is the conflict.

First and foremost, is this a neutral site or what?? You all make it seem like it is. But if it isn't then just come out with it already.

What kind of relationship do you have with them? How is Reasontalk benefiting from this "relationship"? What exactly would you be endangering if you were to be a bit more "balanced"? Propellerhead show up once in a blue moon.I haven't seen any exclusive content from them on this site. What exactly do you stand to lose?

All I would like to see is balance. Is that a ridiculous request?
One thing we do is host the Reason beta here. And that's pretty cool :)

We do try to offer some criticisms in what reviews that we do. Even Kenni ended his opinion piece with what he felt was needed in the subscription model. It sounds like what you're looking for is a review of something that we straight up don't like or hate even.

Again, we do strive to be neutral. See the Zvork interview as an example where he talks about his displeasure with the RE SDK. We don't censor anything. We do ask opinion questions. We publish what we have.

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23 Feb 2018

hurricane wrote:
23 Feb 2018
QVprod wrote:
23 Feb 2018

It wouldn't be very smart for us to trash the very company our site is based around, and still expect to maintain the relationship we have with them.
And THERE is the conflict.

First and foremost, is this a neutral site or what?? You all make it seem like it is. But if it isn't then just come out with it already.

What kind of relationship do you have with them? How is Reasontalk benefiting from this "relationship"? What exactly would you be endangering if you were to be a bit more "balanced"? Propellerhead show up once in a blue moon.I haven't seen any exclusive content from them on this site. What exactly do you stand to lose?

All I would like to see is balance. Is that a ridiculous request?
As of now, we host their beta test forums. We also get early information that allows us to not just post their press release but have interviews with them like this one ... on-option/. That's pretty exclusive. Keep in mind that ReasonTalk as a news site is still pretty new (maybe close to a year now) so you never know what other possibilities can open up. As far as neutrality... We're a website based around Reason... of course we're Propellerhead partial to some degree. We're fans, which automatically creates some sort of bias. That said, our content is completely based on our own opinions, and are not paid for. We attempt to be as neutral as possible. Our interviews are uncensored. If there is anything negative to be said about a product one of us reviews, I'm sure it will be included. I've personally done it for the review I did as well as any reviews I do in the future.

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23 Feb 2018

I read what I consider to be quality and original content, usually interviews with RE devs. I'm not at all interested in VSTs or new Refills. There are other places to read about VSTs. For a lot of content like the competitions, I can find this stuff in the forum. To be fair there is a shortage of actual news about the Reason universe, so it must be hard to find content.

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23 Feb 2018

Beyond the fact that we all want various features implemented in Reason which we all talk about literally any chance we get, the assumption is that everyone here basically likes Reason.
If you don't basically like Reason, continuing to use Reason and being active on a forum for Reason users is a weird act of masochism.

Reason 10 isn't enough to get me to upgrade because I'm fortunate to already have lots of lovely soft-synths that I don't use enough. I'm perfectly happy with that, and even so - when the time comes that I DO upgrade, I'm looking forward to having Europa and Grain to explore.

I don't really understand what your beef is, other than that everyone else isn't matching your passionate level of negativity (apparently a sure sign they have a hidden agenda.)

Again - we all want Reason to be better, BUT we also enjoy it, as it is.

The future is a mystery - one day, around some corner, with some new version, we might see all our pet features implemented pefectly. Or maybe, the wicked Verdane might suddenly pull a Cakewalk on us all and Reason will disappear into the digital night.
If you feel better spending lots of time moaning about Reason on a Reason forum in the hopes that the people who make Reason will see all your moaning and make Reason better, to some theoretical standard of improvement where you stop moaning about it... then do that. But it might be better to just try and enjoy it. Or get Logic.

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23 Feb 2018

"But I've invested a lot of money in Reason! If it doesn't improve, that's money down the drain! I, as the consumer, buy into this software in good faith, and the software company has a duty to......."

Mate, I once accidentally trod on a pair of glasses that cost almost as much as Reason. Let it go.

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23 Feb 2018

Hi hurricane (let's be honest, hi David Villa).

I'm aware of your agenda. Of course, if you want to conclude that we're a bunch of paid cheer leaders, all you have to do is twist your argument as such (which, in case ANYONE here is in doubt, is exactly what you're doing). This sort of negative thinking is the EXACT freaking reason why we don't sit down and spend time writing negative stuff. Simply because we're positive people, with the option to pick and choose what we want to write about. We opt for the positive side of things, simply because sitting down and writing in a negative state of mind is tedious at best.

As long as NOBODY is paying us for what we do, we write about what WE want to write about. Luckily, the RT staff are all about positive thinking and spending (too much) timing weighing for and against when considering even a single negative reply in the myriad of threads on these boards.

If you have an issue with that, stick to Computer Music Magazine et al. or stay quiet, support reasontalk, make a healthy donation including a direct request about what content YOU'D like to see. Then we'll do it in a heartbeat. As long as all you have to offer is this continuous stream of neglect of intellect I suggest you 1) talk to somebody who can help you appreciate the finer and more positive aspects of life or 2) make it worth our while, donate some money that makes it worth our while to write something very specific or 3) just make a healthy suggestion on the content side of things instead of these mind numbingly stupid rants and accusations.

It gets boring and deranks you, as per usual, as an intellectual worth multi-line replies.
Kenni Andruszkow

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23 Feb 2018


It's finally FINALLY refreshing to see the actual truth about what lies beneath Reasontalk's underlying agenda - maintain peace and positivity to maintain a friendly relationship with Propellerhead Software. Thus, you will never ever see an article intelligently criticizing anything Propellerhead do. Reviews and articles will lean heavily towards positivity, not because that is your preferred emotional state as a human, but rather to not perturb the chaps over at Propellerhead. So in essence, this is NOT a neutral site as I have suspected all along. This explains your heavy handedness when it comes to penalizing the people who come on here criticizing Propellerhead, and your unfair 'turning a blind eye' towards those defending them even when those people insult and demean the unfairly labeled "troublemakers/trolls".

So, are you going to ban me again without a single warning, like you did the first time?
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23 Feb 2018

I read them. I'm most into the interview type articles as i like to get an idea of the people behind the products. The recent one on Quixotic Sound Design by Teflon Tomb was interesting and had a bit of humour to boot... Made me much more interested in his output as a dev.
Nick Baxter
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23 Feb 2018

All those in favour of just not replying to hurricane ever say "aye"

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23 Feb 2018

hurricane wrote:
23 Feb 2018
It's finally FINALLY refreshing to see the actual truth about what lies beneath Reasontalk's underlying agenda...

This explains your heavy handedness when it comes to penalizing the people who come on here criticizing Propellerhead, and your unfair 'turning a blind eye' towards those defending them even when those people insult and demean the unfairly labeled "troublemakers/trolls".
Well, Columbo, you've finally cracked the case! I'd ask if you feel vindicated, but honestly I don't care so much.

I come here because I care about Reason, about using it, about working with it, about how to be better at it, about things I might be missing from my process. Your hard-hitting exposé work in no way contributes to any of this. I laughed out loud when you mentioned the forum "penalizing" people who are critical. Plenty of people are critical here, but the overriding reason we are here is because we like using the product. I am being penalized for coming here, because every time I open a thread to learn something new or maybe catch a little inspiration off what others are doing, there's ol' hurricane going on about how Reason is garbage and we're garbage people for liking it and the forum is garbage and REs are garbage and...

Seriously, if you're wondering why you get labelled a "troll", take a good hard look at your behaviour and how it might seem to others. I'm just here to learn about something I already love, dude. Your M.O. seems to reside entirely around trashing Reason on this forum. I get it. I heard you. Most of us have. Many have engaged with you, only to have it thrown back in their faces, it seems.

There are plenty of products I use by necessity that I think are garbage, be it work hardware/software, certain websites, etc. But it seems a tremendous waste of energy to spend my resources on going to their website and griping in every thread about how the product is garbage. It's a bad use of my time and energy, and it is actively having a negative effect on others.

I'm not some moderator with a so-called agenda. I'm just here because I want to learn and I believe that most people here, yourself included, have something to teach me about the product I love. For what it's worth, I liked that brief respite where you were posting music and not simply going on about how everything Reason-related is awful.

Anyway, take care, man. I don't know why you're so upset, so angry, and so focused on what is wrong with software, when there is so much tangibly wrong out there in the world, but hope you find some peace with it.

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23 Feb 2018

Some people just work hard on being viewed as the idiot they themselves think they are. It's a shame because they all seem to have eloquence in common.

If they could put it to better use than this obvious trolling, they could contribute with content for the news site instead. :)

Anyway, we're glad to see that some of our content is being read!
Kenni Andruszkow

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23 Feb 2018

I never expected a Hardball or The O'Reilly Factor kind of reporting at old ReasonTalk. I always assumed this was a Reason-fan run site basically. So to me, it only makes sense if this forum is friendly to Propellerhead and all the developers. Also, I don't expect complete objectivity from people who all openly and admittedly not only use Reason, but are fans who celebrate the software.

I feel like, whoever runs the site can run it anyway he/she/they pleases. If I thought an admin/mod was being too harsh (not that I think they have been), then I would quietly say to myself, "Welp, it's their site. They can be as harsh or biased as they want." Then I would move on to the next thread.

In other words, if ReasonTalk is biased, then it doesn't surprise me, and it doesn't offend me, and it actually makes sense to me. But, I've seen many examples of mods/devs make some very potent and critical statements about Reason/Propellerhead. I've even been surprised at how point blank some of the forum elders (respectively) have been about issues they've had with Reason/Props. So, it's not ALL sunshine and rainbows from the ReasonTalk staff. I think they are quite reasonably frank and honest about their own personal gripes with Reason/Props.

It doesn't bother me if ReasonTalk focuses on things it likes, rather than Refills or Res it doesn't like. I always thought the lesser Refills and Re's would just recede into the background, while the supperior ones would rise to the top of everyone's consciousness, just by way of natural forces.

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23 Feb 2018

No. Have the forum bookmarked, click on new posts and read what I might find interesting.
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24 Feb 2018

TheGodOfRainbows wrote:
23 Feb 2018
I never expected a Hardball or The O'Reilly Factor kind of reporting at old ReasonTalk. I always assumed this was a Reason-fan run site basically. So to me, it only makes sense if this forum is friendly to Propellerhead and all the developers. Also, I don't expect complete objectivity from people who all openly and admittedly not only use Reason, but are fans who celebrate the software.

I feel like, whoever runs the site can run it anyway he/she/they pleases. If I thought an admin/mod was being too harsh (not that I think they have been), then I would quietly say to myself, "Welp, it's their site. They can be as harsh or biased as they want." Then I would move on to the next thread.

In other words, if ReasonTalk is biased, then it doesn't surprise me, and it doesn't offend me, and it actually makes sense to me. But, I've seen many examples of mods/devs make some very potent and critical statements about Reason/Propellerhead. I've even been surprised at how point blank some of the forum elders (respectively) have been about issues they've had with Reason/Props. So, it's not ALL sunshine and rainbows from the ReasonTalk staff. I think they are quite reasonably frank and honest about their own personal gripes with Reason/Props.

It doesn't bother me if ReasonTalk focuses on things it likes, rather than Refills or Res it doesn't like. I always thought the lesser Refills and Re's would just recede into the background, while the supperior ones would rise to the top of everyone's consciousness, just by way of natural forces.
Complete agreement with GodofRainbows here, this is a site for reason users & lovers so it's to be expected that there won't be too much criticism. I mean, I've trialled a whole lot of RE's that I passed by because I didn't feel they added much. I didn't really feel the need to post about them particularly. If you follow what is posted about most often on the forum, it's quite easy to figure out what the best and most popular RE's and refills are.
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26 Feb 2018

Forgot to answer the OP question. Yes! I read most articles (more than sometimes). As I think has been mentioned, I'd like more articles on things like workflow tips, Reason specific tricks, as well as general productions guidelines and practices.

I like practical information. I feel I never get enough mixing and mastering tips, despite how many videos and other forum resources there are on the subject. Sometimes I need to see/hear several different people's advice on the same subject because depending on how the information is being presented, something will click with me, where it might not have via another person's perspective on the matter.

I'm a pretty committed Reason user, so I want for this forum to build up it's own foundation in everything from the basics, to advanced techniques ever more.

I like the idea of forum members contributing and would love to see a lot more of that.

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26 Feb 2018

TheGodOfRainbows wrote:
26 Feb 2018
Forgot to answer the OP question. Yes! I read most articles (more than sometimes). As I think has been mentioned, I'd like more articles on things like workflow tips, Reason specific tricks, as well as general productions guidelines and practices.

I like practical information. I feel I never get enough mixing and mastering tips, despite how many videos and other forum resources there are on the subject. Sometimes I need to see/hear several different people's advice on the same subject because depending on how the information is being presented, something will click with me, where it might not have via another person's perspective on the matter.

I'm a pretty committed Reason user, so I want for this forum to build up it's own foundation in everything from the basics, to advanced techniques ever more.

I like the idea of forum members contributing and would love to see a lot more of that.
That just reminds me that it's the very reason why I joined ReasonTalk in the first place: tips and tricks, tutorials, etc. Then I became a mod by sheer luck - the gods were smiling on me that day - (all right, I'm atheist but "the hydrogen atoms were smiling on me" just doesn't ring as nice), right when kenni decided to create the www site, primarily as a repository for those tips and tutorials that had already been posted here.

At that time, we asked ourselves: who's going to scrape the forums for all those techniques, and present them in a convenient, sorted, searchable way? Everybody took a step back because that's a huge undertaking and we all have an IRL to attend to, so we decided that, until we had enough time, we could already fill the site with new tips and tutorials, and why not add interviews, and chronicle new Rack Extensions, etc, and that's pretty much what we have today.

Hence Joey's call for contributors a few months ago (viewtopic.php?f=4&t=7501936). After all, we being mods doesn't mean we're the most qualified to write said tips, nor that we would be prolific or savvy enough to supply the community with an endless stream of excellent and original techniques. We've been lucky, recently, to have excellent contributors join us: Mike McKew, modecca, Evan (StockMusicMusician) and a couple more that I won't spoil because they haven't published yet, but I'm sure you'll be very pleasantly surprised. They help us a lot with good new content.

Yet, there's one part of the content that we need to address: the short tips, much like PH used to do a while ago. We all love them, and we all want more of them, clearly. We have discussed this a lot, and we have an idea that still needs to be ironed out, but which essentially goes like this: each of us know shortcuts, workarounds, tricks, that we take for granted but that others don't know. Yet, we often don't bother to post them, for fear of being put down by the "I knew this already" types, for lack of time, or laziness.

So, the plan would be to ask all members (mail? pm? other? we don't know yet) a couple of questions like "what's your favorite shortcut", "what's your favorite trick", etc, and then highlight them on the site, until we have the biggest resource on earth of fun stuff to do with Reason. :)

Again, we're toying with the idea, it isn't ready for prime time yet, but it's in the making, and (checks list) "we hear you". ;)

On an unrelated note, CaliforniaBurrito recently posted a two hours session of him composing a song. I watched it all and loved it, I find fascinating to see other people compose/mix music in a different way. Anyone else interested in that? Anyone else volunteer to film their sessions?

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26 Feb 2018

I like the tips idea. Not so fond of stuff that seems like extended PR packages... The more original you guys can be the more value is added.


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